Image of Sangeet Natak Akademi

Right to Information

Sr.NO Financial Year Center Public Information Officers ( CPIO) First Appellate Authority (FAA) Contact Details
1 2023-24 Shri Tej Swarup Trivedi, Assistant Director (OL) Shri Raju Das, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: rajbhasha[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
2 2023-24 Shri Ankur Acharya, Deputy Secretary (Publication) - till 18 April 2023 Shri Raju Das, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: publication[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
3 2022-23 Shri Ankur Acharya, Deputy Secretary (Publication) - till 18 April 2023 Shri Aniesh P. Rajan, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: publication[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
4 2021-22 Shri Ankur Acharya, Deputy Secretary (Publication) Smt. Tem Sunaro Jamir Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: publication[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
5 2021-22 Smt. Vinodi Sharma, Deputy Secretary (Coordination) - till 19 August 2021 Smt. Tem Sunaro Jamir, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
6 2020-21 Smt. Vinodi Sharma, Deputy Secretary (Coordination) Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
7 2019-20 Smt. Vinodi Sharma, Deputy Secretary (Administration) Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
8 2018-19 Smt. Vinodi Sharma, Deputy Secretary (Administration) Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
9 2017-18 Smt. Trilochan Bhatia, Deputy Secretary (Administration) Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
10 2016-17 Shri P. K. Shukla, Deputy Secretary (Coordination) Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
11 2015-16 Smt. Trilochan Bhatia, Deputy Secretary (Coordination) Smt. Helen Acharya, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
12 2014-15 Smt. Trilochan Bhatia, Deputy Secretary (Coordination) Smt. Helen Acharya, Secretary Phone: +91-1123387246,
Email: coordination[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in
1 RTI-82/2023-24 Md. Afsar Barik Colony, Alagdiha, Romi, Pelawal, KatkamsaandiHazaribagh Jharkhand - 825319 Email ID: mdwahidsarwar[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No. SANAK/R/T/24/00006 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/E/24/00077 dated 26.03.2024 Can you confirm the total number of artists selected for the Akademi Awards for the year 2022 and 2023 How many artists were awarded jointly What criteria were used for the selection of awardees. Is there any provision for recognizing posthumous contributions in the awards selection process. Can you provide a list of the 91 artists who attended the award ceremony. Were there any dignitaries or guests present at the ceremony besides President Smt. Dhroupadi Murmu. Can you specify the names of the three artists who were unable to attend due to health reasons What measures are being taken by the Akademi to ensure the delivery of plaques and other award materials to the absent artists. Are there any plans to publicity acknowledge the achievement of the absent artists? Has the akademi faced similar situations in previous award ceremonies, and if so, how were they addressed? How does the Akademi ensure transparency and farirness in the award selection process? Can you provide details on the scheduling and planning of the award ceremony. Were there any performances or cultural events held as part of the ceremony? How were the artists and their work showcased during the ceremony? What steps are being taken to promote the works of the awarded artists to a wider audience? Are there any upcoming events or initiatives planned by the Sangeet Natak Akademi to celebrate the achievements of Indian artists? How does the Akademi support and encourage emerging talent in the field of performing arts? Can you provide information on any collaborations or partnerships the Akademi has with other cultural institutions or organizations? How does the Akademi engage with the public to raise awareness about traditional and contemporary Indian performing arts? Finally, is there a platform or website where the public can access more information about the Sangeet Natak Akademi and its activities 2024-03-26 2024-03-28 29.04.2024
2 RTI-81/2023-24 Shri Rajarajan Medical College Road, Thanjavur Taluk, Tamilnadu Email ID: Reg. No. SANAK/R/E/24/00008 dated 16.03.2024 Whether the Sangeet Natak Akademi has categorized the Vanishing arts forms from folk and Tribal performing arts? If any, please provide the list of Vanishing Folk and Tribal art Forms? 2024-07-16 2024-03-16 22.03.2024
3 RTI-80/2023-24 श्री अभिषेक कटारिया 69/4ए, डीआईडेड एरिया सेक्टर – 2, टाइप –III काली बाड़ी मार्ग, नई दिल्ली - 110001 Admn./2-22-Estt./OP/2022-23/3080dated 12.09.2022 का संदर्भ ले। 2 आरक्षित बिन्दुओं को जनरल वर्ग से भरने के लिए एमओसी की सहमति/अनुमोदन प्राप्त कर लिया गया था? यहि हा तो कृपया सहमति पत्र की कापी दें। जिसमें यह उल्लेख किया गया हो कि यह point SC/ST के है। यहि नहीं तो अकादेमी को किसने यह स्वीकृती दी की 2 आरक्षित बिन्दुओं को सामान्य वर्ग के कर्मचारी को दे दो, उस अधिकारी का नाम साथ ही इसे लागू करने का कारण बताएं। जब दो आरक्षित पद (1 point SC/1 point ST) 2010/2011 से खाली थे तो मुझे SC Candidates को सहायक के पद पर तदर्थ (Ad-Hoc) पदोन्नति देने का कारण बताएं, जबकि मुझे 2011 से सहायक पद का 4200 ग्रेड मिल रहा था और 2006 से 2011 तक 6 साल भी हो गये थे। कृपया बतायें। 22.06.2022 के एक कार्यालय में कहा गया कि 22.06.2022 से रानी केन को नियमित किया जाता है। रोस्टर के अनुसार इन दोनो कर्मचारियों राकेश बतरा को 2010 से और अनिल गोयल को 2011 से सहायक के आरक्षित बिन्दुओं पर किस नियम के तहत नियमित किया गया। कृपया बताये। श्री शैलेन्द्र वदन जो ADO पर contractual थे तो उन्हे नियमित किस आधार पर किया गया । बतायें। श्री शैलेन्द्र वदन को D.O पर पदोन्नत कर दिया गया वह भी (back date) 2014 से जबकि 2010 से यह पद श्री जयंत चौधरी को against Deputy Curator दिया हुआ था। तो श्री वदन कैसे D.O के पद के लिए eligible हो गये जबकि ADO पर contractual थे। Minutes of Selection Committee with noting प्रदान करने कृपा करे। एक ही पद का दो कर्माचरियों/अधिकारियों को एक ही समय में वेतन दिया जा सकता है। बताएं, श्री वदन को कितना एरियर मिला है कृपया यह भी विस्तार से बताये। मैंने पहले भी मांगा था अब फिर मांग रही हूँ कि 7 वें वेतन आयोग के तहत मुझे उन सभी सहायक और अनुभाग अधिकारी की वेतन निर्धारण (pay fixation with noting) की सभी कापी देने की कृपया करे। अगर यह विस्तृत है तो मैं (per page) के हिसाब से जो फीस होगी देने के लिए तैयार हूँ। श्री अनिल गोयल 2017 में सीनियर क्लर्क (कैशियर) जो strength post के पद पर संविदात्मक थे तो वह 2011 में नियमित कैसे हो गये वह भी आरक्षित पद पर बताएं। साक्ष्य के लिए इसमें मैं दो आर्डर एक श्री अनिल गोयल और दूसरा श्रीमती बबीता का लगा रही हूँ जिसमें NFS पर पदोन्नत किया है कृपया देखे और स्पष्ट करें। 2024-03-11 2024-03-11 10.04.2024
4 RTI-79/2023-24 Shri Waheed Jeelani Jeelani House Lane B, Qaraar Enclave, Malik Bagh Wanbal Rawalpora Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir - 190019 Mobile No. 9419056700 Grounds for awarding the Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar 2022-2023 to Shri Gulzar Ahmad Bhat, considering his age being above 40 years and his lack of professional qualifications or background in performing arts. Basis for selecting Shri Gulzar Ahmad as a Guru under the Guru Shishya Parampara scheme, especially in light of leaving out legendary gurus of Kashmiri music, and his purported role as an organizer/event manager rather than a practitioner of any performing art forms. Authentic, attested copies of age proof certificate, preferably matriculation (10th class) certificate and academic/professional qualifications certificates submitted by Shri Gulzar Ahmad Bhat that rendered him eligible for the aforementioned honours. Copies of recommendations, if any, from jammu and Kashmir govt./Central Govt./any reputed cultural organization or an individual received by your department in favour of Shri Gulzar Ahmad Bhat for the same purpose. 2024-02-29 2024-03-04 22.03.2024 24.04.2024
5 RTI-78/2023-24 Shri Waheed Jeelani Jeelani House Lane B, Qaraar Enclave, Malik Bagh Wanbal Rawalpora Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir - 190019 Mobile No. 9419056700 Email: waheedjeelani111[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/24/00007 dated 29.02.2024 Grounds for awarding the Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar 2022-2023 to Shri Gulzar Ahmad Bhat, considering his age being above 40 years and his lack of professional qualifications or background in performing arts. Basis for selecting Shri Gulzar Ahmad as a Guru under the Guru Shishya Parampara scheme, especially in light of leaving out legendary gurus of Kashmiri music, and his purported role as an organizer/event manager rather than a practitioner of any performing art forms. Authentic, attested copies of age proof certificate, preferably matriculation (10th class) certificate and academic/professional qualifications certificates submitted by Shri Gulzar Ahmad Bhat that rendered him eligible for the aforementioned honours. Copies of recommendations, if any, from jammu and Kashmir govt./Central Govt./any reputed cultural organization or an individual received by your department in favour of Shri Gulzar Ahmad Bhat for the same purpose. 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 22.03.2024 24.04.2024
6 RTI-77/2023-24 Shri Fayaz Ahmad Chadoora Bugam, Jammu and Kashmir - 191113 Mobile No. 8899969719 Email: valleyfolktheatrehg[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/24/00006 dated 29.02.2024 I am Secretary Valley Folk Theatre request I have submitted grant application form for the year 2022-23 but not sanctioned, now I need the rejected reason of the financial assistance on urgent basis 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 18.03.2024
7 RTI-76/2023-24 Shri Fayaz Ahmad Chadoora Bugam, Jammu and Kashmir - 191113 Mobile No. 8899969719 Email: valleyfolktheatrehg[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/24/00005 dated 29.02.2024 I am Secretary Valley Folk Theatre request I have submitted grant application form for the year 2022-23 but not sanctioned, now I need the rejected reason of the financial assistance on urgent basis 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 18.03.2024 31.05.2024
8 RTI-76/2023-24 Shri Fayaz Ahmad Chadoora Bugam, Jammu and Kashmir - 191113 Mobile No. 8899969719 Email: valleyfolktheatrehg[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/24/00005 dated 29.02.2024 I am Secretary Valley Folk Theatre request I have submitted grant application form for the year 2022-23 but not sanctioned, now I need the rejected reason of the financial assistance on urgent basis 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 18.03.2024 31.05.2024
9 RTI-75/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/T/24/00005 Transferred from Controller General of Acco Copy of Complete Internal Audit Report of Sangeet Natak Akademi Ministry of Culture conducted in November 2019. Copy of Complete Internal Audit Report of Sangeet Natak Akademi Ministry of Culture conducted in October 2022 2024-02-22 2024-04-26 18.03.2024 06.04.2024
10 RTI-74/2023-24 Shri Prashant Dhasal Saiprasad CHS, Sector 48, D-6-14 Seawoods, Navi Mumbai – 400706 Maharashtra Mobile No: 7977877675 Email: dhasal[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. no. SANAK/R/T/24/00004 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/E/23/00046/3 dated 1 Provide certified copies of documents available on record where the word (“Sanatan”, "सनातन” ) was added in religions like Hinduism. Kindly provide inscriptions, monument-related records, discussions and deliberation in Govt of India approved-authorized books, manuscripts copy, details associated with period when it’s discovered for the first time and is available in the record of Ministry of culture. In Buddhism same word is found & mentioned in Dhammapada Verse 5 (Kalayakkhini Vatthu) hence provide Certified copies associated with details and meaning of "ES DHAMMO SANANTANO (एस धम्मो सनंतनो)" available on record. Details associated with the period when "ES DHAMMO SANANTANO (एस धम्मो सनंतनो)" was first discovered or recognized within the context of Dhammapada or Buddhist literature. Certified copies of any official documents, monument-related records, manuscripts, or records available in the Ministry of Culture's archives regarding the phrase "ES DHAMMO SANANTANO (एस धम्मो सनंतनो)". Certified copies associated with the originality of the word "सनातन" if it is used in other religions apart from Buddhism or present in other religious scriptures such as Hinduism, Vedic Literature, Jainism, or Islamic literature. 2024-02-15 2024-02-15 27.02.2024
11 RTI-73/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/24/00004 dated 13.02.2024 Request for arranging the inspection of File i.r.t. Vacancy Advertisement No. 320 published on BECIL Website for the post of Social Media Coordinator, Content Writer, Graphic Designer and Photographer cum Video Editor for which last date was 23.05.2023. 2024-02-13 2024-02-17 18.03.2024 10.04.2024 29.04.2024
12 RTI-72/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/24/00003 dated 13.02.2024 Certified Copy of the 1986 Recruitment Rules for the Post of Deputy Secretary Dance, Deputy Secretary Documentation, Assistant Documentation Officer ADO, Programme Officer Music and Library & Information Assistant LI&A. Complete File Noting for the Advertisement i.r.t. Deputy Secretary Dance Post for which Last Date was 07.05.2023. Complete File Noting for the Advertisement i.r.t. Deputy Secretary Dance Post for which Last Date was 01.01.2024. Complete File Noting for the Advertisement i.r.t. Deputy Secretary Documentation Post for which Last Date was 16.01.2024. 2024-04-13 2024-02-13 29.04.2024 29.05.2024
13 RTI-71/2023-24 Ms Rashmi S 153, Kohat Enclave Pitampura New Delhi - 110034 Email ID: Rashmi19920501[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No. SANAK/R/T/24/00003 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/E/24/00042 dated 12.02.2024 Name and corresponding salary of all the contractual employees in your department. How the salaries of contractual employees gets determined. What is the policy followed for determining the pay of contractual employees. What is the minimum salary of an employee which is being paid by your department and to whom ? Does your department follows the minimum wages guidelines issued on regular intervals by the Labour Commissioner, Govt of NCT of Delhi ? 2024-02-12 2024-02-12 22.03.2024
14 RTI-70/2023-24 Shri Ramesh Barnawal 3422, 2nd Floor, Aryapura Near Balaknath Mandir Subji Mandi Ghanta Ghar Delhi - 110007 What was total budget of SNA in Financial Year 2022-23 According to Department of Personal and Training F.No. AB-14017/14/2018-Estt. (RR) (3139661) dated 08th May, 2018, it is very important for every ministry and department to revise their recruitment rules after every 5 years. In this regard, please explain since when have the recruitment rules in the Sangeet Natak Academy not been revised? What action is being taken to update Recruitment Rules in the Sangeet Natak Academy? Has the staff of SNA ever traveled by air for official work without entitlement in 2023-24? If yes, has any special approval been taken from Ministry for this? 2024-02-09 2024-02-09 01.03.2024
15 RTI-69/2023-24 Mr. Antareep Maity 76/5 Thakur Ramkrishna Lane, Howrah – 711104 West Bangal Mobile No: 9007023216 Email ID: antareepmaity1977[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No. SANAK/R/T/24/00002 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/E/23/00480 dated 07.02.202 Sri Antareep Maity am a Physically Disabled Person of the India & a Ex-Private Student of INDIAN CLASSICAL MUSIC at ITC SANGEET RESEARCH ACADEMY by Pandit Arun Bhaduri residing at 76/5 Thakur Ramakrishna Lane, Howrah – 711104, I want to know about the facilities & benefits in the program which operates in Howrah, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 19.02.2024
16 RTI-68/2023-24 Ahamed Meera Thamby S/o Farook, Door No 3-E, Tiruchendur Road East, Opposite K.M.T Hospital, Samu Zulaiha House Kayalpatnam – 628204 Tamilnadu Mobile No: 9446622036 Email ID: meeranblue[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No. SANAK/R/E/24/00002 Dated 18.01.2024 State the name and address of the Central Public Information Officer for Sangeet Natak Akademi. State the name and address of the First Appellate Authority for Sangeet Natak Akademi. State the name and address of the Second Appellate Authority for Sangeet Natak Akademi. 2024-01-18 2024-01-18 31.01.2024
17 RTI-67/2023-24 Ms Manuhar Joshi 1531, Wazir Nagar, Kotla, Mubarakpur, South Extension Part – 2 , New Delhi Mobile no: 9602189928 Email ID: joshimanuhar02[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No. SANAK/R/E/24/00001 dated 14.01.2024 RTI Application forwarded to Kathak Kendra, New Delhi Details of the fund provided by the Government to the kathak Kendra for the welfare of students. The last educational trip of students for their development and why is it not continuing. Information regarding changes made by authority in half yearly. Information about how marks wre divided in half yearly examination. Information about the funds issued by ministry and allocation of funds for dikshant samaroh, 2023 Changes made in home allowance for students. 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 Information provided by CPIO, Kathak Kendra on 09.02.2024
18 RTI-66/2023-24 M/s Nilu Rathore 76, Anandpuri, Kidwai Nagar Kanpur निवेदन है कि संस्था को जानकारी देने की कृपा करे कि महिला उत्थान समिति पोस्ट जैदपुर, वाराणसी, उत्तर प्रदेश का प्रस्तुत नाटक क्षेत्र में अनुदान हेतु प्रस्तुति सहित कई माह पूर्व भेजा गया था। भारतीय ग्रामीण जन सेवा समिति जिला ललितपुर उत्तर प्रदेश का प्रस्ताव अनुदान (नाटक क्षेत्र) में आपके यहाँ भेजा गया था। उपरोक्त प्रस्ताव को अनुदान स्वीकृत हेतु मीटिंग कब तक होगी अगर हो गई तो उपरोक्त को कितना-कितना अनुदान मिला है। 2024-01-05 2024-01-08 30.01.2024
19 RTI-65/2023-24 Shri Manish Rathore C 311, Block C, Mahesh Nagar, Behind Health Hospital, Jaipur – 302015, Rajasthan Mobile No: 7976318600 Email: aryamanishrathore[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. no. SANAK/R/T/24/00001 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/E/23/ The spread of Suharavardi sufi sect was mostly limited to which states? The spread of Suharavardi sufi sect was mostly limited to sindh, multan, punjab, is this statement true or false? The spread of Suharavardi sufi sect was mostly limited to sindh, punjab, Bangal is this statement true or false? The spread of Suharavardi sufi sect was not mostly limited to sindh, punjab, but the spread of suharavardi sufi sect was also in Bihar, Bangal, is this statement true? The spread of Suharavardi sufi sect was mostly limited to which more states except sidh, multan, punjab? 2024-01-08 2024-01-10 31.01.2024
20 RTI-64/2023-24 Dr. Manju Kumari C/o Mr. Prahalad Kumar C-60, 3rd Floor, ‘ Kendriy Vihar, Sector – 51, Noida, Gautam Buddhanagar – 201301 Uttar Pradesh Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide letter No: Akd-19/45/2023 Akad./18 dated 08.01.2024 There is a project of Ministry of Culture named National Centre for performing Arts/National Museum of performing Arts at New Delhi included in XIth Five Year plan. Kindly let me know the status of this project. Under this head how much fund is allocated annually to Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi, Kindly provide a copy of the same. In this connection any letter has been written to Delhi Development Authority for acquisition of land. If so, copy may also be provided. Setting up an audio visual archive was be accorded priority as per the XI five year plan for preserving precious heritage of India’s best performers and artistes to restored for posterity. Kindly provide the status of Audio Visual archive proposal as well as allocation of fund in this regard to Sangeet Natak Akademi. 2023-11-17 2024-01-10 16.02.2024
21 RTI-20/2023-24 Shri Kunwar Singh E/02/508, Dhanbad Pin: 826001 Jharkhand Mobile No: 9304537594 Email ID: samratup[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No. SANAK/R/T/23/00006 dated 30.06.2023 Electronically transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference number MCULT/R/E/23/00224 Dated 30 Give complete information about all cultural and classical and folk dance. 2023-06-30 2023-07-03 20.07.2023
22 RTI-19/2023-24 Shri Gaurav Sinha Naya Tola Bhikhanpur, Gumti No. 1 Bhagalpur, Pin: 812001, Bihar Mobile No: 9931824123 Email ID: gauravsinhaaa.1990[at]gmail[dot]com Electronically transferred by Ministry of Culture vide reference number MCULT/R/T/23/00073 Dated 17/04/2023 Kindly Provide me the details of all the cultural events, mohotsavas, foundation days list with date and venues, Ministry of Arts and Culture has recently launched the calendar for the year 2023-24. 2023-04-17 2023-06-30 03.07.2023
23 RTI-18/2023-24 Shri Dr Devashish Bhattacharya 16/338 kali Badi, Near S.N. Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh Pin: 282003 Mobile: 9456091472 E-mail: bhattacharyadevashish827@Gmail.Com Reg. number-SANAK/R/T/23/00005 Dated 26.06.2023 Electronically Transferred from Mini Give information about the discovery of Mridang Give information about the relationship with the deity of Mridangism Give information about the most accomplished person in Mridang playing Give information when Mridang playing started Give information about the discovery of sitar playing Give information about the relation of sitar playing with DEITY Give information about the most accomplished person in sitar playing Give information about the beginning of sitar playing 2023-06-26 2023-06-26 13.07.2023
24 RTI-17/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad-201009 Uttar Pradesh There are below-Designation Sanctioned posts of different Designation in the Sangeet Natak Akademi by the Government of India (GoI). Please provide name of person working on the post below-Designation/Date of Vacant of the below-Designations post as below in table: 2023-06-16 2023-06-16 12.07.2023 04.09.2023
25 RTI-16/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad-201009 Uttar Pradesh There are 4 Sanctioned Posts of Steno-Typist in the Sangeet Natak Akademi by the Government of India (GoI). Please provide name of person working on the post of Steno-Typist/Date of Vacant of the Steno-Typist post as below in table: 2023-06-16 2023-06-16 10.07.2023
26 RTI-15/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad-201009 Uttar Pradesh There are 07 Sanctioned Posts of Stenographer in the Sangeet Natak Akademi by the Government of India (GoI). Please provide name of person working on the post Stenographer/Date of Vacant of the Stenographer post as below in table: 2023-06-16 2023-06-16 10.07.2023
27 RTI-14/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad-201009 Uttar Pradesh There are 16 Sanctioned Posts of Senior Clerk including Sr. Clerk-cum-Telex Operator and Receptionist-cum-Telephone Operator in the Sangeet Natak Akademi by the Government of India (GoI). Please provide name of person working on the post Senior Clerk including Sr. Clerk-cum-Telex Operator and Receiptionist-cum-Telephone Operator/Date of Vacant of the Senior Clerk including Senior Clerk-cum-Telex Operator and Receptionist-cum-Telephone Operator post as below in table: 2023-06-16 2023-06-16 10.07.2023 04.09.2023
28 RTI-13/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad-201009 Uttar Pradesh Name of the Consultant (RTI Matters) appointed i.r.t. Advertisement issued in 2018, Copy of the Advertisement is annexed herewith and marked as page no.1 Please provide Time period i.e. Month/Year to Month/Year on which above-stated Consultant (RTI Matters) worked in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Please provide Total Amount of Salary gave to above-stated Consultant (RTI Matters) worked in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). 2023-06-16 2023-06-16 13.07.2023
29 RTI-12/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad-201009 Uttar Pradesh There are 11 Sanctioned Posts of Assistant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi by the Government of India (GoI). Please provide name of person working on the post of Assistant/Date of Vacant of the Assistant post as below in table: 2023-06-16 2023-06-16 10.07.2023
30 RTI-11/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad-201009 Uttar Pradesh There are 7 Sanctioned Posts of Junior Clerk-cum-typist/Hindi Typist in the Sangeet Natak Akademi by the Government of India (GoI). Please provide name of person working on the post of Junior clerk-cum-Typist/Hindi Typist/Date of Vacant of the Junior Clerk-cum-Typist/Hindi Typist post as below in table: 2023-06-16 2023-06-17 12.07.2023 04.09.2023
31 RTI-10/2023-24 श्री विशाल सिंह (एडवोकेट) डी 4 वर्षा कॉन्वेट स्कूल के पास काशीपुर मुरार, ग्वालियर मध्य प्रदेश संगीत नाटक अकादेमी द्वारा प्रदान किया जाने वाले बिस्मिल्लाह खान युवा पुरस्कार हेतु किन योग्यताओं की आवश्यकता होती हैं जानकारी की सत्यापित छायाप्रति उपलब्ध करावें। अमृत युवा कलोत्सव 2022-23 श्री शंकराचार्य संस्कृत विश्विधालय में आयोजित 2021 विस्मिल्लाह खान युवा पुरस्कार विजेता के अंतर्गत 2,3,4 मार्च 2023 में कुल कितनी संस्थाओं की भागीदारी रही सभी संस्थाओं के नाम, निर्देशक का नाम, एवं सम्पूर्ण दल की सूची सहित जानकारी की सत्यापित छायाप्रति उपलब्ध करावें। अमृत युवा कलोत्सव 2022-23 संगीत नाटक अकादेमी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा 2,3,4 मार्च 2023 हेतु कुल कितनी राशि स्वीकृत हुई एवं दलों को कितनी राशि का भुगतान किया गया संपूर्ण जानकारी सत्यापित छायाप्रति उपलब्ध करावें। अमृत युवा कलोत्सव 2022-23 श्री शंकराचार्य संस्कृत विश्विधालय में आयोजित 2021 बिस्मिल्लाह खान युवा पुरस्कार विजेता के अंतर्गत 2,3,4 मार्च 2023 में सम्मिलित सभी संस्थाओं द्वारा किये गये समायोजन की सत्यापित छायाप्रति उपलब्ध करावें। 2023-06-01 2023-07-05 05.07.2023 31.07.2023
32 RTI-09/2023-24 Shri Sujay Sah Village-Bagaha, Post-Bagaha, Ward Number-11, Police-Kanhauli, Block-Sonavarsa, District-Samastipur, Bihar: 843332 Mobile No: 9162632345 Email: sujaysah422[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. no. SANAK/R/T/23/00004 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide refer 01. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all schools, colleges and universities run by the Government of India (recognised). Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 02. All schools, colleges and universities run by the Government of India (recognized) have provision for ramps and disabled-friendly accessible toilets. If so, please provide photos of ramps and accessible toilets. Tell them with full details. Please 03. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all railway stations and railway junctions operated (recognized) by the Government of India. Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 04. All railway stations and railway junctions operated by the Government of India (recognised) have ramps and disabled adapted accessible toilets for disabled people. If so, please provide photos of ramps and accessible toilets. Please 05. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all airports and civil aviation operated (recognized) by the Government of India. Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 06. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all tourist places, tourist traffic and tourist buildings run by the Government of India (recognised). Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 07. All airports and civil aviation operated by the Government of India (recognized) have ramps and disabled-friendly accessible toilets for disabled people. If so, please provide photos of ramps and accessible toilets. Tell them with full details. Please 2023-06-05 2023-06-08 23.06.2023
33 RTI-08/2023-24 Shri Sujay Sah Village-Bagaha, Post-Bagaha, Ward Number-11, Police-Kanhauli, Block-Sonavarsa, District-Samastipur, Bihar: 843332 Mobile No: 9162632345 Email: sujaysah422[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. no. SANAK/R/T/23/00003 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide refer 01. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all schools, colleges and universities run by the Government of India (recognised). Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 02. All schools, colleges and universities run by the Government of India (recognized) have provision for ramps and disabled-friendly accessible toilets. If so, please provide photos of ramps and accessible toilets. Tell them with full details. Please 03. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all railway stations and railway junctions operated (recognized) by the Government of India. Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 04. All railway stations and railway junctions operated by the Government of India (recognised) have ramps and disabled adapted accessible toilets for disabled people. If so, please provide photos of ramps and accessible toilets. Please 05. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all airports and civil aviation operated (recognized) by the Government of India. Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 06. Wheelchairs and moving chairs are available for disabled people in all tourist places, tourist traffic and tourist buildings run by the Government of India (recognised). Available in what number? Kindly tell me with full details. 07. All airports and civil aviation operated by the Government of India (recognized) have ramps and disabled-friendly accessible toilets for disabled people. If so, please provide photos of ramps and accessible toilets. Tell them with full details. Please 2023-05-29 2023-06-01 23.06.2023
34 RTI-07/2023-24 Shri Umakant Gupta Type-III, Flat No, 4 NSIT Campus, Sector-3, Dwarka, New Delhi- 110078 Mobile No. 7982471546 Email: umakant.nsit[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00013 dated 28.05.2023 Revised pay scale of Technical staff of the Library of the Sangeet Natak Akademi has been implemented w.e.f. 01.01.1996 with the approval of the Competent Authority vide Office Order Admn./2-76/2001-2002/ dated 21 March 2007. Kindly provide the copy of note sheets on which proposal in respect of same has been initiated and the approval of the competent authority has been accorded in this regard. 2023-05-28 2023-05-28 19.06.2023 09.08.2023
35 RTI-06/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 8587888870 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Please provide Copy of Action Taken/Factual information on Office Memorandum (O.M.) no. 13011-11/2020-Vig. Dated 22.10.2020 forwarded by the Akademi Division, M/o Culture vie E-mail dated 18.12.2020 at 12.40 p.m. to the Secretary and Administration of Sangeet Natak Akademi. Copy of the Email is annexed herewith and marked as page no.1 Copy of Agenda including Complete list of Any Other Items of the Administrative Committee Meeting held on 16.05.2023 in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of Minutes of Meeting of the Administrative Committee Meeting held on 16.05.2023 in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of the Office Order etc. issued to Sh. Suman Kumar for handling over additional charge of Director, Kathak Kendra. Copy of the Relieving Order etc. issued to Sh. Suman Kumar for additional charge of Director, Kathak Kendra. Copy of Page Where Individual Remarks given by the Chairman of Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) on Correspondence addressed by the Undersigned with Sub: Advance Intimation i.r.t. illegal Appointment (in future) of Hemant Kumar Arya addressed to the Chairman, SNA duly received by Mohd. Haider on 25.04.2023. Copy of Relieving Order etc. from the post of Secretary, SNA issued to Sh. Aneish P. Rajan. Copy of 1986 Recruitment Rules (RRs) for the Post of Junior Clerk-cum-Typist of Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of the Officer Order etc. issued to Sh. Suman Kumar for handling over additional charge of Deputy Secretary (D.S.)-Administration, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of the Relieving Order etc. issued to Sh. Suman Kumar for additional charge of Deputy Secretary (D.S.)-Administration, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). 2023-05-22 2023-06-22 19.06.2023 31.07.2023 23.08.2023
36 RTI-05/2023-24 Ms Nikita Ganesh Mohol 7191 A Yashwant Nagar Society, Opposite Ashwini Hotel, LBS Road, Navi Peth, Pune 30, Pin: 411030, Maharashtra Mobile No: 8605885757 Email: nikita.mohol101[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Lalit kala Akademi vide reference no. LKALA/R/E/ As we all know that the Ministry of Culture deals with the preservation and conservation of the countrys rich cultural heritage and the promotion of art and culture, I would like to ask in what ways the department promotes performing arts in our society, and are there any members as part of the panel of deciding or advisory committee that is closely associated with any kind of performing art (dancer, musician, artist) to understand the actual challenges and solutions to them on macro and micro level for the betterment of committee. 2023-05-09 2023-05-12 07.06.2023
37 RTI-04/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 8587888870 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Please Provide Certified Copy of ‘Complaint Handling Policy’ of the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) laid down as per Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Circular No. 15/07/09 or 009/VGL/035 dated 01.07.2009. 2023-05-05 2023-06-26 05.06.2023 31.07.2023
38 RTI-03/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00012 dated 12.04.2023 Had Rahul Sharma who worked as a Consultant Retired from the Post of Assistant Section Officer/Section Officer/Deputy Secretary or equivalent from Government Services Copy of the Advertisement with Name & Date of the Newspaper by which Rahul Sharma appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para 5.1 of the M/o Culture O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of the Minutes of the Internal Committee pertaining to the Selection of Rahul Sharma appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para 5.4 of the M/o Culture O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of Signed Non-Disclosure Undertaking submitted by Rahul Sharma appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para 5.4 of the M/o Culture O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of the Approval Granted by the Secretary (Culture) for Selection/Appointment Procedure Relaxation or Deviation from the Engagement of Consultant Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Culture for appointment of Rahul Sharma appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para 14.1 of the M/o Culture O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. 2023-04-12 2023-04-12 17.04.2023
39 RTI-02/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00011 dated 12.04.2023 Had Pooja Khillan who worked as a Consultant Retired from the Post of Assistant Section Officer/Section Officer/Deputy Secretary or equivalent from Government Services Copy of Signed Non-Disclosure Undertaking submitted by Pooja Khillan appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para 10.4 of the M/o Culture O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 23.03.2018. Copy of the Approval Granted by the Secretary (Culture) for Selection/Appointment Procedure Relaxation or Deviation from the Engagement of Consultant Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Culture for appointment of Pooja Khillan appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para 13.1 of the M/o Culture O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 23.03.2018. 2023-04-12 2023-11-12 17.04.2023
40 RTI-01/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00010 dated 12.04.2023 Copy of the Dak Section Register Page where Entry of Diary Number 3185 Done on Correspondence Addressed to Rita Swami Choudhary by the Applicant. Copy of the Correspondence Addressed to Rita Swami Choudhary by the Applicant vide Diary Number 3185 dated 15.03.2023. Copy of the Secretary Cell Register Page where Entry of Diary Number 2817 Done on 20.03.2023 2023-04-12 2023-04-12 Reply - 01.05.2023 & 30.05.2023
41 RTI-38/2023-24 Shri P.K. Sinha Flat No. 11 FF, Block 42, Pocket 7, Near BDS Market1, Sector-82, Noida, Uttar Pradesh: 201304 Mobile No. 9911344939 Email: pkshina76[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00017 dated 28.09.2023 6. RTI-38/2023-24 Shri P.K. Sinha Flat No. 11 FF, Block 42, Pocket 7, Near BDS Market1, Sector-82, Noida, Uttar Pradesh: 201304 Mobile No. 9911344939 Email: pkshina76[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00017 dated 28.09.2023 28.09.2023 While the Kathak Kendra is also known to be a well-known institution for nepotism, having a long list of a particular family members who worked and are working in the same government department. So no matter how old the mistake is, it will still be called a mistake, not sacred. So why should not the appointments of these people be investigated and challenged in the interest of the country. It is learnt that Ms. Poonam Khanna, presently working as a Section Officer in Kathak Kendra is the niece of Mr. P.L. Dhingra, a retired official from Sangeet Natak Academy and her appointment was done during his tenure. There is also a rumour that Mr. Dhingras wife was also working in SNA. Regarding her appointment, the following informations are sought . 1. Provide the copy of detailed advertisement being published for public by the concerned department through which Ms. Poonam Khanna applied and got her appointment. 2. Provide the names of the candidates in detail, who were called for written test/ interview in the same process through which Ms. Poonam Khanna got her selection and also provide the panel of candidates made through this process. 3. Provide the details of complete recruitment process which was adopted by your department such as written test, performance test, skill test, etc. for the appointment of Ms Poonam Khanna. 4. Provide the names of jury/selection committee members with their details clearly and Recruitment Rules for the same. 5. Provide the copy or note of minutes made thereon by the jury or selection committee members for the selection of Ms. Poonam Khanna. 6. Provide the copy of her resume or bio- data that she produced or sent to the department concerned, with reference to the advertisement being published by your department. 7. Provide the copy of the offer letter and appointment letter of Ms. Poonam Khanna issued by the department. 8. Provide the specific details of the salary increments that has been provided to Ms Poonam Khanna from time to time since her joining either by the way of promotions or any other way along with their minutes/ orders made by the concerned authority. 9. Provide the figure of the pay scale and salary with details that was drawn by her for the month of June, 2018. Also provide the same for the month of July, 2018 as the implementation of 7th pay was done in the month of July, 2018 in Kathak Kendra. 10. Had Ms. Poonam Khannas pay-scale, salary and job position been downgraded at the time of implementing the 7th pay commission in Kathak Kendra? Provide the reason, if any such action was undertaken as the same was done with many employees. Online Payment Gateway Rs 10/- Pending 2023-08-08 2023-10-26 Pending
42 RTI-37/2023-24 Shri Sandip Rudra Dharampur, Digambar Biswas Road, near rammohan Primary School, P.O & PS Chinsurah, District-Hooghly West Bangal- 712101 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide letter no. Akd-19/39/2023-Akad./467 dated 25th September 2023 A District wise list and contact details of existing Santali theatre groups in West Bengal List of Government entitlements/schemes available for the Santali Theatre groups in West Bengal and for the Santali artists in specific and how to access those facilities. A list of available financial grant for the organizers to organize Santali theatre festival in West Bengal 2023-08-28 2023-09-26 Pending
43 RTI-36/2023-24 hri Pranav Pushkarna Near Daya Nand Anglo Vedic School, College Road, Qadian Pin: 143516 Mobile No: 7009000752 Email ID: officialkutumb[at]gmail[dot]com Reg no. SANAK/R/T/23/00011 Transferred from Ministry of Culture Vide reference no. MCULT//R/T/23/00221/5 date मुगलों के समय कितने गुरुकुल नष्ट हुए। संस्कृत भाषा कितने वर्ष पुरानी हैं। पंजाबी भाषा कितने वर्ष पुरानी है। तममल भाषा कितने वर्ष पुरानी है। संस्कृत से कितने भाषाओं का उद्भव हुआ है। अंग्रेजी में कितने हिंदी और संस्कृत शब्दों का प्रयोग है। हमारी राष्ट्र भाषा कोनसी है और कब से हैं। उदर्ष का जन्म किस देश में हुआ। क्या उदर्ष भाषा भी संस्कृत भाषा के आधार पर बनी, जिसमें केवल जलकप को बदला गया। उदर्ष का जन्म किस भाषा से हुआ और कब हुआ। गुरु तेग बहादुर जी के बलिदान से पूर्व कौन तीन लोगों ने अपना बलिदान दिया और वह कौन और कहा से थें। महाराजा दाहिर सेन के समय भारत और भारत में जसिंध की स्थिति और क्षेत्रफल बताएं। क्या आयष भारत के मूल मनवासी है। क्या हम गणित, कवज्ञान, सामाजिक ज्ञान, कंप्यूटर सभी विषय संस्कृत में पढ़ सकते हैं। क्या संस्कृत के विषयों को पढ़ने के लिए पुस्तकें उपलब्ध हैं। संस्कृत में पढ़ाने वाले शिक्षक और विद्यालय उपलब्ध हैं। शिक्षा हमारा मौलिक अधिकार है क्या इसी अधिकार के अंतर्गत किस भाषा में शिक्षा ग्रहण करनी हमारे अधिकार में आता है अथवा नहीं। अंग्रेजी हमारे पाठयक्रम में अमानवीय विषय क्यों है नई शिक्षा नीति के अंतर्गत क्या हम अंग्रेजी की जगह संस्कृत रख सके हैं। अगर कोई संस्कृत विषय को पढ़ना चाहता है, तो क्या शिक्षक उपलब्ध करवाना विद्यालय के लिए अमनवायष है अथवा नहीं। कक्षा प्रथम से ही संस्कृत पढ़ने के के जलए वोर्ष के पास क्या मनयम और पाठयक्रम हैं। भारत के कितने राज्यों में संस्कृत बोली जाती है। कितने राज्यों मे संस्कृत आमधकाररक भाषा हैं। भारत में पुष्करि समाज की गिनती कितनी है राज्य और शहर अनुसार बताए। क्या आरक्षण आर्थिक आधार पर दिया जाता हैं। क्या माइनॉररटी आरक्षित राज्यों में संख्या अनुसार मिलता है अथवा राष्ट्र में संख्या अनुसार। पंजाब में माइनॉररटी आरक्षण प्राप्त जातियों अथवा धर्म के लोगों की संख्या बताए। पंजाब में कितने ब्राह्राण, जनरल, सिख, हिंदू, क्षत्रिय और अन्य प्रजातियों से जुड़े लोग है उनकी संख्या बताए। पंजाब में कितने धर्म है और उनको मानने वाले लोगों की संख्या बताएं। क्या पाठशालाएं अपनी इच्छा अनुसार पुस्तके लगा सकती हैं। गुरू गोत्रबन्द जसिंह जी की तलवारे कहा पर है और उन पर आकृत चित्र को सांझा करे। महाराज रंजीत जसिंह जी के ध्वज के चित्र को सांझा किया जाए। मानुस्मृति कब लिखी गई और उसका असली स्वरुप कहा है। स्वरोदय तंत्र, योगरत्नावली, जशवसंहहन्ता, घेरण्ड संहहन्ता किसने लिखी और इसके रुप कहाँ है। क्या कोई त्रबना वकील के अपना केस सुप्रीम कोर्ट में स्वयं दाखिल कर सकता है। अगर हाँ तो कैसे। और क्या खर्च आता है। धर्म परिवर्तन पर क्या कानून है कृपया सांझा करें। किसी भी सीबीएसई पाठशाला में PRT, TGT, PRT शिक्षकों को न्युन्तम आए कितनी होती है। जो प्राइवेट और सरकारी पाठशाला में लागू होती है। क्या भारत में Equal work equal salary हेतु कोई कानून बना हुआ है। क्या किसी विभाग में मंत्री बनने हेतु विभाग संबंधी उच्च शिक्षा होना अनिवार्य है। जैसे स्वास्थ्य मंत्री के पास मेंड़िकल ड़िग्री और वित्त मंत्री के पास एकॉनामिक्स। पीएम, सीएम, राष्ट्रपति, मंत्रियों की सैलरी कितनी और पेशन कितनी है। वर्ष 2004 से 2013 तक किन किन विभागो में कितनी कितनी स्थाई सरकारी नौकरियाँ प्रदान की गई। वर्ष 2014 से 2023 तक किन किन विभागों में कितनी कितनी स्थाई नौकरिया प्रदान की गई। वर्ष 1981 के पश्चात योग में पाठशालायों में कितनी स्थाई नौकरिया प्रदान की गई और कहा कहाँ। केंन्द्रीय विद्यालय अथवा आर्मी स्कूल में योग शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति हेतु क्या प्रावधान है। मंत्रालयों में नियुक्ति सलाहकारों, सचिवों आदि की शैक्षणिक योग्यता क्या होती है और उनको वेतन कितना मिलता है। पंजाब में 2014 से आज तक केंद्र सरकार द्वारा योग के लिए कितने पैसे दिए गए और कितने पैसे किस किस कार्य हेतु खर्च हुए। मेरे चाचा जी प्रधानमंत्री जी को मिलने के लिए कई पत्र भेजते आ रहे है, उत्तर में चिंता व्यस्थता बताई जाती है। उनका जन कल्याण हेतु एक संस्था भी है। 2018 से जन स्वास्थ्य, जन सुरक्षा देश प्रतिष्ठा और अधिकारों की सुरक्षा के संदर्भ में प्रोपॉजल पर चर्चा हेतु मिलने के लिए भेजे गए पत्रों एवं ईमेल के बावजूद मिलना संभव नहीं हो पा रहा अत कृपया बताएं के आम नागरिक उनसे भेट हेतु समय कैसे प्राप्त करे जो पिछले 5 सालों में प्राप्त नहीं हुआ। भारतीय शिक्षा बोर्ड के स्कूल हमारे क्षेत्र में केंद्र सरकार कब खोलेगी। क्या यह बोर्ड केंद्रीय विद्यालयों में भी आएगा। क्या केंद्र सरकार का कोई विद्यालय हमारे काहदया में खुल सकता है अगर हा तो कैसे। भारत हमारी माता है तो गांधी जी भी इस धरती के सपूत है तो उनको फादर ऑफ नेंशन किसने और कब बनाया। वीर स्वरकर जी का माफी वाला पत्र, और नाथु राम गोडसे के अदालत में दिए बयानों की कॉपी उपलब्ध करवाए। 1526 से पूर्व भारत के ध्वज कि छवि सांझा करे। ऋग्वेद संस्कृत मे है और 12000 वर्षों से भी पुराने होने के साक्ष्य हैं जबकि 90000 वर्ष से प्राचीन की बात कही जाती है तो विश्व ही प्राचीनतम भाषा कौन सी है। अमर शहीद पंडित लेख राम जी की का पूरा इतिहास क्या है, वह कादिया क्यों आए और उनकी मृत्यु कैसे हुई जानकारी दे। क्या मेरे जैसे छोटे बच्चे भी बीजेपी जॉइन कर सकते है जो अभी 7 से 10 कक्षा में पढ़ते है अगह हाँ तौ कैसे। क्या कोई ऐसा अनलाइन पोर्टल है जिस पर बच्चे सुझाव दे सकें और उन सुझावों को प्रधानमंत्री जी व्यक्तिगत रुप से पढ़ कर उत्तर देते है। सिखो के सभी धार्मिक और सिख समाज के कार्यों के लिए और इनके उत्थान के लिए एक संयुक्त कमेटी है जिसका नाम SGPC है, मुस्लिमों की भी है और ईसाईयों की भी है क्या हिंदुओं की ऐसी कोई कमेटी है जो सभी हिन्दू संगठनों को सयुक्त रुप से चलाती है और हिन्दू हितों में कार्य करती है और सरकार से लाभ लेती है और मंदिरो देख रेख और पुजारियों को वेतन देती है। अगर है तो उसकी जानकारी दे अगर नहीं तो सरकार क्यों नहीं सभी के भांति हिंदुओं के लिए भी ऐसी कमेटी का निर्माण करती जिससे उनके अधिकारों की भी रक्षा हो सकें। भारत में गूगल डाइलर और अन्य कुछ ड़िफॉल्ट अप्स मनमानी कर रही है सरकार गूगल डाइलर कि मनोपाली क्यों नहीं हटा रही और लोगों को अपना डैलर चुनने कि सुविधा प्राप्त हो रही। पाठशाला में हमे खेलों के नाम पर केवल न मात्र ही सुविधाएं है पाठशाला मे अपने नियम अनुसार खेल पीरीअड लगते और बंद हो जाते सरकार इस पर कार्य क्यों नहीं करती कि प्रत्येक छात्र को 30 मिनट का खेल पीरीअड अनिवार्य करे। कुछ बच्चे अपने परंपरिक खेल खेलने में दिलचस्प होते है जैसे में योग किन्तु फिज़िकल टीचर को योग का ज्ञान नहीं होता जितना योग शिक्षक को तो सरकार ऐसा नियम क्यों नही बना देती कि फिजिकल एजुकेशन और योग विज्ञान मेसे कोई एक विषय चयन करना हो और यह विषय सबके लिए अनिवार्य हो। इससे बच्चों का स्वास्थ्य भी अच्छा होगा और बच्चे शारीरिक शिक्षकों के दबाव से भी बच जाएंगे और योग विषय मे आगे बढ़ेगे इससे भारतीय संस्कृति और योग विज्ञान का भी विकास होगा। क्या ऐसा चयन कर्म हमारे पाठशाला के खेलों के लिए उपलब्ध है जिससे हम योग और शारीरिक शिक्षा मेसे एक चुन सके। 2023-09-21 2023-09-25 27.09.2023
44 RTI-36/2023-24 hri Pranav Pushkarna Near Daya Nand Anglo Vedic School, College Road, Qadian Pin: 143516 Mobile No: 7009000752 Email ID: officialkutumb[at]gmail[dot]com Reg no. SANAK/R/T/23/00011 Transferred from Ministry of Culture Vide reference no. MCULT//R/T/23/00221/5 date मुगलों के समय कितने गुरुकुल नष्ट हुए। संस्कृत भाषा कितने वर्ष पुरानी हैं। पंजाबी भाषा कितने वर्ष पुरानी है। तममल भाषा कितने वर्ष पुरानी है। संस्कृत से कितने भाषाओं का उद्भव हुआ है। अंग्रेजी में कितने हिंदी और संस्कृत शब्दों का प्रयोग है। हमारी राष्ट्र भाषा कोनसी है और कब से हैं। उदर्ष का जन्म किस देश में हुआ। क्या उदर्ष भाषा भी संस्कृत भाषा के आधार पर बनी, जिसमें केवल जलकप को बदला गया। उदर्ष का जन्म किस भाषा से हुआ और कब हुआ। गुरु तेग बहादुर जी के बलिदान से पूर्व कौन तीन लोगों ने अपना बलिदान दिया और वह कौन और कहा से थें। महाराजा दाहिर सेन के समय भारत और भारत में जसिंध की स्थिति और क्षेत्रफल बताएं। क्या आयष भारत के मूल मनवासी है। क्या हम गणित, कवज्ञान, सामाजिक ज्ञान, कंप्यूटर सभी विषय संस्कृत में पढ़ सकते हैं। क्या संस्कृत के विषयों को पढ़ने के लिए पुस्तकें उपलब्ध हैं। संस्कृत में पढ़ाने वाले शिक्षक और विद्यालय उपलब्ध हैं। शिक्षा हमारा मौलिक अधिकार है क्या इसी अधिकार के अंतर्गत किस भाषा में शिक्षा ग्रहण करनी हमारे अधिकार में आता है अथवा नहीं। अंग्रेजी हमारे पाठयक्रम में अमानवीय विषय क्यों है नई शिक्षा नीति के अंतर्गत क्या हम अंग्रेजी की जगह संस्कृत रख सके हैं। अगर कोई संस्कृत विषय को पढ़ना चाहता है, तो क्या शिक्षक उपलब्ध करवाना विद्यालय के लिए अमनवायष है अथवा नहीं। कक्षा प्रथम से ही संस्कृत पढ़ने के के जलए वोर्ष के पास क्या मनयम और पाठयक्रम हैं। भारत के कितने राज्यों में संस्कृत बोली जाती है। कितने राज्यों मे संस्कृत आमधकाररक भाषा हैं। भारत में पुष्करि समाज की गिनती कितनी है राज्य और शहर अनुसार बताए। क्या आरक्षण आर्थिक आधार पर दिया जाता हैं। क्या माइनॉररटी आरक्षित राज्यों में संख्या अनुसार मिलता है अथवा राष्ट्र में संख्या अनुसार। पंजाब में माइनॉररटी आरक्षण प्राप्त जातियों अथवा धर्म के लोगों की संख्या बताए। पंजाब में कितने ब्राह्राण, जनरल, सिख, हिंदू, क्षत्रिय और अन्य प्रजातियों से जुड़े लोग है उनकी संख्या बताए। पंजाब में कितने धर्म है और उनको मानने वाले लोगों की संख्या बताएं। क्या पाठशालाएं अपनी इच्छा अनुसार पुस्तके लगा सकती हैं। गुरू गोत्रबन्द जसिंह जी की तलवारे कहा पर है और उन पर आकृत चित्र को सांझा करे। महाराज रंजीत जसिंह जी के ध्वज के चित्र को सांझा किया जाए। मानुस्मृति कब लिखी गई और उसका असली स्वरुप कहा है। स्वरोदय तंत्र, योगरत्नावली, जशवसंहहन्ता, घेरण्ड संहहन्ता किसने लिखी और इसके रुप कहाँ है। क्या कोई त्रबना वकील के अपना केस सुप्रीम कोर्ट में स्वयं दाखिल कर सकता है। अगर हाँ तो कैसे। और क्या खर्च आता है। धर्म परिवर्तन पर क्या कानून है कृपया सांझा करें। किसी भी सीबीएसई पाठशाला में PRT, TGT, PRT शिक्षकों को न्युन्तम आए कितनी होती है। जो प्राइवेट और सरकारी पाठशाला में लागू होती है। क्या भारत में Equal work equal salary हेतु कोई कानून बना हुआ है। क्या किसी विभाग में मंत्री बनने हेतु विभाग संबंधी उच्च शिक्षा होना अनिवार्य है। जैसे स्वास्थ्य मंत्री के पास मेंड़िकल ड़िग्री और वित्त मंत्री के पास एकॉनामिक्स। पीएम, सीएम, राष्ट्रपति, मंत्रियों की सैलरी कितनी और पेशन कितनी है। वर्ष 2004 से 2013 तक किन किन विभागो में कितनी कितनी स्थाई सरकारी नौकरियाँ प्रदान की गई। वर्ष 2014 से 2023 तक किन किन विभागों में कितनी कितनी स्थाई नौकरिया प्रदान की गई। वर्ष 1981 के पश्चात योग में पाठशालायों में कितनी स्थाई नौकरिया प्रदान की गई और कहा कहाँ। केंन्द्रीय विद्यालय अथवा आर्मी स्कूल में योग शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति हेतु क्या प्रावधान है। मंत्रालयों में नियुक्ति सलाहकारों, सचिवों आदि की शैक्षणिक योग्यता क्या होती है और उनको वेतन कितना मिलता है। पंजाब में 2014 से आज तक केंद्र सरकार द्वारा योग के लिए कितने पैसे दिए गए और कितने पैसे किस किस कार्य हेतु खर्च हुए। मेरे चाचा जी प्रधानमंत्री जी को मिलने के लिए कई पत्र भेजते आ रहे है, उत्तर में चिंता व्यस्थता बताई जाती है। उनका जन कल्याण हेतु एक संस्था भी है। 2018 से जन स्वास्थ्य, जन सुरक्षा देश प्रतिष्ठा और अधिकारों की सुरक्षा के संदर्भ में प्रोपॉजल पर चर्चा हेतु मिलने के लिए भेजे गए पत्रों एवं ईमेल के बावजूद मिलना संभव नहीं हो पा रहा अत कृपया बताएं के आम नागरिक उनसे भेट हेतु समय कैसे प्राप्त करे जो पिछले 5 सालों में प्राप्त नहीं हुआ। भारतीय शिक्षा बोर्ड के स्कूल हमारे क्षेत्र में केंद्र सरकार कब खोलेगी। क्या यह बोर्ड केंद्रीय विद्यालयों में भी आएगा। क्या केंद्र सरकार का कोई विद्यालय हमारे काहदया में खुल सकता है अगर हा तो कैसे। भारत हमारी माता है तो गांधी जी भी इस धरती के सपूत है तो उनको फादर ऑफ नेंशन किसने और कब बनाया। वीर स्वरकर जी का माफी वाला पत्र, और नाथु राम गोडसे के अदालत में दिए बयानों की कॉपी उपलब्ध करवाए। 1526 से पूर्व भारत के ध्वज कि छवि सांझा करे। ऋग्वेद संस्कृत मे है और 12000 वर्षों से भी पुराने होने के साक्ष्य हैं जबकि 90000 वर्ष से प्राचीन की बात कही जाती है तो विश्व ही प्राचीनतम भाषा कौन सी है। अमर शहीद पंडित लेख राम जी की का पूरा इतिहास क्या है, वह कादिया क्यों आए और उनकी मृत्यु कैसे हुई जानकारी दे। क्या मेरे जैसे छोटे बच्चे भी बीजेपी जॉइन कर सकते है जो अभी 7 से 10 कक्षा में पढ़ते है अगह हाँ तौ कैसे। क्या कोई ऐसा अनलाइन पोर्टल है जिस पर बच्चे सुझाव दे सकें और उन सुझावों को प्रधानमंत्री जी व्यक्तिगत रुप से पढ़ कर उत्तर देते है। सिखो के सभी धार्मिक और सिख समाज के कार्यों के लिए और इनके उत्थान के लिए एक संयुक्त कमेटी है जिसका नाम SGPC है, मुस्लिमों की भी है और ईसाईयों की भी है क्या हिंदुओं की ऐसी कोई कमेटी है जो सभी हिन्दू संगठनों को सयुक्त रुप से चलाती है और हिन्दू हितों में कार्य करती है और सरकार से लाभ लेती है और मंदिरो देख रेख और पुजारियों को वेतन देती है। अगर है तो उसकी जानकारी दे अगर नहीं तो सरकार क्यों नहीं सभी के भांति हिंदुओं के लिए भी ऐसी कमेटी का निर्माण करती जिससे उनके अधिकारों की भी रक्षा हो सकें। भारत में गूगल डाइलर और अन्य कुछ ड़िफॉल्ट अप्स मनमानी कर रही है सरकार गूगल डाइलर कि मनोपाली क्यों नहीं हटा रही और लोगों को अपना डैलर चुनने कि सुविधा प्राप्त हो रही। पाठशाला में हमे खेलों के नाम पर केवल न मात्र ही सुविधाएं है पाठशाला मे अपने नियम अनुसार खेल पीरीअड लगते और बंद हो जाते सरकार इस पर कार्य क्यों नहीं करती कि प्रत्येक छात्र को 30 मिनट का खेल पीरीअड अनिवार्य करे। कुछ बच्चे अपने परंपरिक खेल खेलने में दिलचस्प होते है जैसे में योग किन्तु फिज़िकल टीचर को योग का ज्ञान नहीं होता जितना योग शिक्षक को तो सरकार ऐसा नियम क्यों नही बना देती कि फिजिकल एजुकेशन और योग विज्ञान मेसे कोई एक विषय चयन करना हो और यह विषय सबके लिए अनिवार्य हो। इससे बच्चों का स्वास्थ्य भी अच्छा होगा और बच्चे शारीरिक शिक्षकों के दबाव से भी बच जाएंगे और योग विषय मे आगे बढ़ेगे इससे भारतीय संस्कृति और योग विज्ञान का भी विकास होगा। क्या ऐसा चयन कर्म हमारे पाठशाला के खेलों के लिए उपलब्ध है जिससे हम योग और शारीरिक शिक्षा मेसे एक चुन सके। 2023-09-21 2023-09-25 27.09.2023
45 RTI-35/2023-24 MR laghima Pushkarna Pushkarna Niwas, B2nd 34, Pushkarna Street, College Road, Qadian, Pin: 143516 Punjab Mobile No: 7355212966 Email ID: vineypushkarnasocial[at]gmail[dot]com Reg no. SANAK/R/T/23/00010 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MC मेंरा नाम अर्शिया शर्मा है मैं छठी कक्षा में पढ़ती हूँ और मेंरे साथ लघिमा पुष्करणा है जो UKG में पढ़ती हैं हमारे कुछ प्रश्न है जिनकी जानकारी हम चाहते हैं कृपया निम्नलिखित जानकारी बिन्दु वार उपलब्ध करवाई जाए। इंग्लिश में कितने शब्द हिन्दी और कितने शब्द संस्कृत से लिए गए है। भारत 1602 वीं से पूर्व कौन कौन से धर्म थें। मुगल भारत में कब आए? मुगल आतंकी थे अथवा भारत के देशभक्त। अंग्रेज भारत में कब आए। और उन्होंने भारत से शिक्षणिक एवं वैज्ञानिक शस्त्रों के संग्रह में से क्या क्या लूटा। अंग्रेजों के हमारे कौन कौन से शास्त्र, वेद और स्मृतियाँ भारत से ले कर चले गए और वह कहाँ कहाँ हैं। शल्य चिकित्सा, शलाकय, विमान शास्त्र, अस्त्र शास्त्र, औषधि विज्ञान, मर्म चिकित्सा, योग विज्ञान का उद्भव कौन से देश में हुआ और किसके द्वारा हुआ और इसका पेटेंट किसके पास हैं। पाठशाला में अक्सर शिक्षक कहते हैं इंग्लिश बोलो उससे आप शिक्षित होंगे क्या हिन्दी, संस्कृत बोलने पढ़ने वाला शिक्षित नहीं होता। क्या पाठशाला में गुड मॉर्निंग के स्थान पर, सुप्रभात, रामराम, ओम हरिओम बोलना गलत है। क्या कोई पाठशाला यह बोलने से रोक सकती है। माथे पर तिलक, हाथ में कलावा अथवा सिर पर शिखा धारण करने पर क्या कोई पाठशाला रोक सकती हैं। सिख सिर पर पगड़ी बांध सकते है, हाथों पर कड़ा पहन सकते हैं और अपने साथ कटार रख सकते हैं, तो क्या सनातन अनुयाई अपने पास वेल, परशु, त्रिशूल रख सकते हैं। कुछ सिख लड़िकयां भी पगड़ी पहनती है, कुछ लक्क बनने होते हैं कुछ कूके जो अपनी पौषक में ही शिक्षा ग्रहण करते हैं तो क्या सनातनी लड़कियां अपनी पौषक में पाठशाला जा सकते हैं जैसे धौति, कुर्ता, साडि आदि। पाठशालि मे अक्सर प्रार्थना में गुरुओ का नाम लिया जाने वाली प्रार्थनाएं करवाई जाती है क्या राम जी, शिवजी आदि की प्रार्थना नहीं हो सकती। अगर सभी के लिए समान्य शैक्षिक नियम हैं तो प्रार्थना से हमारे देवी देवताओं की पूजन भी होनी चाहिए केवल एक दो धर्मों की क्यों या सबकी हो अथवा यी किसी की भी नहीं। इस विषय पर नियम क्या है। पाठशाला में राष्ट्रीय गीत के समय बच्चों को छोड़ने आए मातापिता ख़डे नहीं होते कुछ शिक्षक भी छत के नीचे होने पर खड़े नहीं होते किन्तु हम बच्चों को क्यों ड़ाटा जाता है हम चाहते है हमे भी योग पढ़ाया जाए किन्तु शिक्षक बोलते हैं कि योग अभी विषय के रूप में पढ़ाया नहीं जाता केवल आसान खेलों के रुप में सिखाए जाते हैं। जो आसन खेलों के उद्देश्य से नही चाहता अपितु योग सीखना चाहता है तो उनके लिए पाठशाला में कक्ष से ही क्यों नहीं योग को पाठ्यक्रम में जोड़ा जाता। कक्षा छ के लिए तो पासबुक है योग की एनसीईआरटी की किन्तु हमारे लिए कक्षा 1 से 5 तक क्यों नहीं बनाई और पढ़ाई जाती और कक्षा छ में भी केवल पुस्तक है पढ़ाने के लिए शिक्षक और पाठशाला में पीरीअड नहीं जब हम योग पढ़ पाएं, ऐसे क्यों। भारत की मूल भाषा कौन सी है जिससे सभी भाषाएं जन्मी। ब्राह्राण, क्षत्रिय वैश्य जातियाँ है अथवा कार्य क्षेत्र की व्यवस्था। भात में जातियों का प्रचलन कबसे आया और सबसे पहले जातियों का वर्गीकरण किसने किया और किस आधार पर किया और जातिगत जनगणना कब और किसने करवाई। हमारे चारों वेद, तथा सारे उपनिषद मूल रुप में कहाँ कहाँ पर हैं। प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी को मिलना इतना मुश्किल है। कि भारत के नागरिक भी नहीं मिल पाते। उनको कैसे मिला जा सकता है। पापा( (लघिमा) के मुझे बताते है कि यह पैक फूड, जंक फूड हमारे शरीर के लिए बहुत खराब हैं, और स्वास्थ्य के लिए सरकार इतना कुछ करती हैं दवाओं और इलाज भी देती है तो सरकार भारत मे से यह जंक और पैक फूड बंद क्यों नहीं कर देती। सब ठीक रहेंगें और जो कोई बीमार होगा तो योग से ठीक हो जाएगा तो मोदी जी इस सबको बंद क्यों नहीं कर रहे। क्या हिन्दी बोलने वाला व्यक्ति असभ्य, अशिक्षित और अज्ञानी होता है। महाराजा दहिर सेन, राजा सूर्य, शिवाजी, बाजी राव पेशवा, महाराणा प्रताप, पृथ्वीराज के इतिहास की विभाग के पास पूर्ण जानकारी सांझा करें। क्या अंडों में सोयाबीन से भी अधिक प्रोटीन होता है। अंड़ों के विज्ञापन में सड़ें हो या मंडे रोज खाओं अंडे कही सनातन धर्म को टारगेट करके तो नहीं चलाया जाता क्योंकि मंगलवार को अक्सर बच्चों को मना किया जाता है कि मंगलवार प्याज, लसुन आदि तामसिक भोजन नहीं करते। क्या योग खेलो में ग्रैडैशन है मिलती है तो किस आधार पर कैसे। 2023-09-21 2023-09-25 27.09.2023
46 RTI-34/2023-24 Shri kamal Singh, Advocate 10, Govind park, Krishna Nagar, Delhi 110051 Mobile No: 9891014047 Email ID: kamalmsw001[at]gmail[dot]com Does Kathak Kendra situated at San Martin Marg, Near Asian Development Bank, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi falls under the banner of Sangeet Natak Akademi? How many permanent and guest faculty have been working/teaching in Kathak Kendra till the date? What is the age of retirement of the permanent faculty and guest faculty in kathak Kendra? Can permanent faculty or guest faculty join teaching after retirement in Kathak Kendra? If yes, what will be their tenure? What is the procedure to join kathak Kendra as a Guest Faculty? Who is the appointing authority to the Guest Faculty at Kathak Kendra? How much salary of permanent faculty and guest faculty can receive in Kathak Kendra? Does your institute/kathak Kendra follow/consider the UGC norms for the appointment of the faculty? Can a guest faculty continue his/her teaching after completing 60 years in Kathak Kendra? How many guest faculties are working/teaching in Kathak Kendra who has completed 60 Years of their age? What is the process of selection of Guest faculty and what are the criteria of age in Kathak Kendra? What is the process for extending the service of the guest faculty in Kathak Kendra? And under which rule, this provided? 2023-09-20 2023-09-22 Pending
47 RTI-33/2023-24 Shri Amar Singh E 3126 Rajajipuram, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh व्यक्तिगत कलाकारों को संगीत नाटक अकादेमी नई दिल्ली से अनुदान लेने के लिए कितना प्रतियों में आवेदन करना होता है। अकादमी का मोबाइल नंबर बताने की कृपा करें, जिससे सम्पर्क कर सकें। गाइड लाइन आवेदन फॉर्म भेजने की कृपा करें। प्रस्तान भेजने की अंतिम तिथि कितनी है। आवेदन पत्र प्रस्ताव के साथ कौन-2 दस्तावेज लगाने है। 2023-08-18 2023-09-05 23.09.2023
48 RTI-32/2023-24 S.P.Singh Advocate, Chamber-B-208, High Court, Lucknow Bench Transferred from Culture Directorate, Uttar Pradesh, Jawahar Bhavan, Lucknow संस्कृति विभाग के निदेशालय के साथ साथ 75 जनपदों में कहां कहा कार्यालय हैं तथा उसमें कितने कर्मचारी सरकारी/गैर सरकारी/मानदेय/आउटसोर्सिंग पर रखे गये हैं इसका विवरण एवं इससे संबंधित पत्रावली/शासनादेश का विवरण। विभाग में कोई पुरस्कार योजना है अथवा नहीं तथा विभाग में अभी तक कितने पुस्तक खरीदे गयें हैं तथा प्रकाशित किये गये हैं उसके लेखकों का प्रकाशकों का भुगतान आदि संबंधी विवरण। 2023-09-05 2023-08-12 23.09.2023
49 RTI-31/2023-24 Ms Shiwani Tanwar RZ B 104, Street No. 6, Gurudwara Road, Mahavir Enclave , New Delhi Pin: 110045 Mobile No: 9999102418 Email ID: raghavshiwani[at]gmail[dot]com reg no. SANAK/R/T/23/00009 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/E/23/00341 Please provide the no of candidates who joined any autonomous institution under the Department under your Ministry at level 9 and above after taking resignation from any Nationalised Bank (Including SBI and RBI) during the period Nov 2017- Sept 2023 through Direct Recruitment process. 2. Please provide the names of such candidates/officers as mentioned in point no 1 3. Please provide the complete file noting of all candidates at point no 2 carrying approval of the Competent Authority for the fixation of their Pay in the organisation as they came from the Nationalised Bank. 4. Please provide a copy of OM/OO which mentions regarding the applicability/endorsement of the OM issued by DoPT - F. No. 51212012-Estt (Pay-I)(VoI.II) dated 13.08.2020 in the autonomous body under the dept under the Ministry . The DoPT OM dated 13.08.2020 subject line is Protection of pay in respect of candidates from PSUs, Universities, autonomous bodies, etc. on their appointment to Central Government posts on Direct Recruitment basis -reg 2023-09-13 2023-09-14 Pending
50 RTI-30/2023-24 Shri Santosh Prasad H.No. 131/2, Street No. 01, Block-B Amrit Vihar, Burari Delhi 110084 How many firms had been tendered by the Akademi for catering of the program which was held on July 26 at Pragati Maidan Conventional Center (Bharat Mandapam) and which mode was used for tendering these firms, such as by advertising on paper (from the open market), from the CPP Portal, from Gem or by any other mode)? What was the total expenditure of the Utkarsh Festival (apart from artist fee and their TA/DA & their local conveyance) which was held in Bhopal (03 to 05 August 2023)? When the tender was sought, from the public for all venders who were engaged in that festival and through which mode was it sought, ( from the open market by giving advertisement in paper. CPP Portal, Gem or by any other mode)? When the tender was sought from the public for all venders who were engaged in Amrit Yuva Kalotsav Rourkela and Bokara festival and through which mode was it sought, (from open market by giving advertisement in paper, CPP Portal, Gem or by any other mode)? How many employees have been promoted to the post of Section Officer in the last two years along with their category? The list may be provided, along with that the letters of regularization in their previous post may also be provided and a copy of the minutes of the DPC may also be given. A Statement of the amount paid by Akademi may be given along with the names of the firms that have been engaged during all Amrit Yuva Kalotsav Festival. How many direct recruitment post in ministerial cadre as per existing recruitment rules and how many posts in the same cadre have been filled by direct recruitment in the Akademi in the last 20 Years? Did the ministry ever given any letter to the Akademi suggesting to give work to empanelled firms in Amrit Yuva Kalotsav and other festival? If yes, how many times the Akademi had given work to those firms? What was the total expenditure of Amrit Yuva Kalotsav which were happened in Raipur, Bokaro, Chandigarh, Rourkela, and Srinagar (apart from artist fees, their TA/DA and their local conveyance?) 2023-08-30 2023-10-06 27.09.2023 Pending
51 RTI-29/2023-24 श्री विशाल सिंह (एडवोकेट) डी 4 वर्षा कॉन्वेट स्कूल के पास काशीपुर मुरार, ग्वालियर मध्य प्रदेश मो. 9074295082 पिन: 474006 बुंदेलखण्ड़ विद्रोह 1842, डॉ. हिमांशू द्विवेदी बुंदेलखण्ड़ नाट्य कला समिति, झांसी को कुल 4,77,000/- राशि स्वीकृत हुई। स्वीकृत राशि 4,77,000/- के क्रम में व्यय का विवरण यात्रा देयक, मानदेय आदि सभी देयक जो प्रस्तुत किये गयें देयकों की सत्यापित छायाप्रति उपलब्ध करावें। संगीत नाटक अकादमी द्वारा समितियों को दी गई राशि का समायोजन समितियों द्वारा राशि जहां खर्ज की उसके देयक विल टिकट भोजन आदि के बिल। 2023-08-22 2023-08-29 05.09.2023
52 RTI-28/2023-24 Ms laghima Pushkarna Pushkarna Niwas, B2nd 34, Pushkarna Street, College Road, Qadian, Pin: 143516 Punjab Mobile No: 7355212966 Email ID: vineypushkarnasocial[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/T/23/00175 dated 31.0 मेंरा नाम अर्शिया शर्मा है मैं छठी कक्षा में पढ़ती हूँ और मेंरे साथ लघिमा पुष्करणा है जो UKG में पढ़ती हैं हमारे कुछ प्रश्न है जिनकी जानकारी हम चाहते हैं कृपया निम्नलिखित जानकारी बिन्दु वार उपलब्ध करवाई जाए। इंग्लिश में कितने शब्द हिन्दी और कितने शब्द संस्कृत से लिए गए है। भारत 1602 वीं से पूर्व कौन कौन से धर्म थें। मुगल भारत में कब आए? मुगल आतंकी थे अथवा भारत के देशभक्त। अंग्रेज भारत में कब आए। और उन्होंने भारत से शिक्षणिक एवं वैज्ञानिक शस्त्रों के संग्रह में से क्या क्या लूटा। अंग्रेजों के हमारे कौन कौन से शास्त्र, वेद और स्मृतियाँ भारत से ले कर चले गए और वह कहाँ कहाँ हैं। शल्य चिकित्सा, शलाकय, विमान शास्त्र, अस्त्र शास्त्र, औषधि विज्ञान, मर्म चिकित्सा, योग विज्ञान का उद्भव कौन से देश में हुआ और किसके द्वारा हुआ और इसका पेटेंट किसके पास हैं। पाठशाला में अक्सर शिक्षक कहते हैं इंग्लिश बोलो उससे आप शिक्षित होंगे क्या हिन्दी, संस्कृत बोलने पढ़ने वाला शिक्षित नहीं होता। क्या पाठशाला में गुड मॉर्निंग के स्थान पर, सुप्रभात, रामराम, ओम हरिओम बोलना गलत है। क्या कोई पाठशाला यह बोलने से रोक सकती है। माथे पर तिलक, हाथ में कलावा अथवा सिर पर शिखा धारण करने पर क्या कोई पाठशाला रोक सकती हैं। सिख सिर पर पगड़ी बांध सकते है, हाथों पर कड़ा पहन सकते हैं और अपने साथ कटार रख सकते हैं, तो क्या सनातन अनुयाई अपने पास वेल, परशु, त्रिशूल रख सकते हैं। कुछ सिख लड़िकयां भी पगड़ी पहनती है, कुछ लक्क बनने होते हैं कुछ कूके जो अपनी पौषक में ही शिक्षा ग्रहण करते हैं तो क्या सनातनी लड़कियां अपनी पौषक में पाठशाला जा सकते हैं जैसे धौति, कुर्ता, साडि आदि। पाठशालि मे अक्सर प्रार्थना में गुरुओ का नाम लिया जाने वाली प्रार्थनाएं करवाई जाती है क्या राम जी, शिवजी आदि की प्रार्थना नहीं हो सकती। अगर सभी के लिए समान्य शैक्षिक नियम हैं तो प्रार्थना से हमारे देवी देवताओं की पूजन भी होनी चाहिए केवल एक दो धर्मों की क्यों या सबकी हो अथवा यी किसी की भी नहीं। इस विषय पर नियम क्या है। पाठशाला में राष्ट्रीय गीत के समय बच्चों को छोड़ने आए मातापिता ख़डे नहीं होते कुछ शिक्षक भी छत के नीचे होने पर खड़े नहीं होते किन्तु हम बच्चों को क्यों ड़ाटा जाता है हम चाहते है हमे भी योग पढ़ाया जाए किन्तु शिक्षक बोलते हैं कि योग अभी विषय के रूप में पढ़ाया नहीं जाता केवल आसान खेलों के रुप में सिखाए जाते हैं। जो आसन खेलों के उद्देश्य से नही चाहता अपितु योग सीखना चाहता है तो उनके लिए पाठशाला में कक्ष से ही क्यों नहीं योग को पाठ्यक्रम में जोड़ा जाता। कक्षा छ के लिए तो पासबुक है योग की एनसीईआरटी की किन्तु हमारे लिए कक्षा 1 से 5 तक क्यों नहीं बनाई और पढ़ाई जाती और कक्षा छ में भी केवल पुस्तक है पढ़ाने के लिए शिक्षक और पाठशाला में पीरीअड नहीं जब हम योग पढ़ पाएं, ऐसे क्यों। भारत की मूल भाषा कौन सी है जिससे सभी भाषाएं जन्मी। ब्राह्राण, क्षत्रिय वैश्य जातियाँ है अथवा कार्य क्षेत्र की व्यवस्था। भात में जातियों का प्रचलन कबसे आया और सबसे पहले जातियों का वर्गीकरण किसने किया और किस आधार पर किया और जातिगत जनगणना कब और किसने करवाई। हमारे चारों वेद, तथा सारे उपनिषद मूल रुप में कहाँ कहाँ पर हैं। प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी को मिलना इतना मुश्किल है। कि भारत के नागरिक भी नहीं मिल पाते। उनको कैसे मिला जा सकता है। पापा( (लघिमा) के मुझे बताते है कि यह पैक फूड, जंक फूड हमारे शरीर के लिए बहुत खराब हैं, और स्वास्थ्य के लिए सरकार इतना कुछ करती हैं दवाओं और इलाज भी देती है तो सरकार भारत मे से यह जंक और पैक फूड बंद क्यों नहीं कर देती। सब ठीक रहेंगें और जो कोई बीमार होगा तो योग से ठीक हो जाएगा तो मोदी जी इस सबको बंद क्यों नहीं कर रहे। क्या हिन्दी बोलने वाला व्यक्ति असभ्य, अशिक्षित और अज्ञानी होता है। महाराजा दहिर सेन, राजा सूर्य, शिवाजी, बाजी राव पेशवा, महाराणा प्रताप, पृथ्वीराज के इतिहास की विभाग के पास पूर्ण जानकारी सांझा करें। क्या अंडों में सोयाबीन से भी अधिक प्रोटीन होता है। अंड़ों के विज्ञापन में सड़ें हो या मंडे रोज खाओं अंडे कही सनातन धर्म को टारगेट करके तो नहीं चलाया जाता क्योंकि मंगलवार को अक्सर बच्चों को मना किया जाता है कि मंगलवार प्याज, लसुन आदि तामसिक भोजन नहीं करते। क्या योग खेलो में ग्रैडैशन है मिलती है तो किस आधार पर कैसे। 2023-07-31 2023-08-21 28.08.2023
53 RTI-27/2023-24 Shri Bhaskar Mukharjee C/O Shefali Roy, Mandirtala, S.B. Ghat Road, Kanakshali, Chinsurah, Hooghly, West Bangal Pin: 712101 Mobile No: 9836073516 Email ID:[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide reference no. MCULT/R/E/23/00 What are the legal requirements to open a dance school in India? Does a dance school need to be affiliated with a board of council, if so, which board (s) or council (s)? 2023-08-18 2023-08-21 11.09.2023
54 RTI-26/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No: 8587888870 Email ID: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Name of Consultant (Admn./Establishment) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (Music) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th -10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (Dance) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (ICH /Drama) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (Puppet) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (Chairman & Secretary Office) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (Library) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (Accounts) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (CDN/Programme) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (Publication Sales & Marketing) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Name of Consultant (RTI & Legal Matters) appointed for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th - 10th June, 2023. Please provide Individual Marks-Statement given by the Individual Selection Committee Members and Consolidate Marks-Statement for Consultant (RTI & Legal matters) for which walk-in interview conducted on 8th – 10th June, 2023. 2023-08-17 2023-08-17 13.09.2023
55 RTI-25/2023-24 Shri Saransh Kumar 151, Dwarka, Sector-10 Delhi Email ID: saranshkr687[at]gmail[dot]com Names of all posts on which persons are presently working in Library of Sangeet Natak Akademi Name of posts may different of post but I need post wise details by whatever name they are called. Also provide details such as year, no of vacancies, mode of recruitment adopted in last recruitment for the post of Library and Information Assistant by Sangeet Natak Akademi. Photocopy of all available records in Sangeet Natak Akademi in regards to recruitment made in Libraries in the last 7 years. Copies of documents/records available in any form in this regard in Sangeet Natak Akademi may be provided 2023-08-10 2023-08-16 30.08.2023
56 RTI-24/2023-24 Shri Ajesh Mani Maliyackal House, Velamcode Post Kozhikode, Pin 673580 Kerala Mobile No. 7403321654 Email: ajeshmani.m[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00016 dated 09.08.2023 Please provide all library and information assistant (library) question papers and final answer key conducted old to latest Please provide all assistant documentation officer (library) question paper and final answer key conducted old to latest 2023-08-09 2023-08-09 04.10.2023
57 RTI-23/2023-24 श्री विशाल सिंह (एडवोकेट) डी 4 वर्षा कॉन्वेट स्कूल के पास काशीपुर मुरार, ग्वालियर मध्य प्रदेश मो. 9074295082 पिन: 474006 अमृत युवा कलोत्सव 2022-23 श्री शंकराचार्य संस्कृत विश्विधालय में आयोजित 2021 बिस्मिल्लाह खान युवा पुरस्कार विजेता के अंतर्गत 2,3,4 मार्च 2023 में “बुंदेलखण्ड़ विद्रोह 1842, डॉ. हिमांशु द्वेदी” (बुंदेलखण्ड़ नाट्य कला समिति, झांसी) के 28 सदस्यीय दल की नाम सहित सूची उपलब्ध करावें। (Total 28 Member List) बुंदेलखण्ड़ विद्रोह 1842 ड़ॉ. हिमांशू द्वेदी बुंदेलखण्ड़ नाट्य कला समिति, झांसी को कुल 4,77,000/- राशि स्वीकृत हुई। स्वीकृत राशि 4,77,000/- के क्रम में व्यय का विवरण यात्रा देयक, मानदेय आदि सभी देयक जो प्रस्तुत किये गयें देयकों की सत्यापित छायाप्रति उपलब्ध करावें। (Adjustment against Amount 477000/- all bills and Remuneration etc.) 2023-07-14 2023-08-17 31.07.2023
58 RTI-22/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00015 dated 06.07.2023 Copy of Tally/PFMS/Printed Vouchers for Amount Transferred to Kala Mandali/Kalamandali by the Sangeet Natak Akademi from 2014 to 2022. Copy of Tally/PFMS/Printed Vouchers for Amount Transferred to Pratibha Singh by the Sangeet Natak Akademi from 2014 to 2022. Copy of Tally/PFMS/Printed Vouchers for Amount Transferred to Smita Parashar by the Sangeet Natak Akademi from 2014 to 2022. Copy of Tally/PFMS/Printed Vouchers for Amount Transferred to Kanchan Pandey by the Sangeet Natak Akademi from 2014 to 2022. If there is any personal information then sought information should be provided using severability Clause of the RTI Act. 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 03.08.2023 18.08.2023
59 RTI-21/2023-24 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00014 dated 06.07.2023 Copy of Dak/Diary Register page where Entry with 30-5/F&T/EA/2016-17/119 made. Copy of D.S (F&A) Dak/Diary Dispatch Register page Where Entry with Dy no. 1036 dated 02.12.02016 made. Copy of Secretary Office Dak/Diary Dispatch Register page where entry with 2292 dated 06.12.2016 made. 2023-07-06 2023-07-06 03.08.2023 24.08.2023
60 RTI-88/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. +917292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Pray for arranging the inspection of File in relation to communication no. Admn/2-91(ii)/2019-20-21/6141 dated 16.03.2023 addressed to Suman Bara, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Culture. Certified Copy of the Complete File Noting with Secretary Office Diary No. 2817 dated 20.03.2023. Pray for arranging the inspection of File in relation to appointment of Consultant Bharat Bhushan Sharma. Pray for arranging the inspection of File in relation to appointment of Narvir Singh working on Contractual basis in the Akademi. 2023-03-21 2023-03-21 -
61 RTI-87/2022-23 Shri Karumana Prasad Pramadam, Cherodath House, Peruvanam, Cherpu 680561 Thrissur, Kerala What all criterion was considered for the selection of Peruvanam Kuttan Marar for Thayambaka in year 2019 and on what basis he was chosen for puraskaar? Copy of the documents concerned may be issued. Was there any recommendations in writing for such a decision? A copy of the details may be issued. 2023-03-21 2023-03-21 29.03.2023
62 RTI-86/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Please Provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) Paid to Pooja Khillan, Consultant from 10.05.2018 to 12.07.2018 in Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year, Amount Please Provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) Paid to Rahul Sharma, Consultant from 12.2016 to 06.2017 in Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year, Amount Please Provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) Paid to Abhishek Deka, Consultant from 10.2019 to 04.2020 in Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year, Amount Please Provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) Paid to Rahul Choudhary, Consultant from 06.2019 to 09.2019 in Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year, Amount Please Provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) Paid to Gaurav Sharma, Consultant from 04.2017 to 08.2017 in Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year, Amount Copy of the Order Office Memorandum etc. issued to Rani Kain, Assistant for deduction of pay as per the Registrar of Cooperative Society, Delhi. Copy of the Suspension Order of Rani Kain issued during her Service. 2023-03-16 2023-03-13 03.04.2023
63 RTI-85/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Please Provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) Paid to Bharat Bhushan Consultant (Music) from 04.2016 to 05.2021 in Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year, Amount 2023-03-13 2023-03-13 03.04.2023
64 RTI-84/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Please Provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) Paid to Ashmita Dutta, Assistant Consultant (ICH Section) from 21.07.2016 to 21.07.2017 in Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year, Amount 2023-03-13 2023-03-13 03.04.2023
65 RTI-83/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Copy of the Correspondence submitted vide Diary No. 711 dated 25.01.2023 addressed to the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of the Correspondence submitted vide Diary No. 2975 dated 02.02.2023 addressed to the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of the Correspondence submitted vide Diary No. 3042 dated 14.02.2023 addressed to the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of the Action-Taken including File Notings on above-mentioned Correspondences. 2023-03-13 2023-03-13 -
66 RTI-82/2022-23 Shri Kuldeep Singh Hinglaj Mata Temple Road, Barmer, Pin: 344001, Rajasthan Mobile No. 8239211133 Email: Kuldeepdetha4[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/23/00004 dated 03.03.2023 Sartaj Narayan Mathur Awarded by the Sangeet Natak Akademi for his contribution to? Is Sartaj Narayan Mathur related to theater and acting, folk music and sitar playing? 2023-03-03 2023-03-03 17.03.2023
67 RTI-81/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/ Voucher under-Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Pooja Khillan, Consultant from 10.05.2018 to 12.07.2018. Copy of Tally/PFMS etc Printed Sheet/Voucher under Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Rahul Sharma, Consultant from 20.12.2016 to 30.06.2017. Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/Voucher unde Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Abhishek Deka, Consultant from 04.10.2019 to 03.04.2020. Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/Voucher unde Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Rahul Choudhary, Consultant from 04.06.2019 to Date of Termination. Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/Voucher unde Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Gaurav Sharma, Consultant from 10.10.2017 to Date of Termination. 2023-02-26 2023-02-26 09.03.2023
68 RTI-80/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Pooja Khillan, Consultant from 10.05.2018 to 12.07.2018. Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Rahul Sharma, Consultant from 20.12.2016 to 30.06.2017. Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Abhishek Deka, Consultant from 04.10.2019 to 03.04.2020. Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Rahul Chaudhury, Consultant from 04.06.2019 to Date of Termination. Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Gaurav Sharma, Consultant from 10.10.2017 to Date of Termination. 2023-02-26 2023-02-26 27.03.2023
69 RTI-79/2022-23 RTI-79/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No: SANAK/R/E/2 Copy of the Complete File Noting & Office Memorandum i.r.t. Extension of Contractual Assignment of Jai Karan and Rakesh Kumar Pandey from 2022. Copy of the Circular etc. issued in respect of Current Finance Committee Members of the Sangeet Natak Akademi. Copy of the Complete General Council Meeting Agenda alongwith Any other Items Pages and Minutes of Meeting held in Current Financial Year. Copy of Complete Executive Board Meeting Agenda alongwith Any other Items Pages and Minutes of Meeting held in Current Financial Year. Copy of the Complete Finance Committee Meeting Agenda alongwith Any other Items Pages and Minutes of Meeting held in Current Financial Year 2023-03-23 2023-03-23 22.03.2023
70 RTI-78/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 8587888870 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Bharat Bhushan, Consultant from 25.04.2016 to 25.05.2021. Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Ashmita Dutta, Assistant Consultant from 21.07.2016 to Date of Termination. Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of S.M. Gupta, Consultant from 11.2017 to 02.2018 2023-02-14 2023-02-15 29.03.2023
71 RTI-77/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 8587888870 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/ Voucher under-Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Bharat Bhushan, Consultant from 25.04.2016 to 25.05.2021. Copy of Tally/PFMS etc Printed Sheet/Voucher under Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Ashmita Dutta, Assistant Consultant from 21.07.2016 to Date of Termination. Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/Voucher unde Ledger from the Month-Wise Salary Paid to S.M. Gupta, Consultant from 11.2017 to 08.2019 2023-02-14 2023-02-14 07.03.2023
72 RTI-76/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Had Ashmita Dutta who worked as Assistant Consultant (ICH) Retired from the Post of Assistant Section Officer/Section Officer/Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary or equivalent from Government Service? Copy of the Minutes of the Internal Committee pertaining to the Selection of Ashmita Dutta appointed as a Assistant Consultant (ICH) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 5.4 of the M/o Culture’s Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of Signed Non-Disclosure Undertaking submitted by Ashmita Dutta as a Assistant Consultant (ICH) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 11.4 of the M/o Culture’s Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of the Approval Granted by the Secretary (Culture) for Selection/Appointment Procedure Relaxation or Deviation from the Engagement of Consultant Guidelines issued by the M/o Culture for appointment of Ashmita Dutta as a Assistant Consultant (ICH) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 11.4 of the M/o Culture’s Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. 2023-02-14 2023-02-14 01.03.2023
73 RTI-75/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Had Bharat Bhushan who worked as Consultant Retired from the Post of Assistant Section Officer/Section Officer/Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary or equivalent from Government Service? Copy of the Advertisement with Name & Date of the Newspaper by which Bharat Bhushan appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 5.1 of the M/o Culture’s Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of the Minutes of the Internal Committee pertaining to the Selection of Bharat Bhushan appointed as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 5.4 of the M/o Culture’s Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of Signed Non-Disclosure Undertaking submitted by Bharat Bhushan as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 11.4 of the M/o Culture’s Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of the Approval Granted by the Secretary (Culture) for Selection/Appointment Procedure Relaxation or Deviation from the Engagement of Consultant Guidelines issued by the M/o Culture for appointment of Bharat Bhushan as a Consultant in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 11.4 of the M/o Culture’s Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. 2023-02-14 2023-02-14 01.03.2023
74 RTI-74/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Mobile No. 8587888870 Email: chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Sh. M.C. Aravindakshan, Consultant u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Shri Yatindra Mishra, Editor u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Shri Amar Singh, Consultant u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Shri Subhash Dutta, Audit Officer u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Shri Vipin Verma, Consultant (FoI) u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). 2023-02-08 2023-02-08 02.03.2023 & 09.03.2023
75 RTI-73/2022-23 Shri Nigam Bhardwaj Flat No 101 Sai Narayan Hardaspura Khagaul Patna: 801105 Mobile No: 9334973423 Email: drnigamb[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide registration no 9. RTI-73/2022-23 Shri Nigam Bhardwaj Flat No 101 Sai Narayan Hardaspura Khagaul Patna: 801105 Mobile No: 9334973423 Email: drnigamb[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide registration no. MCULT/R/E/23/00033 dated 01.02.2023. 01.02.2023 01.02.2023 संस्कृति मंत्रालय भारत सरकार के अधीन संबंधित सभी स्वायत्तसासी संस्था से संबंधित 2000 से 2020 के बीच हुई विभिन्न प्रकार के नियुक्ति से संबंधित जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाने के संबंध में। 1. उपरोक्त विषय में यह कहना है कि 2000 से लेकर दिंसबर 2022 तक कब कब नियुक्ति निकाली गई है। इन नियुक्ति के विज्ञापन की सत्यापित प्रतिलिपि उपलब्ध करवाई जाए। 2. उपरोक्त विषय में यह कहना है की 2000 से लेकर 2022 तक के नियुक्ति से पूर्व और वत्रमान में कितने बार आरक्षण रजिस्टर/रोस्टर का निर्माण/ सुधार किया गया। जब जब रजिस्टर/रोस्टर का निर्माण किया गया, उससे संबंधित बैठक की कार्यवाही, नियमावली और रजिस्टर/रोस्टर के सत्यापित प्रतिलिपि। 3. आपके अधीन सम्बद्ध सभी स्वायत्तसासी संस्था में कार्यरत सभी कर्मचारी से संबंधित, महीना वर्षवार के क्रमानुसार, सभी कर्माचारी (दैनिक भोगी, संविदा एवं वेतनभोगी) के कोटि (सामान्य, अनु. जाति, अनु जानजाति, रोस्टर के अनुसार) का वर्णन करते हुए महीना में कितने कार्यरत दिवस की संख्या, भुगतान की राशि एवं विभिन्न प्रकार के कटौती एवं अन्य भत्ते के विवरण की सत्यापित प्रतिलिपि। 4. क्या आपके यहां दैनिक, संविदा पर नियुक्ति के लिए भी किसी प्रकार के परीक्षा लिया जाता है, या फिर सिफारिश से नियुक्ति मिल जाती है। यदि परीक्षा या साक्षात्कार लिया जाता रहा है तो उस परीक्षा में कितने उम्मीदवार ने भाग लिया, उसके जन्म तिथि, उसके शौक्षणिक योग्यता, अनुभव एवं विज्ञापन की जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाई जाए। 5. दैनिक भोगी एवं संविदा कर्मी को किस प्रकार से सामाजिक सुरक्षा का प्रावधान आपके संस्थान में हैं। 6.क्या आप अपने कर्मचारी को EPF. ESIC, अन्य प्रकार की सुविधा उपलब्ध कराते हैं? यदि नहीं तो क्यों? यदि हां तो उसका विवरण उपलब्ध कराएं। 7.आपके यहां भूतपूर्व सैनिक/अनु. जन जाति/अनु. जाति/ पिछड़ा वर्ग/EWS के लिए विज्ञापन कब निकाली गई थी। याद कभी निकाली गई हैं तो उसका विवरण एवं आरक्षण रोस्टर की सत्यापित प्रतिलिपि उपलब्ध करवाया जाए। 8. अभी तक जितनी भी नियुक्ति हुई हैं उससे संबंधित (a)चयनित कर्मचारी की आवेदन, शैक्षणिक योग्यता, अनुभव प्रमाण पत्र के सत्यापित प्रतिलिपि (b) पुलिस के द्वारा किए गया आचरण प्रमाण पत्र की जांच प्रतिवेदन की प्रतिलिपि। (c) आपके द्वारा शैक्षणिक एवं अनुभव प्रमाण पत्रों के जांच के प्रतिलिपि। (d) परीक्षा साक्षात्कार आदि विभिन्न प्रकार के परीक्षा में किन किन अभ्यार्थियों को कितना अंक आया। (e) 2018 के बाद हुई नियुक्ति में पूछे गए प्रश्न के सत्यापित प्रतिलिपि के साथ चयनित अभ्यार्थी के कॉपी। चयनित सभी प्रकार के उम्मीदवारों के स्क्रूटनी कमिटी के रिपोर्ट। 9. आपके यहां जो भी पद स्वीकृत हैं, उससे संबंधित पदों के स्वीकृत होने से संबंधित कागजात, उस पद पर अभी तक किन किन वर्ग के कर्मचारी ने कार्य किया हैं उनका नाम, आरक्षित संवर्ग आदि का वर्णन। 10. एमटीएस में चतुर्थवर्गीय कर्मचारी के रूप में बदलने से पूर्व के स्वीकृत पद और उससे संबंधित कागजात। MoC 28.02.2023 2023-02-01 2023-02-01 28.02.2023
76 RTI-72/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Ms. Pooja Khillan, Consultant (Hindi) u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Mr/Shri Rahul Sharma, Consultant (Hindi) u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Mr/Shri Abhishek Deka, Consultant (ICH) u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Mr/Shri Rahul Choudhary, Consultant (ICH) u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Mr/Shri Gaurav Sharma, Consultant (Museum Projects) u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of documents/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 24.02.2023
77 RTI-71/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide Total Number of Leaves Availed (Month-Wise) by Kiran Jha, Consultant (Public Relation) from 01.11.2018 to 31.10.2019 in the Tabulated format mentioned below: Month, Year No. of Leaves Please provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) paid to Kiran Jha, Consultant (Public Relations) from 01.11.2018 to 31.10.2019 in the Tabulated Format, mentioned below: Month, Year Amount 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 08.02.2023
78 RTI-70/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Copy of Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Kiran Jha, Consultant (Public Relation) from 01.11.2018 to 31.10.2019. Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/Voucher under Ledger for the Month-Wise Salary Paid to Kiran Jha, Consultant (Public Relations) from 01.11.2018 to 31.10.2019. 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 08.02.2023
79 RTI-69/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Copy of the Correspondence etc. issued to Ravinder Kirar for designating him/appointing him as a P.A. to Secretary in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) in January, 2017. Please Specify Designation of Ravinder Kirar along with Status i.e. Regular/Contractual in January, 2017. Copy of the Correspondence etc. issued to Ravinder Kirar for designating him/appointing him as a P.A. to Secretary in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) in March, 2017. Please Specify Designation of Ravinder Kirar along with Status i.e. Regular/Contractual in March, 2017. 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 08.02.2023
80 RTI-68/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Had Kiran Jha who worked as a Consultant (Public Relations) Retired from the Post of Assistant Section Officer/Section Officer/Under Secretary /Deputy Secretary or equivalent from Government Services? Copy of the Signed Non-Disclosure Undertaking submitted by Kiran Jha as a Consultant (Public Relations) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 11.4 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016 and para. 10.4 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 23.03.2018. Copy of the Approval Granted by the Secretary (Culture) for Selection/Appointment Procedure Relaxation or Deviation from the Engagement of Consultant Guidelines issued by the M/o Culture for appointment of Kiran Jha as a Consultant (Public Relations) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 14.1 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No. H- 13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016 and para. 13.1 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No.- H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 23.03.2018 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 02.02.2023
81 RTI-67/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Had Shruti Lal Biyawat who worked as a Consultant (Media/Public Relation) Retired from the Post of Assistant Section Officer/Section Officer/Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary or equivalent from Government Services? Copy of the Advertisement with Name & Date of the Newspaper by which Shruti Lal Biyawat appointed as a Consultant (Media/Public Relation) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 5.1 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of the Minutes of the Internal Committee pertaining to the Selection of Shruti Lal Biyawat appointed as a Consultant (Media/Public Relation) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 5.4 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of Signed Non-Disclosure Undertaking submitted by of Shruti Lal Biyawat as a Consultant (Media/Public Relation) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 11.4 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. Copy of the Approval Granted by the Secretary (Culture) for Selection/Appointment Procedure Relaxation or Deviation from the Engagement of Consultant Guidelines issued by the M/o Culture for appointment of Shruti Lal Biyawat as a Consultant (Media/Public Relation) in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) as per para. 14.1 of the M/o Culture’s O.M. No. H-13011/101/2015-Estt. dated 18.04.2016. 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 02.02.2023
82 RTI-66/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide Total Number of Leaves Availed (Month-Wise) by Shruti Lal Biyawat, Consultant (Media/Public Relation) from 12.09.2016 to 12.07.2017 in the Tabulated format mentioned below: Month, Year No. of leaves Please provide Consolidate Remuneration (Month-Wise) aid to Shruti Lal Biyawat, Consultant (Media/Public Relation) from 12.09.2016 to 12.07.2017 in the Tabulated Format mentioned below: Month, Year Amount 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 08.02.2023
83 RTI-65/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Copy of the Monthly Performance Register/Attendance Sheet of Shruti Lal Biyawat, Consultant (Media/Public Relation) from 12.09.2016 to 12.07.2017 Copy of Tally/PFMS etc. Printed Sheet/Voucher under Ledger for the Month-Wise Salary paid to Shruti Lal Biyawat, Consultant (Media/Public Relation) From 12.09.2016 to 12.07.2017. 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 08.02.2023
84 RTI-64/2022-23 Shri Manoj H. No-118, Second Floor, gali no-5, Hakikat Nagar, Delhi- 110009 Mobile No: 8860042318 E-mail: manojmehraa[at]gmail[dot]com Electronically Transferred from Ministry of Culture v Does central civil service (CCS) rules apply on autonomous bodies under Ministry of Culture? How many temporary employees are working in autonomous bodies under Ministry of Culture on post wise, provide list? Total vancant post in autonomous bodies under the Ministry of Culture? Total list of employees are under probation period in autonomous bodies under the Ministry of Culture? 2022-12-22 2022-12-22 13.01.2023
85 RTI-63/2022-23 Shri Ladukeswara Rana S/o late Shri Mrutyunjay Rana W. No-06 (in front of maa sitala mandir Badabazar) P/o Baripada Town, Mayurbhanj-757001, Odisha Who’s the Academy Awardee for the year of 2019, 2020 & 2021 in the filed of Chhau? If one namely “Trilochan Mohanta” for Chhau Dance from mayurbhanj nominated to get the award, then how & which process? What is his Academic Qualification? Who nominated his name & who were the jury committee members and who proposed his name & who select his name? Give its details. Whether he himself applied or universialy selected? Give its details. How many candidates name have been proposed/sponsored in the year 2020 in the filed of Chhau Dance? Give its details. Whether Dist. Cult. Committee has recommended his name i.e. (Trilochan Mohanta’s name) or not? If not, then who have recommended his name. Give its details. 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13.01.2023
86 RTI-62/2022-23 Shri Lokanath Das S/o Rabindranath Das Ward no.05, Near Radhamohan Temple, P/o Baripada Town, Mayurbhanj-757001, Odisha Who is the Academy Awardee for the years of 2019, 2020 & 2021. (For Chhau) If one namely “Trilochan Mohanta” of Chhau Dance from mayurbhanj nominated to get the award, then how & which process. What is his Academic Qualification? Who nominated his name & who were the jurry committee members? And who proposed his name & who select his name? Give its details. Whether he himself applied or universialy selected? Give its details. How many candidates name have been sponsored in the year 2020 for Chhau Dance give its details. 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 13.01.2023
87 RTI-61/2022-23 Mir Arsalan Mehraj D/o Mehraj ud Din Mir R/o Pampore Near J&K Bank Cell: 9622277961 Email: arsalanmehraj2102[at]gamil[dot]com Provide particulars of information about Thang Ta Federation of India as per the Sangeet Natak Academy New Delhi records. Provide me the information of last seven years how much fund has been released in favour of Thang Ta Federation of India by your office. From last seven years how many events have been conducted by Thang Ta Federation of India in different part of the country and what kind of facilities have been provided by your office. From last seven years how many railways connections have been issued in favour of the Thang Ta Federation of land and its affiliated units for different units for different events organized by Thang Ta Federation of India its affiliated units. Convey us weather Thang Ta Federation of India is recognized by your department and from which dated it has been organized. 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 12.01.2023
88 RTI-60/2022-23 Shri Arvind Bhardwaj Advocate, Delhi High Court Ch.No D-627, D-Block, Karkardooma Court Complex, Shahdara, Delhi-32 Mobile No. 9899452939 Email: arvindbhardwaj12[at]rediffmail[dot]com The information sought for relates to Smt Rita Swami Choudhary, Deputy Secretary (Music) in the tabular form i.e. status and purpose of leave 2022-12-07 2022-12-07 14.12.2022
89 RTI-59/2022-23 Shri Sagar Gupta H-742, 3rd Floor, Gali No.7, Dwarka, Sector-7, New Delhi Pin:110077 Mobile No. 7042539297 E-mail: sagar6210[at]gmail[dot]com Registration No. SANAK/R/E/22/00020 dated 29.1 I have applied for the post of regular post (Junior Clerk-cum-typist) by offline mode in Sangeet Natak Akademi Delhi, source The times of India 12-JAN-2019. I want to know that when will your organization conduct the examination and how many candidates applied for this post. 2022-11-29 2022-11-29 05.12.2022
91 RTI-57/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Sh. S.M. Gupta, Consultant u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of document/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Sh. Shruti Lal Biyawat, Consultant u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of document/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Sh. Kiran Jha, Consultant u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of document/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Sh. Bharat Bhushan, Consultant u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of document/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Request for arranging inspection of file/service file in relation to appointment of Sh. Ashmita Dutta, Consultant u/s 2 (j) (i) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, it is hereby also requested that may kindly provide certified copies of document/records which the appellant mention after inspection u/s 2 (j) (ii). Copy(s) of the Office Memorandum (O.M.)/Memorandum etc. issued in relation to Punctuality in Attendance between 2015 to 2022 issued by the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). 2022-11-17 2022-11-17 21.12.2022
92 RTI-56/2022-23 Shri Ravinder H.No 298/2, New Bhoor Colony, Old Faridabad, Pin:121002 Haryana E-mail: ravinderkuhar001[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile No. 9953005898 Registration No. SANAK/R/E/22/00018 dated 17.10 May you please provide the list of the list of FOLK DANCE, FOLK MUSIC of all Indian sates that are recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Sahitya Natak Akademi? 2022-10-17 2022-10-17 27.10.2022
93 RTI-55/2022-23 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 मैं Pensioner ललिता बजाज द्वारा RR Norms के base पर Pension benefit व Pension Review के प्रति SNA के Chairman को अपील की गई व Secretary को भी लगाई Copy attached dated 28/09/2022 प्रथम अपील, 17/10/2022 द्वतीय अपील latest द्वतिय अपील की copy attached Chairman, Secretary, Copy attached इसके प्रति Section Officer Admin द्वारा जो Noting की गई है उसकी Noting की copy दी जाए। S.O. (Admin) श्री राकेश बतरा Date of Joining से Till Date RR Norms के Against benefit ले रहा है फिर इस अपील को Noting करने का अधिकार जिसे दिया गया है उसकी जानकारी दी जाए। वह order की कापी दी जाए जिसमें लिखा गया है कि अपने case की Noting वह स्वंय करने का अधिकार दिया गया हो, कापी दी जाए। संगीत नाटक का D.S. (Admin) basically Technical Post पर D.S (Documentation) है इनके द्वारा दी गई approval की जानकारी दी जाए। ललिता बजाज Pensioner को RR के base पर Pensionary benefit व pension न देने के लिए जो DPC की गई है उसकी कापी दी जाए। संगीत नाटक अकादेमी के 5 कर्मचारी को K.S Pillai, R Hema, Sundeep Gandhi, Rakesh Batra व Anil Goyal जो Date of Joining से Till Date तक RR के Against benefit दिए जा रहे है उसकी DPC की copy दी जाए। ललिता बजाज Pensioner को PPo No दिया जाए। 31/12/22 को Anil Goyal की Retirement है इसे RR के Against benefit देने के लिए जो approval ली गई है उसकी कापी दी जाए। 2022-10-19 2022-10-19 09.12.2022
94 RTI-54/2022-23 Smt Leisha Saggar C-206 mandavi pearl City, Coin circle vidhyaratna nagar, Manipal Karnataka, Pin: 576104 Mobile No: 8989738209 E-mail: leishasaggar0531[at]gmail[dot]com Registration no. SAN Since 2015 what are the incentives and programs for artisans and local craftsmen provided by the Ministry of Culture. During COVID-19 lockdown how many loans were dispensed for the artisans and craftsmen under your department. How much budget was allocated for starting new business and start-up for craftsmen and artisans in India. 2022-10-07 2022-10-10 18.11.2022
95 RTI-53/2022-23 Smt Vinodi Sharma House No. F-468, DDA Flats, Vikaspuri, Delhi When was the post of Deputy Secretary Drama filled by direct recruitment? Please provide name and copy of educational qualification and experience of the people applying at that time. Also give the panel list, in which who was number one, as well as the approved minutes of the selection committee. Vigilance sat on Shri Suman Kumar, Deputy Secretary (Drama) in which the members of the Administrative Committee and the members of the Administrative Committee of SNA were not satisfied with his answers. The report is pending till date, give reasons. Jawaharlal Nehru Academy, Imphal Rabindrarangshala, Kathak Kendra, Sangeet Natak Akademi are the constituent units. Jawaharlal Nehru Akademi takes permission from Secretary Sangeet Natak Akademi for every minor permission, so doesn't this rule apply to Kathak Kendra. If not, please explain why there is disparity in the rights of the constituent units of the Akademi. If yes, please provide a copy of the approval and order for all the employees working in the Kathak Kendra. (Regular & Contractual) which have been placed so far in one year. Members of the Administrative Committee and Members of the Administrative Committee of SNA were of the view that the reply given by Mrs. Helen Acharya, DS (Dance) was not satisfactory. The specially constituted committee decided that disciplinary action may be initiated against Mrs. Helen Acharya. So tell the reason for not taking action on this investigation yet. Smt. Helen Acharya, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (i) of rule 10 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, has acted irresponsibly in a manner unbecoming of a public servant and competent authority , on which the suspension order has been issued. From 31.5.2019 Smt. Helen Acharya DS (Dance) Sangeet Natak Akademi, has contravened clauses (i), (ii), (ii) of rule 3(i) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and rule 3 of the CC (Conduct)- A has contravened clauses (a) and (b) of s. A charge sheet has been issued to Mrs. Helen Acharya, DS (Dance) in this regard. No. 2/34-2/1992-93/1026 dated 22-8-2019 but no action has been taken so far with reasons. As per the charge sheet against her, Charge No. 1 is: Through misrepresentation to the members of the Governing Body of SNA, Smt. Helen Acharya was appointed as Secretary, SNA, whereas the Selection Committee held on 6-9-2013 In its meeting, his name was not recommended for the post of Secretary, SNA. Till now no answer has been given by Mrs. Helen Acharya. Give reason. The promotion was done in the DPC of May 6, 2022 on the basis of which roster and R. In relation to this DPC, give a copy of the note portion from where the aforesaid approval was taken and also give a copy of the officer who gave the approval to fill the reserved posts from general category. 2022-10-04 2022-10-06 02.02.2023
96 RTI-52/2022-23 Mr. Sunil Kumar, c/o Mr. Kashiram Yadav C- 114, Gali No. 18, Khajuri Khas, Delhi-110094 At present, how many assistant and permanent employees/officers are working in the administration of the Akademi? Who is the assistant there? Please tell the name? Mr. Devinder Rai (Senior Clerk) from the administration only goes on every tour. Why does the Deputy Secretary Administration repeatedly send Mr. Devinder Rai on tour for what purpose? Please give correct answer with reason. How many times has Mr. Deninder Rai gone on tour ever since he joined the Akademi? If there is rotation in the academy, please tell how many employees have been transferred and how many times. For how many years Mr. Devinder Rai (Senior Clerk) and other employees are sitting in the administration? Mr. Ravinder Kirar, Mr. Narveer Singh, Mr. Arjun came to the Akademi in what capacity and through what means. Also give a copy of their advertisement. Please give information related to the name, designation, year when the direct appointment/promotion of Section Officer and Deputy Secretary from Scheduled Caste was done for the first time in the Academy. At present, is there any permanent employee/officer working in the library of the Akademi? Who is the LIO Library and Information Officer and LIA Library and Information Assistant please name them? Who will be responsible if any mishap happens in the Akademi Library after Mr. Parveen Dureja goes on tour. Please tell 2022-09-29 2022-10-06 22.11.2022
97 RTI-51/2022-23 Mr. Sunil Kumar, c/o Mr. Kashiram Yadav C- 114, Gali No. 18, Khajuri Khas, Delhi-110094 On January 1, 2022, "M/s Sulabh Sanitation Mission Foundation", New Delhi, give the approval copy of the tender for manpower and also the noting along with the copy of its sanction. What were the conditions of the manpower tender on January 1, 2022, 'Sulabh'. Give notice along with the copy. On January 1, 2022, the 22-day tender 'Sulabh' was done with manpower. Tell the reason for tendering for 26 days instead of 22 days from last March 2022? Was the secretary made aware of this, whether it has been approved by the secretary, then please give the noting along with the copy. On January 1, 2022, how many data entry and multitasking jobs were put through outsourcing. If the above was approved by the Secretary, please give complete noting along with the order. Out of all the data entry and multitasking positions in the Akademi that were kept through outsourcing in March-April 2022, how many are still working and how many have been fired by the Akademi, also give their names and the reason for their removal. In relation to RTI dated June 4, 2022, Mr. Suman Kumar had said in reply that all the data entry and multitasking posts in the Academy from January to April, 2022 were kept only for awards. Then Mr. Suman Kumar did not tell the reason for not removing Miss Neetu who is working in the drama, please provide correct information about this also. Regarding RTI dated June 4, 2022, Mr. Suman Kumar replied that we had kept ten outsourcing for our award. If there is any such letter and noting, please give it. How many data entry and multitasking in the Akademi were kept through outsourcing in March-April 2022, the complete noting of their approval was given to Sandeep Kumar on RTI dated 4th June 2022. Incomplete information was given to Sandeep Kumar, please don't waste my time by giving me incomplete information. 2022-09-29 2022-11-06 22.11.2022
98 RTI-50/2022-2023 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 5 employees of Sangeet Natak Akademi are taking benefits against RR Norms of SSN on Date Joining till Till Date whose names are K.S Pillai, R Hema, Sundeep Gandhi, Rakesh Batra and Anil Goyal to give benefits against RR to these five A copy of the approval should be given. Retirement of Anil Goyal is going to happen on 31/12/22, he should be given a copy of approval for giving benefits against RR norms. A copy of the approval taken for not giving pension and benefit on the basis of RR to pensioner Lalita Bajaj on 31/10/2015 should be given. 2022-09-28 2022-09-28 -
99 RTI-49/2022-23 Shri/Ms Shivkanti E 3126 Rajajipuram, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Can we send application for grant for drama program or dance program to get grant from Sangeet Natak Akademi New Delhi. If yes, in how many copies will have to be sent, please send the application form for drama, dance and guide line. Whether to send the application directly to you or by making a recommendation - if by making a recommendation, by whom, by making a recommendation, in how many copies, by when? Note- If the institutions send the application, please send the form guide line for that too, after getting recommendation from whom to send it. 2022-09-27 2022-09-27 07.10.2022
100 RTI-48/2022-23 Shri Dr Devashish Bhattacharya 16/338 kali Badi, Near S.N. Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh Pin: 282003 Mobile: 9456091472 E-mail: bhattacharyadevashish827[at]Gmail[dot]Com Reg. number- Tabla the Musical instrument was discovered when and by whom please share. Harmonium is in use an musical instruments since when please inform. Flute is played since when and who first introduced flute, please inform. Tabla is made up what please share Tabla the musical instruments was discovered when and by whom please share. 2022-09-06 2022-09-06 20.09.2022
101 RTI-47/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Mobile – 7292000937 Email- chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No. Please Provide Copy(s) of Complete File Noting in relation to Advertisement for the posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Typist on Regular Basis in the Pay Level of Pay Matrix i.e. Rs. 19900-63200 (Grade Pay Rs. 1900) Published on 12.01.2019 in the Times of India and Navbharat and on 26.01.2019 - 01.04.2019 in the Employment News. Please Provide Amount of Expenditure Incurred along with Copies of Accounts Vouchers and Bill in relation to Advertisement for the Posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Typist on Regular Basis in the Pay Level of Pay Matrix i.e. Rs. 19900-63200 (Grade Pay Rs. 1900) Published on 12.01.2019 in the Times of India and Navbharat and on 26.01.2019 - 01.04.2019 in the Employment News. Please Provide Total Numbers of Candidates (in Numbers) Who applied for the Above-Mentioned Posts. Please Provide Completer File Noting for Screening Committee/Search-cum-Selection Committee/Search-cum-Screening Committee in relation to Advertisement for the Posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Typist on Regular Basis in the Pay Level of Pay Matrix i.e. Rs. 19900-63200 (Grade Pay Rs. 1900) Published on 12.01.2019 in the Times of India and Navbharat and on 26.01.2019 - 01.04.2019 in the Employment News. Please Provide Complete List of Eligible General Candidates in relation to Advertisement for the Posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Typist on Regular Basis in the Pay Level of Pay Matrix i.e. Rs. 19900-63200 (Grade Pay Rs. 1900) Published on 12.01.2019 in the Times of India and Navbharat and on 26.01.2019 - 01.04.2019 in the Employment News. 2022-09-06 2022-09-06 -
102 RTI-46/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Mobile – 7292000937 Email- chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No. Please Provide Inspection of File in relation to Correspondence Admn./2-93/2018-19/2073. 2022-09-05 2022-09-06 06.10.2022
103 RTI-45/2022-23 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 MOC's order copy attached Order No. F.No.Acad-14/35/2022-Acad/370 dated 27 May 2022 Based on this order Sangeet Natak Akademi Lalita Bajaj's report is being prepared on the basis of RR, made Copy this report. Based on the report generated pension benefits and pension will be reviewed. Salary will be fixed on the basis of that. Provide a copy of the pay determination. Copy of pay fixation from 1983 to 31/10/2015 should be given. Details of pension made from 1 November 2015 till now should be given. Give DA and 7th Pay Commission report from 2016. And details should be given. My retirement is on 31/10/2015. In the ABC report, I have not been reverted to grade pay since 22/7/08. A copy of the pay fixation will be done after reviewing it. Copy of pay fixation of R Hema, Sandeep Gandhi, Rakesh Batra should be given. I should not be told my PPO and family pension should also be fixed. Lalita Bajaj's report is being prepared by the Sangeet Natak Akademi that a final order will be given to this Ministry of Culture, its dispatch number and date will be given, the name of the officer will also be given and a copy will be given. 2022-08-30 2022-08-30 -
104 RTI-44/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Mobile – 7292000937 Email- chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 361 dated 02.11.2021 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 2501 dated 29.11.2021 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 2639 dated 29.12.2021 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 2687 dated 14.01.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 2703 dated 24.01.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 2846 dated 04.03.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 2556 dated 06.04.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 3311 dated 05.05.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 3427 dated 25.05.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 242 dated 27.06.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer Copy of the First Page of My Representation Addressed to the Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) submitted vide Diary Number 383 dated 06.07.2022 on which Individual Remarks given by the Chairman/Any Other Officer. 2022-08-26 2022-08-29 -
105 RTI-43/2022-23 Smt Rani Kain Assistant, Sangeet Natak Akademi New Delhi-110001 Mr. Rakesh Batra and Mr. Sandeep Gandhi came through direct recruitment, so give the list of vacancies of Senior Clerk in 1988 and through which medium did they come to the Akademi from Advertisement/Employment Office? Please give a copy Kindly give the seniority list of 1988 senior clerk. Mr. Rakesh Batra and Mr. Sandeep Gandhi have received ACP/MACP when and how much? And please also give a copy of his mints along with complete noting of when he was promoted from senior clerk to assistant post. On June 24, 2022, how many people have been regularized (adhoc to regular) by the Akademi on their posts, please copy their effective date with mints along with the order. Kindly give a copy of the approved minutes of the Selection Committee to Mrs. Babita when she came to the academy and in which post she is currently and also the minutes of the DPC of the post she currently holds. When and in what position Mr. Anil Goyal joined the Akademi and provide his seniority list at that time. Kindly give a copy of DPC approved Minutes along with noting when he got promoted from Clerk to Senior Clerk and Assistant. From 22-08-2008 to 2011, how many people were promoted by the Akademi and regularized (adhoc to regular) on their posts, please give a copy of the order along with mints and their effective date along with noting the DPC of all of them . Please give a copy of the notings and office order related to which post Shri PK Shukla was appointed/promoted to the post of Administrative Officer in the year 2010 by converting it. Copy of pay fixation of the following employees/officers from the date of appointment, retirement/till date, promotion adhoc/promotion regular, ACPs, MACPs before implementation of AB Cell Report and after implementation of AB Cell Report Do it. (A) Mr. PK Shukla (B) Mrs. Tarlochan Bhatia (C) Mr. Sanjay Kumar (Photographer) (D) Mrs. Hema Ramesh (E) Mrs. Kusum Dhingra (F) Shramti Meena Johri (G) Mr. Sandeep Gandhi (H) Mr. Rakesh Batra (I) Mr. Aniya Goyal (J) Mr. Ragesh Pandey (K) Mrs. Sneh Lata (L) Mrs. Babita (M) Mrs. Anita Katyal (N) Mrs. Mr. Shrilata Nair (O) Mrs. Kamlesh Arya 2022-08-26 2022-08-26 -
106 RTI-42/2022-23 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 Under Secy Sh of MoC by order of respected Secy culture. A letter was sent to the Secretary of Sangeet Natak Akademi with the signature of Suman Bara whose No FNo. Akd-14/35/2022-Akad/370 This letter was sent on 27th May, its copy was also given to me by email. My retirement is on 31/10/2015, I was not given pensionary benefit and pension on the basis of RR of SNA. PPO No was also not given, I should be informed whether I will get all this money with interest or not. 2022-08-26 2022-08-26 -
107 RTI-41/2022-23 Smt Rani Kain Assistant, Sangeet Natak Akademi New Delhi-110001 Kindly provide me a certified copy of the minutes of the Administrative Committee dated 01.08.2017 2022-08-25 2022-08-25 25.08.2022
108 RTI-40/2022-23 Shri Sagar Tapadiya Santiniketan, Besides R S Post Office, Near Law College, Gadag Road, Koppal, Karnataka, Pin: 583231 Mobile: 9422432228 E-mail: sagartapadiya[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. numbe How many Classical Form of Dances are recognized in India? Which Forms of dance are considered as Classical Dance? Which language composition is used to perform those classical dance? 2022-08-23 2022-08-24 05.09.2022
109 RTI-39/2022-23 Smt Ipsitaa Bhaskar D-015, Assotech the Nest, Crossings Republik, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin: 201016 Mobile No: 9311450850 E-mail: ipsitaa.bhaskar[at]gmail[dot]com Registration no. SANAK What was the budget for the fiscal year 1st April2022 – 31st March2023? Please provide me with the details with government records of how the funds are equally distributed among three of its constituents? Please provide me with the details along with the government records of the increase in the funding of Akademi of the past 10 fiscal years? Has any scheme been introduced by the centre for the upliftment of Akademi in the recent years? If yes, then please provide with the details of the developments so happened. Are steps being undertaken by the Centre for enhancing the image of Indian culture and performing arts an international level. Please provide the details of social responsibilities being fulfilled by the Akademi 2022-08-23 2022-08-24 16.09.2022
110 RTI-38/2022-23 Shri Rajkumar Romakanta Singh Thangmeiband Yumnam leikai, Imphal, West District, Manipur Pin: 795001 Mobile No: 9366736517 Email: romakantar[at]yahoo[dot]com Registration No. SANAk/R/E/22/0 Certified/Authenciated Copy of the Up-to-date Waiting List of applicants in order seeking/applied jobs in JNMDA, Imphal under the Scheme of Die in harness. Certified/Authenciated Copy of the Original applications letter received so far in the JNMDA, Imphal for consideration of appointment under the Die in harness Scheme. Full Particulars of 3 persons who have been lastly appointed under the Die in harness Scheme in the JNMDA, Imphal along with the copy of their Original APPOINTMENT LETTER. Certified copy of the DESIGNATION of the deceased persons, of which there dependents are seeking/ applying for job under the Die in harness Scheme. 2022-08-17 2022-08-23 Application forwarded to JNMDA, Imphal on 23.08.2022 Information provided by JNMDA on 15.09.2022
111 RTI-37/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Gate No. 3 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Transferred from Ministry of Culture throu Whether the Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. 7/24/2007/E III (A) dated 18.10.2021 with Subject: Grant of Non Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2020-21 issued by E.III-A Branch. D/o Expenditure applicable for the Employees of Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of Concurrence or Order of the Ministry of Culture for extending Grant of Non- Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2020-21 to the Employees of Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Copy of Concurrence or Order of the Ministry of Finance taken by the Ministry of Culture for extending Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2020-21 to the Employees of Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). 2022-07-12 2022-08-04 05.08.2022
112 RTI-36/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Gate No. 3 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide Can Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) or its Constituent Unit (CUs) appoint Employee on Contractual Basis without issuing any Advertisement on any Post? Please Provide information in Yes/No. 2022-07-12 2022-07-29 03.08.2022
113 RTI-35/2022-23 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 The on duty employees of Music Drama Academy Sandeep Gandhi, Rakesh Batra, Anil Goyal are being given benefits from the date of joining till date against RR Norms. I Lalita Bajaj Retirement is on 31/10/2015 I am writing from on duty till date no reply given to me on the basis of pension benefits and pension academy norms copy of the rule in which it is written Is that duty staff Sandeep Gandhi, Rakesh Batra, Anil Goyal be given benefits against RR. From date of joining till retirement and pension benefits to Lalita Bajaj on the basis of Pension RR copy given below. Case should be closed. 2022-07-22 2022-07-22 -
114 RTI-34/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Gate No. 3 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please Provide Duration i.e. DD/MM/YYYY – DD/MM/YYYY on which Jaykaran worked as a Data Entry Operator (DEO) on outsourcing Basis in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). Please Provide Duration i.e DD/MM/YYYY – DD/MM/YYYY on which Rakesh Pandey worked as a Data Entry Operator (DEO) on outsourcing Basis in the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA). 2022-07-12 2022-07-12 20.07.2022
115 RTI-33/2022-23 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 Copy of MOC's order number F.Acad/14-35/2022 dated May 27, 2022, while noting, approving, a copy of his approval and order should be given by sending a reply under Secretary Suman Bara. I have emailed on 7/7/2022 on the official id of the secretary Jatin Bajaj's email id has also been scanned (attach the copy) after this the copy of the approval being taken and the copy of the remarks given by the secretary Will go I did not inspect the minutes of the committee prescribed under the RTI Act, 2005, Rakesh Batra is writing in bogus ways so I should not inspect the minutes of the inappropriate committee. In the case of R Hema, Sandeep Gandhi and Rakesh Batra, no per se legal opinion was taken by the judicial committee, it is fraud and bogus method used. Batra, therefore, be given a copy of the legal opinion given below. Rakesh Batra, Assistant of Administration Section, Rakesh Batra of RTI, S.O. Admin Rakesh Batra Rakesh Batra harassing PMO and MOC Rakesh Batra solving the case against the written order of Secretary Culture Rakesh Batra harassing pensioner Lalita Bajaj. The action taken by Rakesh Batra against the fake information is giving his information. All this information D.S. To be given with the signature of the admin. Lalita Bajaj Review Draft Pension & Pension Benefits, Scan copy of Draft Pension Order is attached. 2022-07-07 2022-07-07 -
116 RTI-32/2022-23 Ms Archana Mohan Kate Prius Global, Tower A, 5th Floor, Plot No. 3, 4 & 5, Sector – 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh Pin: 201301 Mobile No: 9867316381 E-mail: akate[at]dataflowgroup[dot]com Transf Please confirm whether all the courses offered in Music and musical instruments by the institutes in India are required to be registered or recognized by your authority? Whether the Institute/Colleges offering courses in Music/Musical instruments need approval from your authority to impart them? Whether the final certificate can be issued by the Institutes/Colleges recognized by your authority? 2022-06-26 2022-07-01 01.07.2022
117 RTI-31/2022-23 Shri Naveen Kumar Chamber Number 501, District Court Dwarka, Dwarka Complex (Near Sector 10 Metro Station) Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 At which post did Mahima Chug’s appointment take place? And which post is she working on now? Give me her promotion details also? In which newspaper the advertisement for the appointment of Garima Batra, kiran Sabarwal and Jyoti was published? And how many members were there at the time of their interview. Kindly give details. Who was section officer (Admin) at the time of Gunjan Batra’s appointment and what is family relation between them? Is there any family relation between Poonam Khana, Kiran Sabarwal and Jyoti? On which post are Subhash and Tushar working in Kathak Kendra? And what are their mutual family relation and what is their educational qualification? 2022-06-28 2022-06-28 Reply on 26.07.2022
118 RTI-30/2022-23 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 I went to Lalita Bajaj Sangeet Natak Akademi on 22/6/2022 to give by hand letter that I was e-mailed by Academy Section of Ministry of Culture F.No. Akd-14/35/2022-Akad./370 dated 27 May 2022 to give a copy of the letter that I should be given a reply. Mr. Ravindra Kirar refused to accept this letter (Copy attached) Information should be given on 22/06/2022 and its copy should be given. Answer should be given for not allotting PPoNo from 2015 till Till Date. Retd. PPO No of R Hema should be given. Akademi Section F No. of Ministry of Culture refused to take this letter by Mr. Ravindra Kirar. Akd-14/35/2022-Akd./370 dated 27 May 2022 (Copy attach) What action has been taken by you against this? Duty Employee Anil Goyal cannot be promoted and Retirement Benefit Released in December 2022 without replying to this letter given to its Reminder 06.06.2022 and Secretary E-mail 20.06.2022. 2022-06-23 2022-06-23 -
119 RTI-29/2022-23 Smt Lalita Bajaj 8/111-112, Ist floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Pin: 110017 My Retirement Lalita Bajaj's Retirement is on 31/10/2015. I have written Remarks while filling up the Pension Form on Duty. My benefit is Due but not allot to me My benefit is equivalent to R Hema, Sundeep Gandhi, and Rakesh Batra Against this I was given Draft Pension by Sangeet Natak Akademi whose PPoNo was not allotted. After giving its 1000 reminders to Sangeet Natak Akademi, Intimation was given to Secretary Culture by Various E-mail that On duty employee Sundeep Gandhi, Rakesh Batra, Anil Goyal are being given benefits of Against RR Norms and Against CCS Rule and Lalita Bajaj's Pending Pensionary benefit should be reviewed and 7th Pay Commission should be given from 2016. A letter was issued by the MoC against this, whose F No. Akd-14/35/2022-Akad./370 dated 27 May 2022 Issued (Copy attached) Copy of the report made by Sangeet Natak Akademi on the basis of this letter given to Lalita Bajaj by e-mail Go and provide a copy of the necessary action taken against Lalita Bajaj. 2022-06-23 2022-06-23 Reply on 25.08.2022
120 RTI-28/2022-23 Shri Sandeep New Delhi Mobile No: 9999159263 E-mail: sandeepsk0912[at]gmail[dot]com Registration No: SANAK/R/E/22/00012 dated 13.06.2022 Complete list of outsourcing staff since 01 January 2022 to till date. The copy/ of approvals, detailed procedure used from engagement to resignation/ leaving/ expiry of tenure of all the staff as per serial no. 1. Attendance sheet of all the staffs as per serial no.1. Latest copy of Delegation of power. Record for compliance of Gratuity and PF as per government rules. Procedure and policy of promotion, transfer of outsource staff/ permanent/ direct contract (without third party) and recruitment/ engagement of outsource staffs. 2022-06-13 2022-06-16 Reply on 12.07.2022 ; 14.07.2022 ; 08.08.2022
121 RTI-27/2022-23 Shri Sandeep New Delhi Pin: 110001 Mobile No: 9999159263 E-mail: sandeepsk0912[at]gmail[dot]com Registration No: SANAK/R/E/22/00011 dated 13.06.2022 The copy of outsourcing staff list joined from 1 January 2022 to 13 June 2022 with copy of their approval, test, and attendance sheet with the reason of leaving/ resignation and terminating in writing. Provide the copy of outsource staff Ms. Neetu Kukmari approved by her name, test, tenure of working in SNA Drama and attendance sheet. Provide the list of higher official of SNA with their delegation of power. 2022-06-13 2022-06-16 Reply on 12.07.2022 ; 14.07.2022 ; 08.08.2022
122 RTI-26/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A - 261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad, Pin: 201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 E-mail: Chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Registration Please Provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ Signed by the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration on File Noting Page No. 2 attached with this RTI Application. Please Provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ of the Secretary who Signed on File Noting Page No. 2 attached with this RTI Application. Please Provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Finance & Accounts (F&A) on File Noting Page No. 2 attached with this RTI Application. Please Provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration who Signed on File Noting Page No.2 attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-10 2022-06-15 Reply on 12.07.2022 & 23.08.2022
123 RTI-25/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Please Provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Section Officer (S.O) – Accounts who Signed Voucher attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Finance & Accounts (F&A) who Signed Voucher attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply on 05.07.2022
124 RTI-24/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide ‘Date of Joining’ along with ‘Date of Contract Termination’ of Financial Year (FY) 2021-22 for the Employees mentioned in Voucher attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply on 12.07.2022 & 25.07.2022
125 RTI-23/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Section Officer (S.O) – Accounts who Signed Voucher attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Finance & Accounts (F&A) who Signed Voucher attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the 55M/s SSM Facility Management Co. Employees as per the Voucher attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply on 12.07.2022
126 RTI-22/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please Provide ‘Date of Joining’ along with ‘Date of Contract Termination’ of Financial year (FY) 2020-21 for the Employees mentioned in Voucher attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply 12.07.2022 & 25.07.2022
127 RTI-21/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Section Officer (S.O) – Accounts who Signed Voucher attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Finance & Accounts (F&A) who Signed Voucher attached with this RTI Application. Is there a Break in Service of Employees mentioned in Voucher attached with this RTI Application. Is Employees mentioned in Voucher attached with this RTI Application comes under the Category of Casual Labour & appointed on Ad-hoc Basis. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply on 12.07.2022
128 RTI-20/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:2 Please provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ Signed by the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Secretary who Signed on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ of the Section Officer (S.O) – Accounts who Signed on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply on 05.07.2022
129 RTI-19/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide ‘Name & Designation’ Signed by the Official on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Endorsement’ of the Sh. Rakesh Batra, Assistant (Administration) who Signed on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name’ of the Consultant (Establishment) Signed on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration who Signed on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ of the Secretary on File Noting attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply on 05.07.2022
130 RTI-18/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ Signed by the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration on File Noting Page No. 2 attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ of the Secretary who signed on File Noting Page No. 2 attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Finance & Accounts (F&A) on File Noting Page No. 2 attached with this RTI Application. Please provide ‘Name, Designation & Endorsement’ of the Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration who Signed on File Noting Page No. 2 attached with this RTI Application. 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 Reply on 05.07.2022
131 RTI-17/2022-23 Shri Raju Gusain Mandir Lane Deepnagar PO Ajabpur, Dehradun Uttarak Uttarakhand – 248001 Email – rajugusain[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile – 9411141339 Reg. no. SANAK/R/E/22/00009 dated 07.06.20 Date when the digitization of audio/video cassettes in collection of Sangeet Natak Akademi library started. Year wise list of title of audios/videos digitized. Total number and title of the cassettes/ videos. Total number of Garhwali, Kumaoni and Jaunsari audio/video cassettes digitized so far. List of title. 2022-07-07 2022-06-07 Reply on 23.06.2022 & 29.06.2022
132 RTI-16/2022-23 Shri. Umesh D-49, Som Bazar, 3rd Pushta, Sonia Vihar, Delhi, Pin: 110094 Mobile No: 7890011223 E-mail: mailme[dot]umeshkumar[at]gmail[dot]com Registration No: SANAK/R/E/22/00008 dated 04.06.202 Complete list of outsourcing staff since Financial Year 2017 to till date. The copy of approval as well as copy of detailed procedure used from engagement to resignation/leaving/expiry of tenure of all the staffs as per serial no.1. The financial provisions and the financial implication by the engagement of these staff. Attendance sheet of all the staff as per serial no.1. List of all the outsourcing staff whose relatives are already working in the organization on regular role. Policy of Promotion, Transfer, Recruitment of Direct/Permanent Role and on Direct Contract (without third Party), Recruitment/ Engagement of Outsourcing Staff. Latest Copy of Delegation of Power. Record for Compliance of Gratuity and PF as per government rules. 2022-06-04 2022-06-06 Reply on 22.07.2022
133 RTI-15/2022-23 Shri. Sanu Mohan Sreeslakshmi Ho, Chundangapoil Via, Ponniam, Thalassery, Kerala, Pin: 670641 Mobile : 7736565112 E-mail sanumohan2010[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Ministry of Cultu Which are the various institutions or offices under Ministry of Culture located in Kerala. Please provide me a list if possible. 2022-05-18 2022-06-01 Reply on 02.06.2022
134 RTI-14/2022-23 Ms. Aswathy Sunilkumar Priya Bhavan, Poozhikkad, Pandalam, Pin: 689515 Mobile : 9656705226 E-mail : aswathysunil95[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide registration Kindly provide the List of Central Government Offices under Ministry of Culture, GOI, located in Kerala. 2022-05-12 2022-06-01 Reply on 02.06.2022
135 RTI-13/2022-23 Ms. Vidhya G 1B Primrose, Ceebros Gardens, Arcot Road, Virugambakkam, Chennai - 92, Chennai Pin: 600092 Mobile: 8925134835 E-mail: vidhyafapro[at]gmail[dot]com Registration No: SANAK/R/ What role does the Sangeet Natak Akademi play in encouraging talented performing artists and the steps taken to preserve the classical dance culture in the country 2022-05-28 2022-05-31 Reply on 03.06.2022
136 RTI-12/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School Gate No.3 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 9. RTI-12/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School Gate No.3 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 25.05.2022 25.05.2022 Copy of ‘Rules of Contractual Appointment’ in Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) which also recently mentioned by the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) Sh. Ankur Acharya while recommending Smt. Hemlata to appoint in the Akademi Library on Contract Basis. Copy of the related ‘File Noting page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.1 Please provide ‘Name of Sanctioned Post(s)’ against which Sh. Jai Karan and Sh. Rakesh Kumar Pandey appointed on Contract Basis in December, 2021. Please keep in mind the submission of Sh. Rakesh Batra, Assistant (Administration) made on File Noting. Copy of the related ‘File Noting Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No. 2 Copy of ‘Correspondence’ issued to Sh. Ankur Acharya during his service in the Akademi for handling Establishment and Administrative matters. Copy of ‘Minutes of Meeting’ held on 01.12.2021 which is mentioned in File Noting by Sh. Suman Kumar, Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration. Copy of the related ‘File Noting Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.3. Copy of ‘Flag A’ mentioned in File Noting by Sh. Rakesh Batra, Assistant (Administration). Copy of the related ‘File Noting Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.4. Copy of the ‘Sangeet Natak Akademi (Recruitment) Rules by : c Contract’ mentioned in Rule 7. Method of Recruitment of the Sangeet Nagak Akademi Service Bye-laws. Copy of the ‘Service Bye-laws’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.5. Copy of ‘Ratification of the General Council (GC)/ Executive Board (EB)’ of decision/approval taken by the Chairman to engage Sh. Jai karan and Sh. Rakesh Kumar Pandey on Contract Basis as per Rule 7 ii. Of Rules and Regulation of the Sangeet Natak Akademi. Copy of the ‘Rules and Regulation Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.6-7. Copy of ‘Concurrence’ of the Financial Adviser to appoint Sh. Jai Karan and Sh. Rakesh Kumar Pandey on consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs 25,000/- as per Rule 9 b. of Rules and Regulation of the Sangeet Natak Akademi. Copy of the ‘Rules and Regulation Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.8 Copy of ‘Approval /Concurrence of the Executive Board in relation to the appointment of Sh. Jai Karan and Sh. Rakesh Kumar Pandey on consolidation monthly remuneration of Rs 25,000/-as per Rule 15 vii. & xiii. Of Rules and Regulation of the Sangeet Natak Akademi. Copy of the ‘Rules and Regulation Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No. 9-10 Copy of ‘Approval/Concurrence of the Finance Committee’ in relation to the appointment of Sh. Jai Karan and Sh. Rakesh Kumar Pandey on consolidation monthly remuneration of Rs 25,000/-. Copy of ‘Approval/Concurrence of the Deputy Secretary –Finance & Accounts /Drawing & Disbursing officer (D&DO)’ in relation to the appointment of Sh. Jai Karan and Sh.Rakesh kumar Pandey on consolidation monthly remuneration of Rs 25,000/- Copy of ‘Concurrence’ obtained for sanction and incurring monthly remuneration Rs 25,000/- as a consolidation monthly salary of Sh. Jai Karan and Sh. Rakesh Kumar Pandey as per Clause 7 (1. Budget/Accounts) and Clause 16 (5. General) of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Financial year 2021-2022. Copy of realted ‘MoU Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No. 11-12 Salaries & Pension of Akademi Staff and its Constituent Units (CUs) allocated under GIA- Salaries Head by the Ministry of Culture. Copy of ‘Concurrence/Approval of the Ministry of Culture’ in relation to the appointment of Sh. Jai Karan and Sh. Rakesh Kumar Pandey on consolidation monthly remuneration of Rs 25,000/-. Copy of related ‘MoU Page’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.13. Postal Order of Rs.20/- bearing no. 18G 327980 08.06.2022 2022-05-25 2022-06-25 Reply on 08.06.2022
137 RTI-11/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G Senior Secondary School Gate No.3 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Copy of the Correspondence issued by the Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) for giving additional/ interim charge of Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi to Sh. Aneish P. Rajan. Copy of the Correspondence submitted by Undersigned addressed to Ms Temsuanro Jamir, Secretary which was duly received by Sh. Surender Singh, Senior Clerk (Ad-hoc) on 19.08.2021 where individual Remarks given by the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi or just put her initials/ signature which shows that the Secretary has seen that Correspondence. Copy of the ‘Acknowledged Correspondence’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No. 1 2022-05-25 2022-06-25 Reply on 03.06.2022
138 RTI-10/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Transferred/ forwarded from Ministry of Culture dated 1 Copy of Complete internal Audit Report of Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi, after the period of 03/19 conducted by the internal Audit Wing O/o the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. Copy of the Correspondence issued by the Ministry of Culture for Internal Information and Correspondence issued by the Sangeet Natak Akademi for interim appointment of Smt. Uma Nanduri as a Chairman of Sangeet Natak Akademi. Copy of the Office Memorandum No. A-19011/16/2021-Esth. Sec. dated 07.02.2022 Copy of the Office Order or any Correspondence issued by the Ministry of Culture in relation to DoP&T’s Office Memorandum No. 4/16/2021-EO (MM-I) dated 11.02.2022 for Re-designation of the Post of Deputy Secretary, presently held by Shri Aneish P. Rajan, IRS (C&CE:2008) in the Ministry of Culture under the Central Staffing Scheme as Director. Copy of the Correspondence issued by the Ministry of Culture for giving additional/ interim charge of Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi to Sh. Aneish P. Rajan. 2022-05-18 2022-05-18 Reply on 20.05.2022
139 RTI-09/2022-23 Jaydev Rajakrishnan Menon 22 Unique Tower, Plot No 4, Padma Nagar, Evershine Nagar, Off Link Road, Malad (West), Mumbai, Pin: 400064 Mobile: 9819158777 E-mail: o[dot]jayadev[at]gmail[dot]co List of Carnatic musicians, who lived from 1885-2015, whose video recording are available with the Sangeet Natak Akademi Archives, also if the recording can be accessed by any music lover. 2022-04-28 2022-05-18 Reply on 27.05.2022
140 RTI-08/2022-23 Yumnan Bhumeshwor Singh Langmeidong Mamang Leikai, Thoubal, Kakching, Manipur-795103 Present Address: Singjamei Wangma mongkhang Lambi, Imphal East, Manipur-795008 E-mail-yumjaomayum[at]gm Provide the number of files lot during the natural disaster? I there any official report such as police FIR on the sabotage of file available? If so, copy of the report be furnished. Copy of the joining letter of Shri P. Bilash Singh, present Director(i/c) for the post of Dancer At the time of the appointment as Dancer,what was the educational qualification of Shri P. bilash singh,present Director(i/c), Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy, Imphal copoy of the particular degree ceretificate be furnished. Highest education qualification of the present director In -. Copy of the Degree Certificate may be furnished Copy of the office order issued to him at the time of his initial appointment as Dncer, in respect of Shri P Bilash Singh not the extension order. Copy of the NOCs issued by the authority of Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy, Imphal for pursuing higher education if regular. If the information/document is not available to the you, kindly forward to the relevant department for furnishing the available to the you kindly forward to the relevant department for furnishing the information . I am the citizen of India and address is given below. Requisite RTI application fee for Rs. 10/- is being remitted vide Indian Postal order/CPIO/Bank Draft/cheque No 55F 232041 dated 9.5.2022 is enclosed. 2022-05-09 2022-05-09 Application forwarded to JNMDA, Imphal on 13.05.2022. Information provided by JNMDA, on 09.06.2022
141 RTI-07/2022-23 Ms Archana Mohan Kate Prius Global, Tower A, 5th floor, Plot No.3, 4 & 5, Sector-125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Pin: 201301 Mobile : 9867316381 E-mail : akate[at]dataflowgroup[dot]com Reg. number MC Confirmation of Affiliation Recognition status of the below-mentioned institute Name of the institute-Kathak Kendra Location-New Delhi Course1-3 year Diploma (Hons.) course in Kathak Dance Passing Year-2012 Course2-2 Year Diploma course in Kathak Dance Passing year-2008-2009 Please confirm whether the Kathak Kendra is or ever was affiliated/recognized by the Sangeet Natak Akademi. Please let us know the duration during which the kathak Kendra has been recognized/approved affiliated with your authority. If yes, please confirm whether the kathak Kendra is or ever was affiliated/recognized by the Sangeet Natak Akademi for the 3 year Diploma(Hons) course in kathak Dance for the year 2012 as well as for current year. If yes, please confirm whether the Kathak Kendra is or ever was affiliated/recognized by Sangeet Natak Akademi for 2 years Diploma coure in kathak Dance in Kathak Dance for the years 2008-2009 as well as for the current year. 2022-05-06 2022-05-06 Reply on 13.05.2022
142 RTI-06/2022-23 Ms Archana Mohan Kate Prius Global, Tower A, 5th floor, Plot No.3, 4 & 5, Sector-125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Pin: 201301 Mobile : 9867316381 E-mail : akate[at]dataflowgroup[dot]com Reg. number MC Please confirm whether the Bangiya Sangeet Kala Kendra is or ever was Accredited/Recognized by your authority Please confirm whether the Bangiya Sangeet kala Kendra is or ever was Accredited/Recongnized by your authority for the current year and for the 2005-2007 and also for the courses mentioned above as Vaswar (Diploma)- Tabla and Badya Shree- Tabla? Please confirm whether these types of Vaswar (Diploma)/ Badya Shree courses are regulated in West Bengal and India? 2022-04-21 2022-05-05 Reply on 25.05.2022
143 RTI-05/2022-23 Name & address of applicant Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please Provide Administrative Reason (s) u/s 4 (1) (d) of the RTI Act, 2005 for Declaring the Undersigned Dead before the Hon’ble Central Information Commission (CIC) vide Correspondence dated 13.11.2018. Copy of E-mail dated 16.12.2021 where individual Remarks given by the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi or just put her initials/ signature which shows that the Secretary has seen that E-mail. Copy of the ‘E-mail’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.1. Copy of E-mail dated 19.12.2021 where individual Remarks given by the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi or just put her initials/ signature which shows that the Secretary has seen that E-mail. Copy of the ‘E-mail’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.2. Copy of E-mail dated 27.12.2021 where individual Remarks given by the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi or just put her initials/ signature which shows that the Secretary has seen that E-mail. Copy of the ‘E-mail’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.3. 2022-05-05 2022-05-05 Reply on 03.06.2022
144 RTI-04/2022-23 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector- 9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Pin:201009 Please provide Administrative Reason (s) u/s 4 (1) (d) of the RTI Act, 2005 for not taking any action by the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) on File No. Admn. /2-34/60/2015-16 (Part-I) with Sub,: Consultancy Service for RTI Matters – reg. Initiated by Section Officers (S.O) – Administration Kusum Dhingra, approved by Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Administration Vinodi Sharma concurred by Deputy Secretary (D.S) – Finance & Accounts (F&A)/ Drawing & Disbursing Officer (D&DO) Bhoop Singh. Copy of E-mail dated 28.03.2022 where individual Remarks given by the Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi or just put her initials / signature which shown that the Secretary has seen that E- mail. Copy of the ‘E- mail’ is enclosed herewith & marked as Page No.1. Copy of Office Order (O.O) or any Correspondence issued by the Sangeet Natak Akademi in relation to appointment of Smt. Uma Nanduri as a Chairman of Sangeet Natak Akademi 2022-05-05 2022-05-05 Reply on 03.06.2022 & 08.08.2022
145 RTI-3/2022-23 Shri Thokchom Hemarjit Singh S/O (L) Thockhom Birahari Singh Keishampat Thokchom Leikai, Imphal West District, Pin – 795001 Kindly provide copy of the notification of the meeting held on 11.05.2020. Copy of proceedings of the meeting may kindly be provided. (a) Whether the JNMDA advertised for the post? If so, kindly provide a copy of the advertisement. (b) Did JNMDA take approval of SNA/Chairman’s office for recruitment of the post? (c) Did any nominee either from the SNA or Chairman’s (Governor’s) office attend the meeting for recruitment of the post? (d) Did JNMDA make any request to SNA or Chairman’s (Governor’s) office to send nominee for the meeting? (e) Can JNMDA hold DPC/Meeting for recruitment of any post when there was no regular Director and Local Advisory Committee? (f) Did the incumbent submit the joining report immediately after he was appointed as Head? (g) Did the order of appointment circulate to all concerned? 2022-04-05 2022-04-05 Reply on 18.04.2022
146 RTI-2/2022-23 Shri R. Nagaraju H.No.1 382, Gandla Street, Ramakuppam Village & MA. Chittoor District Andhra Pradesh – 517401 Mobile : 8097267559 Email: www.rnlokesh[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred from Ministry of Provide the list of institutes runs funding of Gol Partially of fully. Which provides Music dance teaching for children age above 5 years. Provide admission procedure also. 2022-04-08 2022-04-08 Reply on 08.04.2022
147 RTI-1/2022-23 Smt Nandini S Gururaja Layout, kaveri Main road near Sathyanarayana hospital Myso Mysore, Karnataka, Pin - 570011 Mobile:8867717202 Email: jnandiniinterior[at]gmail[dot]com Registration no. SANAK/R How the heritage city is upholding the cultural activity and the life of the artist of all kinds of artists. 2022-04-05 2022-04-05 Reply on 22.04.2022
148 RTI-94/2022 Shri Anil Arya Loni, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh – 201102 Mobile:8076107455 Email: annilaryal[at]gmail[dot]com Registration no.: SANAK/R/E/22/00003 In Jan – Feb 2019 SNA publish a advertise for recruitment of 2 posts of Junior Clerk –cum-Typist in employment news paper I want to know total numbers of fill up form and the what is the current status of this recruitment drive. 2022-03-27 2022-03-27 Reply on 01.04.2022
149 RTI-93/2022 Shri R. Nagaraju H.No.1 382, Gandla Street, Ramakuppam Village & MA. Chittoor District Andhra Pradesh – 517401 Mobile : 8097267559 Email: www.rnlokesh[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred /forwarded from M Provide the list of institutes runs under funding of GOI partially or fully. Which provides Music and dance teaching for children age above 5 years. Provide admission procedure also. 2022-03-10 2022-03-25 Reply on 07.04.2022
150 RTI-92/2022 Shri Shyam Pachori 50B, Ganesh Nagar, Lawyers Colony, Agra – 282005, Uttar Pradesh Mobile: 8699709970 Email: shyampachori[at]gmail[dot]com Transferred by Ministry of Information & Broadcasting on 0 In various social, journalism, economic, empowerment of women, water and air environment conservation, peace, humanity and harmony, heroism, art and cultural, medical, business. etc fields are being awarded by various social N.G.O. and institutions? Non-governmental and governmental departments awards and issue honors to the various individuals or institutional for their unusual contribution. What is the government or non-governmental provision for authorizing these various awards, honors, collecting and making available related information dissemination and research work on their personalities or working? 2022-03-04 2022-03-22 Reply on 28.03.2022
151 RTI-91/2022 Shri M. Sandeep 10-3-7, 1st Floor, Rafee Complex, Beside Max Showroom, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad – 500028, Telangana Mobile: 9182840316 Transferred from Ministry of Culture vide OM no. File No: What is the Central Government Employees – Sanctioned Strength, Actual Vacancies in all over India, who are working under your Ministry, department / Autonomous bodies of Government of India. Specify the Departments name, if you are giving the details of Department wise and including Sanctioned, Actual Strength and Action Vacancies of employees in each department. 2022-03-07 2022-03-21 -
152 RTI-90/2022 Shri Manmohan Verma SMP Division, DoS&T, New Mehrauli Road, Delhi Email: cssforumrti[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile: 9818625635 Registration no. SANAK/R/T/22/00006 Transferred from Ministry of Culture o Level wise number of retired government employees/consultant (Level wise such as ASO Level, SO Level, US Level, DS Level, Director Level and in General). Designation wise number of non secretariat employees on attachment from Attached Office/Subordinate Office/Autonomous Institutions/PSUs/CPSEs etc. 2022-03-17 2022-03-17 -
153 RTI-89/2022 Shri Thokchom Hemarjit Singh S/O (L) Thockhom Birahari Singh Keishampat Thokchom Leikai, Imphal West District, Pin – 795001 RTI application is addressed to Director in-charge, JNMDA, Imphal Kindly provide copy of the notification of the meeting held on 11.05.2020. Copy of proceedings of the meeting may kindly be provided. (a) Whether the JNMDA advertised for the post? If so, kindly provide a copy of the advertisement. (b) Did JNMDA take approval of SNA/Chairman’s office for recruitment of the post? (c) Did any nominee either from the SNA or Chairman’s (Governor’s) office attend the meeting for recruitment of the post? (d) Did JNMDA make any request to SNA or Chairman’s (Governor’s) office to send nominee for the meeting? (e) Can JNMDA hold DPC/Meeting for recruitment of any post when there was no regular Director and Local Advisory Committee? (f) Did the incumbent submit the joining report immediately after he was appointed as Head? (g) Did the order of appointment circulate to all concerned? 2022-03-04 2022-03-15 Application forwarded to JNMDA, Imphal on 23.03.2022
154 RTI-88/2022 Shri Yumnam Bhumeshwor Singh Langmeidong Mamang Leikai, Thoubal, Kakching, Manipur – 795103 Mobile – 9856717842 Email- yumjaomayum[at]gmail[dot]com ymlaamanipur[at]gmail[dot]com Copy of the Age Proof Certificate copy and education qualification at the time of admission – Foundation Course of JNMDA indicating the year. Pass out certificate of the Diploma Course of JNMDA. Pass out certificate of the Post – Diploma Course of JNMDA. Date of Birth Certificate submitted at the time of service joining. Copy of the office order issued to him at the time of his initial appointment on contract basis. 2022-03-14 2022-03-14 Application forwarded to JNMDA, Imphal on 23.03.2022
155 RTI-87/2022 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Mobile – 7292000937 Email- chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. No. SANAK/ Copy of the Concurrence/Approval of then Chairman Shri Shekhar Sen for sanctioning Rs 6,00,000/- to the Umang Rachnakar Sangthan, Delhi to support Khaatli Mahotsav 2016 held from 18-20 December 2016 at Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. Copy of the concurrence/approval of then Deputy Secretary Shri Suman Kumar In-charge of Akademi of Akademis Folk & Tribal Section for Sanctioning Rs.6,00,000/- to the Umang Rachnakar Sangthan, Delhi to support Khaatli Mahotsav 2016. Copy of the Administration Sanction in terms of file noting for sanctioning Rs6,00,000/-. Copy of the Tally Software/PFMS Software Print-Out. 2022-03-14 2022-03-14 Reply on 08.04.2022
156 RTI-86/2022 Shri Pawan Kumar Pandey 73/1, Kishan Nagar, Dehradun, Pin: 248001, Uttarakhand Email: pawanpandey[dot]ed[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile: 9997442702 Registration no. MCULT/R/E/22/00067 Dated: 17.02.2022 Trans The steps being taken by the ministry for promotion of Kumauni and Garhwali languages. The names and address of the institutions and offices run by the Ministry in the state of Uttarakhand. Name of places where any excavations or investigations are being carried out the Ministry. Headwise budget of the ministry spent in Uttarakhand in past 10 years. 2022-02-17 2022-03-10 Reply on 08.04.2022
157 RTI-85/2022 Shri Ashish Yadav 43, Chandra Nagar Tagar, Post Mangela, Katangi Road Jabalpur – 482002 Madhya Pradesh Email – ashishy[dot]1994[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile – 9981743731 Registration no. SANAK/R/T/22/00003 Details of recruitment advertisement issued by National Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi from 01-01-2014 to 30-10-2014 for the post of sweeper, list of applicants received in the said recruitment process and list of applicants called in examination interview And provide the list of applicants not called in the examination interview along with the reason and the selection list of marks obtained in the examination interview in the national language Hindi. 2022-02-25 2022-02-25 Reply on 15.03.2022
158 RTI-84/2022 Shri Ashish Yadav, 43, Chandra Nagar Tagar, Post Mangela, Katangi Road Jabalpur – 482002 Madhya Pradesh Email – ashishy[dot]1994[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile – 9981743731 Registration no. SANAK/R/T/22/000 Details of recruitment advertisement issued by National Kathak Center New Delhi from 01-01-2015 to 30-12-2015 for the post of computer operator, list of applicants received in the said recruitment process and list of applicants called in examination interview and Provide the list of applicants not called in the examination interview along with the reasons and the selection list of marks obtained in the examination interview in the national language Hindi. 2022-02-25 2022-02-28 Application forwarded to Kathak Kendra, New Delhi on 02.03.2022
159 RTI-83/2022 Shri Ashish Yadav 43, Chandra Nagar Tagar, Post Mangela, Katangi Road Jabalpur – 482002 Madhya Pradesh Email – ashishy[dot]1994[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile – 9981743731 Registration no. SANAK/R/T/22/00005 Details of recruitment advertisement issued by Sangeet Natak Akademi New Delhi on the post of MTS from 01-01-2019 to 30-12-2019 List of applicants received in the said recruitment process and list of applicants called in interview and examination Provide the list of applicants who were not called in the interview and the selection list of marks obtained in the examination and interview in the national language Hindi. 2022-02-25 2022-02-25 Reply on 15.03.2022
160 RTI-82/2022 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Gate no. 3, Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Please provide copy of official correspondence along with file notings of the SNA for appointing Abhishek Mishra, Brother of Late Sanjay Mishra. Copy of Order for Payment of Ad-hoc Bonus mentioned in paragraph of 3 of the File notig no. Admn./2-21/2021-22. Copy of the letters addressed to the Sahitya Akademi and Lalit Kala Akademi mentioned on the file noting. Copy of bank voucher. Please mention the ‘Endorsement of Secretary’ put up on email dated 30.11.2021 with subject: Consultancy Assignment. Please provide attendance sheet i.e. Biometric/Register of Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary from July 2021 to January 2022. 2022-02-24 2022-03-30 -
161 RTI-81/2022 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Gate no. 3, Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Please specify designation/name of Rahul Kumar, Assistant Admn., Consultant (Admn.), Consultant (Estt.) and Deputy Secretary (Admn.) who initiated/signed the File noting Admn/2-21/20221-22. Copy of the File noting w/Highlighted Text is enclosed herewith & marked as Page no. 1. 2022-02-24 2022-03-30 -
162 RTI-80/2022 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector -9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School Gate no. 3, Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh 1. Please mention the ‘Endorsement of Secretary’ put up on File noting. Copy of the File noting W/Highlighted Text is enclosed herewith & marked as Page no. 1 2 Please mention the ‘Endorsement of Shri Rakesh Batra, Assistant (Admn.)’ put up on File noting. Copy of File noting w/Highlighted Text is enclosed herewith & marked as Page no. 2. 2022-02-24 2022-03-30 Reply on 11.03.2022
163 RTI-79/2022 Shri Utpal Datta 5C, Kanika Apartment, Last Gate, Noonmati, Guwahati, Kamrup Metropolitan Pin-781020 Assam Mobile – 7002153964 Email – utpal91[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. no. SANAK/R/E/22/00001 dated 12 Please provide the following information: 1. Status of Sattriya Dance vis-à-vis ICH, pl. provide supporting documents. 2. Details of online and offline meetings, along with names of participants 3. Details of video film made for the purpose, along with a copy of the same 4.Role of Sattriya Kendra and Sangeet Natak Akademi in preparing for the UNESCO recognition. 2022-02-12 2022-02-12 Reply on 11.03.2022
164 RTI-78/2022 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Gate no. 3, Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Please provide total amount of Transport Allowance and travelling allowance provided to Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary from June 2016 to June 2021. Please provide copy of Log book in relation to transportation of Smt. Rita Swami Choudhary from June 2016 to June 2021. Please provide copy of official correspondence along with the file notings of the SNA for appointing Shri Rakesh Pandey and Jayakaran on contractual basis. 2022-01-31 2022-02-28 Reply on 18.02.2022 & 08.04.2022
165 RTI-77/2022 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad – 201009 Uttar Pradesh Copy of the file noting and Office Order Admn./2-33/2020-21 dated 03.12.2021 issued for Additional charge of Section Officer, Administration handed over to Shri Jayant Raj Choudhary, Museum Supervisor. Copy of the reply along with file notings sent to the Central Bureau of Investigation i.r.t. correspondence no. CA/DLI/ACB/complaint/ 2019/230/5196 dated 14.05.2019. copy of the minutes dated 27.05.2016 for selection to the post of Secretary, SNA which mentioned in Paragraph 1 of the Minutes of Meeting dated 13.06.2016. copy of the Internal voucher of Rs 6,00,000/- financial assistance granted to support Khaatali Mahotsav 2016 held on 18-20 December 2016 in Uttarakhand 2022-01-24 2022-02-28 Reply on 18.02.2022 & 08.04.2022
166 RTI-76/2022 Ms Suman Kumari E/86, Sector A, P D Nagar, Unnao PIN- 209801 Mobile – Not available Email – suman82k[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. no.- SANAK/R/T/22/00002 Dated 20.01.2022 Electronically Transferred from Number of vacancies vacant under direct recruitment process in various organizations, departments, museums and autonomous bodies under the Ministry of Culture from Level 1-10. Name and location of all the institutions/organizations/cultural centres/museum under the Ministry of Culture situated in Uttar Pradesh. Total number of vacancies filled under direct recruitment process from Level 1 to 10 in last five years i.e. 2016 to 2021 2022-01-20 2022-01-20 Reply on 28.02.2022
167 RTI-75/2022 Shri Sajeev S L Kochuvila Puthen Veedu, Iverkala East P. O., Puthur (Via), Kollam (Dist.), Kerala, Pin- 691507 Mobile – 9495553832 sajeeviverkala1968[at]gmail[dot]com Reg. number-SANAK/R/T/22/0000 Model Recruitment Rules for the post of Accounts Officer adopted by Autonomous/statutory bodies under the MoC. Educational qualification required for direct recruits to the post of Accounts Officer w.e.f. 01.01.2006. 2022-01-10 2022-01-10 Reply on 04.02.2022
168 RTI-74//2021 Shri S. K. Sharma A-902 Raheja Atherva Society, Sector – 109, New Palam Vihar Gurugram – 122006 Mobile Number – 9140322833 Transferred From Ministry Of Culture Vide Letter No. M-I-19/1/2022- Regarding 7 CPC Implemented To The Employees Of The Allahabad Museum. Granting Of Benefits Of 7th CPC To The Pensioners Of Allahabad Museum 2021-12-27 2022-01-06 18.01.2022
169 RTI-73/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh PIN – 201009 Mobile No. 7292000937 Email – Chandranshu[at]gmx[dot]com Reg. Nu Complete File Notings, Emails, And Correspondences Pertaining To The Purchase Of Dry Fruits And Diya In Year 2020 And 2021 For Diwali Occasion. Copy Of Complete File Notings In Relation To D 2021-12-02 2021-12-02 04.02.2022
170 RTI-72/2021 Shri Raju Gusain Deepnagar, P.O. Ajabpur, Dehradun Uttarakhand – 248121 Email – Rajugusain[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile – 9411141339 Reg. No. SANAK/R/E/21/00020 Dated 23.11.2021 Regarding Photo, Audio And Video Collection Of Sangeet Natak Akademi. 2021-11-23 2021-11-23 17.12.2021
171 RTI-71/2021 Shri Chandra Sharma A-75, Sector-63, Noida Uttar Pradesh – 201301 Forwarded By Shri Goutam Malhotra, APIO & Section Officer (AR&IT), Ministry Of Culture, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi, - 110001 Regarding Grants And Schemes Of MoC And Providing Of The List Of Grantee Institutions. Procedure For Applying The Different Schemes Of MoC. 2021-10-23 2021-11-03 30.11.2021
172 RTI-58/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh PIN – 201009 Reg. Number MCULT/R/E/21/00238 Transferred From Ministry Regarding Akademies Scheduled Castes/Tribes Employees Welfare Association (Regd.) 2021-09-19 2021-10-14 18.10.2021
173 RTI-57/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh PIN – 201009 Reg. Number SANAK/R/E/21/00019 Total Amount Of Salary, 7th CPC Arrear And Honorarium Credited In Smt. (Dr.) Rita Swami Choudhary’s Bank Account. Total Amount Paid To Transporter For Hiring Of A Car – Office To Home And 2021-10-12 2021-10-13 21.12.2021 And 30.12.2021
174 RTI-56/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Near J.K.G. Senior Secondary School, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh PIN – 201009 Reg. Number SANAK/R/X/21/00001 Electronically Transferred Copy Of The Action Taken On The Complaint Of Shri Bhoop Singh, Deputy Secretary (Finance & Accounts) Regarding Granting Of MACP In The Akademi 2021-10-04 2021-10-04 27.10.2021
175 RTI-48/2021 Shri Sunil Kumar Information Regarding Appointment Of Consultant. 2021-09-15 2021-09-15 Reply On 13.10.2021
176 RTI-234/2016-17 Shri Pawan Kant Jha A-515B,Buddha Marg, Mandawali, Delhi-92 Seeking information on various administrative matters. 04-11-2017 04-11-2017 05.10.2019
177 RTI-235/2016-17 Shri K. Raghunathan Pillai,Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi Seeking information relating to appointment of Secretary. 4/13/2017 4/13/2017 Replied on 25.05.2017
178 RTI-207/2016-17 Smt. Lalita Bajaj R/o 8/111-112, 1st Floor, Malviya Nagar, NEW Delhi. Reminder for reply of RTI application dated 15.03.2017. 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 Replied on 18.05.2017
179 RTI-207/2016-17 Smt. Lalita Bajaj R/o 8/111-112, 1st Floor, Malviya Nagar, NEW Delhi. Second appeal stating about Pay & Allowances and Pension benefits etc. which do not cover under RTI Act, 2005. 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 Replied on 04.05.2017
180 RTI-242/2016-17 Shri Ajit Kumar Singh 2nd Floor, Ibha Mansion, 37, Sharat Chandra Path, Ghantaghar Chowk, Bhagalpur-812001, Bihar. (Through MOC) Seeking information various projects and seminars. 4/22/2017 06-07-2017 Replied on 12.07.2017
181 RTI-241/2016-17 Shri Digyavijay Pathak 307 A,Durga Bihar, New Delhi-110062. (Through MOC) About research, contract and regarding Official Language staff. 4/22/2017 06-07-2017 15.09.2017 & 16.10.2017
182 RTI-239/2016-17 Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj U-128, Shakarpur, Delhi-110092. Seeking information on various administrative matters. 4/30/2017 5/31/2017 Replied on 03.06.2017
183 RTI-238/2016-17 Shri Manoj Kumar Thakur Kumar Ki Gali, Ward No.6 Dumraon, Buxar, Bihar-802119. Seeking information regarding ‘Sishirotsav’ Ustad Bismillah Khan Janm Shatabdi Samaroh. 05-08-2017 05-09-2017 Replied on 16.05.2017
184 RTI-245/2016-17 Shri Saket Suman A.45-50, Poineer House, First Floor, Sector-16, NOIDA(Uttar Pradesh) (Through MOC) Regarding Budget allocation and expenditure on SNA for the year 2015-16 05-09-2017 06-07-2017 Replied on 29.06.2017
185 RTI-204/2016-17 Shri Manoj Kumar B-336, Delhi Administration Flats, Timar Pur, Delhi-110054 (Through MOC) Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 05-09-2017 06-06-2017 Replied on 23.06.2017
186 RTI-245/2016-17 Shri Saket Suman A.45-50, Poineer House, First Floor, Sector-16, NOIDA(Uttar Pradesh) (Through MOC) Budget allocation and expenditure on ICH Scheme for the year 2015-16 5/13/2017 5/15/2017 05.09.2017
187 RTI-207/2016-17 Smt. Lalita Bajaj R/o 8/111-112, 1st Floor, Malviya Nagar, NEW Delhi. Seeking a copy of note approved by Secretary. 5/20/2017 5/26/2017 Replied on 13.06.2017
188 RTI-262/2016-17 Shri Kondri Bhanoji Rao Visakhapatanam, Andhra Pradesh. Seeking copy of the Awards selection committee and sanction of grants etc. 5/25/2017 9/22/2017 Replied on 27.10.2017
189 RTI-244/2016-17 Shri Madhusudana BG State Bank of India, Old Town Branch, Basveshwara Circle, Bhadravathi, Shivamangga District, Karnataka. (Through MOC) Seeking information about expenditure on Indian Languages. 5/25/2017 06-10-2017 Replied on 28.06.2017
190 RTI-204/2016-17 Shri Manoj Kumar B-336, Delhi Administration Flats, Timar Pur, Delhi-110054 (Through MOC) First Appeal relating to his RTI application dated 09.05.2017 6/14/2017 6/21/2017 Replied on 23.06.2017
191 RTI-109/2016-17 Smt. Vinodi Sharma Section Officer, SNA, New Delhi Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 14.08.2017
192 RTI-234/2016-17 Shri Pawan Kant Jha, A-515B,Buddha Marg, Mandawali, Delhi-92 Seeking copy of Minutes of Selection Committee for the post of ADO. 6/29/2017 6/30/2017 Information awaited from DS(Admn)
193 RTI-263/2016-17 Shri Hitesh Shop No.4,New Market, North Avenue, New Delhi. Seeking information regarding CCS Pension Rules position in SNA 6/30/2017 8/27/2017 Replied on 26.10.2017
194 RTI-109/2016-17 Smt. Vinodi Sharma Section Officer, SNA, New Delhi Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 6/30/2017 6/30/2017 22.09.2017
195 RTI-246/2016-17 Smt. Urvashi Chopra Assistant, Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi Seeking copies of last three years ACR etc. 07-03-2017 07-10-2017 Replied on 14.08.2017
196 RTI-251/2016-17 Shri Showkat Ahmad Nagroo H.No.38, Madina, Srinagar, Kashmir-190005. Seeking information about Akademi Awards. 07-10-2017 7/17/2017 Replied on 22.09.2017
197 RTI-205/2016-17 Shri Jayant Raj Choudhary Dy. Curator, Sangeet Natak Akademi Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 07-10-2017 7/17/2017 Replied on 09.11.2017
198 RTI-247/2016-17 Ms. Jyoti J-4/28, DDA Flats, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 Seeking information regarding selection of Cameraman. 07-11-2017 7/17/2017 Replied on 11.08.2017
199 RTI-207/2016-17 Smt. Lalita Bajaj R/o 8/111-112, 1st Floor, Malviya Nagar, NEW Delhi. Seeking a copy of note approved by Secretary. 7/13/2017 7/17/2017 Replied on 28.07.2017
200 RTI-28/2018 Shri Manoj Kumar, Timarpur Delhi Seeking information relating to Smt Helen Acharya 7/17/2017 6/19/2018 06.06.2018
201 RTI-255/2016-17 Shri Arnab Aich US(Akd) Ministry of Culture. No.9-3/2016-Akad(Pt.II) Dated 14.08.2017 Information sought by Shri Manoj Kumar, Timarpur, New Delhi –regarding. 7/17/2017 8/22/2017 Replied on 27.09.2017
202 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Inspection of Record/Personal Files of self and Mrs. Rani Kain 7/17/2017 7/21/2017 Replied on 25.07.2017,22.09.2017,16.10.2017
203 RTI-248/2016-17 Shri Sachin Kumar C-465,Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110076 Payment of honorarium to Artists performed in Indonesia 7/17/2017 7/21/2017 Replied on 28.09.2017
204 RTI-255/2016-17 Shri Arnab Aich Under Secretary, Ministry of Culture New Delhi-110001 Seeking information temporary status of Group D employees. 7/17/2017 12/15/2017 Replied on 13.12.2017
205 RTI-250/2016-17 Shri N. Lal R/o Kasotikhera, Rajasthan (Through MOC) Devdasi Tradition in India 7/22/2017 7/28/2017 Replied on 14.08.2017
206 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding MACP Scheme in SNA. 7/27/2017 8/14/2017 Replied on 27.09.2017
207 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 7/27/2017 7/28/2017 Replied on 22.09.2017
208 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 08-05-2017 08-11-2017 Replied on 26.9.2017
209 RTI-249/2016-17 Mr. Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009 (U.P.). Seeking information related to administrative matters. 08-05-2017 08-11-2017 Replied on 26.9.2017
210 RTI-252/2016-17 Dr. Usha RK F-1210, CR Park, New Delhi-110019 Chhau Training programme scheme etc. 08-08-2017 08-08-2017 Replied on 26.10.2017
211 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Arnab Aich Under Secretary, Ministry of Culture New Delhi. (Through Email) RTI application submitted by Shri Chandranshu Mehta seeking information on point No.3 & 4. 08-10-2017 08-10-2017 Replied on 27.09.2017
212 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 08-10-2017 8/14/2017 Replied on 27.09.2017
213 RTI-254/2016-17 Dr. Santosh Prasad Documentation Assistant Sangeet Natak Akademi Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 08-11-2017 8/17/2017 Replied on 26.10.2017
214 RTI-253/2016-17 Smt. Vinodi Sharma Section Officer,SNA Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 8/14/2017 8/14/2017 Pending at Admn. Section
215 RTI-246/2016-17 Smt. Urvashi Chopra Assistant, SNA Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 8/14/2017 8/14/2017 Replied on 07.11.2017
216 RTI-254/2016-17 Dr. Santosh Prasad Documentation Assistant Sangeet Natak Akademi Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 8/16/2017 8/17/2017 Replied on 26.10.2017
217 RTI-257/2016-17 Smt. Santosh H.No.75, Gali No.10, Sitapuri, Delhi-110054 Service matter of her deceased husband- regarding. 8/22/2017 8/24/2017 Replied on 27.10.2017
218 RTI-256/2016-17 Shri T.N. Chowdhary 86, Sousth Avenue, New Delhi Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 8/22/2017 8/22/2017 06.10.2017 (Through Kathak Kendra)
219 RTI-261/2016-17 Shri Pradipta Pal 15, Maruti Vihar, BARANGA, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Amount sanctioned in the State of Odisha for different projects, activities etc. 8/29/2017 9/22/2017 Replied on 26.10.2017,06.11.2017
220 RTI-264/2016-17 Shri Nitin Khare Village-Chichoura,Kabrai, Distt.Mahoba, U.P. (Ministry of Culture) Seeking information regarding cultural programs in District-Mahoba, UP 09-01-2017 10-11-2017 Replied on 03.11.2017
221 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). First Appeal w.r.t. RTI application dated 27.07.2017 09-01-2017 09-01-2017 Replied on 27.09.2017
222 RTI-159/2015-16-17 Shri Pawan Kant Jha A-515B,Buddha Marg, Mandawali, Delhi-92 Seeking copy of Minutes of Selection Committee for the post of ADO held on 18.05.2017. 09-02-2017 09-05-2017 09.04.2018
223 RTI-260/2016-17 Shri Dilip Buswala Retd.UDC, SNA, New Delhi. Seeking photocopy of his Service Book. 09-06-2017 09-08-2017 Replied on 12.12.2017
224 RTI-258/2016-17 Shri Abdul Rahim 89, Kidvai Path, Mahidpur, Distt. Ujjain- 456443 (MP). (Through MOC) Seeking information relating balance sheet of profit and loss etc 09-07-2017 09-08-2017 Replied on 22.09.2017
225 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information regarding MACP Scheme in SNA. 09-08-2017 9/21/2017 Replied on 27.09.2017
226 RTI-246/2016-17 Smt. Urvashi Chopra Assistant, SNA First Appeal w.r.t. her RTI application dated 14.08.2017. 9/19/2017 9/21/2017 Replied on 07.11.2017
227 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding service matters in SNA. 9/22/2017 10-11-2017 Replied on 23.10.2017
228 RTI-286/2017-18 Shri Chandrashu Mehta Seeking information relating to Hindi Section 9/22/2017 2/22/2018 Replied on 28.03.2018
229 RTI-261/2016-17 Shri Pradipta Pal 15, Maruti Vihar, BARANGA, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. (Through MOC) Amount sanctioned in the State of Odisha for different projects, activities etc. 9/24/2017 10/23/2017 Replied on 07.11.2017
230 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) An appeal of Shri Chandranshu Mehta w.r.t. his application dated 27/7/2017(not 22.7.2017) 9/24/2017 10/23/2017 Replied on 27.10.2017
231 RTI-265/2016-17 Shri Shrey Shukla R/o Haridwar, Uttarakhand. (Ministry of Culture, UNESCO Cell ) Seeking information regarding research & development of cultural cities of India. 9/27/2017 10/17/2017 Replied on 27.10.2017 ,07.11.2017
232 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding service matters in SNA. 9/28/2017 10-11-2017 Replied on 23.10.2017
233 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding CCL to women in SNA. 9/30/2017 10/14/2017 Replied on 30.11.2017
234 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding service matters in SNA. 10-01-2017 10/14/2017 Replied on 05.01.2018
235 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9,New Vijay Nagar,Ghaziabad-201009(UP).(Through MOC) Seeking information regarding service matters in SNA. 10-03-2017 10-11-2017 Replied on 23.10.2017
236 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking a copy of note portion where his probation period extended for six months. 10-03-2017 10-09-2017 Replied on 06.11.2017
237 RTI-204/2016-17 Shri Manoj Kumar B-336, Delhi Administration Flats, Timar Pur, Delhi-110054 Seeking information/ documents relating to selection of Jr. Clerk-cum-Typist. 10-03-2017 10/27/2017 Replied on 12.02.2018
238 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding service matters in SNA. 10-05-2017 10-05-2017 Replied on 02.01.2018
239 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 3/06.10.2017. 10-06-2017 11-07-2017 DFA on 04.01.2018
240 RTI-246/2016-17 Smt. Urvashi Chopra Assistant, SNA Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 10-06-2017 10-09-2017 Replied on 07.12.2017
241 RTI-253/2017-18 Smt. Vinodi Section Officer, SNA, New Delhi. Seeking information about her service matters. 10/13/2017 10/13/2017 Pending
242 RTI-252/2016-17 Dr. Usha RK F-1210, CR Park, New Delhi-110019 Seeking information revision of age for the post of Member Secretary ICH. 10/13/2017 10/13/2017 Pending
243 RTI-207/2017-18 Smt. Lalita Bajaj, Retd. Assistant, SNA Seeking information about her service matters. 10/14/2017 10/16/2017 Pending
244 RTI-269/2016-17 Shri Sonu Katheria Jila Karyalaya Uttar Pradesh, Balmiki Mahasabha, Pakka Bagh, Rampur, UP Seeking status of Ad-hoc and outsourced employees in Autonomous Bodies in the Ministry of Culture. 10/14/2017 11/13/2017 Replied on 13.12.2017
245 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 22.09.2017 seeking copy of the Noting associated with Memorandum F.No.Admn/2/168/2017-18/2216,dated 19.6.2017 by Trilochan Bhatia DS(Adm) e 10/23/2017 12-06-2017 DFA on 15.12.2017
246 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). An Appeal referring RTI application dated 22.09.2017 10/23/2017 10/24/2017 Replied on 01.01.2018
247 RTI-266/2016-17 Smt. Rani Kain Assistant, SNA, New Delhi. Seeking information about her case of misbehavior by Chandranshu Mehta. 10/25/2017 10/26/2017 Replied on 30.11.2017
248 RTI-267/2016-17 Shri Mittapally Praveen Kumar J-88 (2nd Floor, backside), Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008. (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding books, films and art works banned in India. 10/25/2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 17.11.2017
249 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 22.09.2017. 10/30/2017 11-10-2017 Replied on 05.01.2018
250 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 28.09.2017. An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 28.09.2017. 10/30/2017 11-10-2017 Replied on 08.12.2017
251 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) (Through MOC). An Appeal w.r.t. to his earlier RTI application dated 03.10.2017. 10/30/2017 11/13/2017 21.04.2018
252 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking copy of OM/ Order/ Notification/Gazetted/ Memorandum etc. on which basis vacant positions have been utilized on ad-hoc basis. 10/30/2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 07.12.2017,19.12.2017
253 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) (Through MOC). Seeking information regarding names of employees granted MACP etc. 10/31/2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 01.01.2018
254 RTI-270/2016-17 Shri Uday Kaushik Siwalay 5338, Gali No.14 Balbir Nagar Vistaar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032. (Through MOC Seeking information regarding budget allocation and expenditure on different programmes/projects etc. 10/31/2017 11/17/2017 Pending
255 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) (Through MOC). Seeking information that is it mandatory under rules to get the Service Book of every retiring employees audited by the IFD etc before any final dues can be released. 10/31/2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 01.01.2018
256 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar,Ghaziabad-201009(UP). (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding Bonus and recovery of Bonus in SNA. 10/31/2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 10.01.2018
257 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009 (UP). (through MOC) Seeking information on payments made under Hindi Shikshan Yojana in SNA. 10/31/2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 12.12.2017
258 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) (Through MOC). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 01.10.2017 regarding copy of question paper provided to Shri Hemant Kumar Arya in written exm. Held on 23.05.2015 etc. 11-02-2017 11/22/2017 Replied on 03.01.2018
259 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) (Through MOC). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 30.09.2017 regarding Child Care Leave (CCL) provided to the employees of SNA. 11-02-2017 11/22/2017 Replied on 30.11.2017
260 RTI-234/2016-17 Shri Pawan Kant Jha A-515B,Buddha Marg, Mandawali, Delhi-92 First appeal with reference to his RTI application dated 02.09.2017 11-02-2017 11-03-2017 Pending
261 RTI-234/2016-17 Shri Pawan Kant Jha A-515B,Buddha Marg, Mandawali, Delhi-92 First appeal with reference to his RTI application dated 29.06.2017. 11-02-2017 11-03-2017 Pending
262 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). First appeal with reference to his RTI application dated 30.09.2017. 11-02-2017 11-03-2017 Replied on 29.12.2017
263 RTI-159/2015-16-17 Shri Pawan Kant Jha, A-515B Buddha Marg, Mandawali, Delhi-92 Seeking a copy of Audit Memo issued by A B Cell from MOC. 11-03-2017 11-07-2017 Pending
264 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). First appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 09.09.2017 11-04-2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 29.12.2017
265 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). First Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 03.10.2017 11-04-2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 30.11.2017
266 RTI-268/2016-17 Shri Raj Bir Singh A-46/G, Munirka DDA Flats, New Delhi. Seeking information regarding selection of present Secretary, SNA. 11-05-2017 11-09-2017 18.04.2018
267 RTI-286/2017-18 Shri Chandrashu Mehta Seeking information relating to Hindi Section. 11-06-2017 2/22/2018 Replied on 28.03.2018
268 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) (Through MOC). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 05.10.2017 seeking name of office bearer of Staff Association of SNA. 11-06-2017 11/22/2017 Replied on 02.01.2018
269 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). First appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 05.10.2017 11-06-2017 11-07-2017 Replied on 01.01.2018
270 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information regarding information for HCM,s Office recruitment and vacancy position. 11-06-2017 11-06-2017 DFA on 08.01.2018
271 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information regarding engagement of outsourced employees in SNA. 11-06-2017 11-06-2017 Replied on 15.03.2018
272 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information regarding appointment of Smt. Sneh Lata in SNA. 11-06-2017 11-06-2017 23.04.2018
273 RTI-272/2016-17 Shri Prem Raj Sharma H-64 Meera Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur, Rajasthan. (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding allocation of budget to various States for different programmes. 11-07-2017 11/22/2017 Pending
274 RTI-234/2016-17 Shri Pawan Kant Jha A-515B,Buddha Marg, Mandawali, Delhi-92. Seeking information regarding Action Taken on Audit Memo by the Inspection of AB Cell. 11-07-2017 11-07-2017 Pending
275 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) (Through MOC). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 09.10.2017 regarding inspection of records relating to Shri Rahul Kumar, Senior clerk, SNA etc. 11-10-2017 11/25/2017 Replied on 08.12.2017
276 RTI-271/2016-17 Shri Vijith V.T. Pranavam Study Centre, Elavoorkkonam, Kerala-695573. (Through MOC) Seeking information regarding promotion of Kerala Culture etc. 11-10-2017 11/22/2017 Replied on 21.12.2017
277 RTI-253/2016-17 Smt. Vinodi Sharma Section Officer, SNA Seeking information regarding DPC for S.O. and copy of minutes etc. 11-10-2017 11-10-2017 Replied
278 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information regarding Action Taken on his request of I-PIN of NPS Account No.111006824878 etc. 11-10-2017 11-10-2017 Replied on 12.12.2017
279 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking information regarding status of Inspection Report in respect of Estt. and Financial Matters. 11/13/2017 11/13/2017 DFA on 03.01.2018
280 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 13.10.2017 seeking a copy of the Recommendations of the Committee held on 26.02.2009 which include two officers from Ministry of Culture by 11/14/2017 11/16/2017 DFA on 15.12.2017 (Hold up by order of Secretary)
281 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar,Ghaziabad-201009(UP). An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 13.10.2017 regarding Parameters on which each candidates is evaluated in the screening committee held for the post of Jr.Clerk-cum-Typist e 11/14/2017 11/16/2017 DFA on 08.01.2018
282 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking copy of Noting(s) and Office Orders regarding Remuneration of contractual employees in SNA etc. 11/14/2017 11/15/2017 16.04.2018
283 RTI-273/2016-17 Shri Udaya M. A-4, Staff Flats, I.P. College, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054 Seeking copies of MOU signed by Ministry of Culture with other organizations. 11/17/2017 12-04-2017 Replied on 26.12.2017
284 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) An Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 20.10.2017 seeking a copy of noting of F.No.RRS/26/2015-15 dealing with pay fixation etc. 11/22/2017 11/22/2017 DFA on 05.01.2018
285 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP). Seeking a copy of Recruitment Rules of SNA and Rabindra Rangshala etc. 11/22/2017 11/24/2017 27.09.2018
286 RTI-266/2016-17 Smt. Rani Kain Assistant, SNA, New Delhi. Seeking a copy of Noting of legal opinion took on Office Order No.2-33/2015-16/10359, dated 08.02.2016 etc. 11/29/2017 12-01-2017 Pending
287 RTI-27/2018 Smt Santosh(Safaikaramchari),SNA Seeking information relating to Accounts Section 11/30/2017 6/13/2018 22.12.2018
288 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) 1st Appeal seeking information sought vide his RTI application dated 10.11.2017. 12-11-2017 12-12-2017 Replied on 22.12.2017
289 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) First Appeal w.r.t. his earlier RTI application dated 15.11.2017 reg. remuneration to contractual employees in SNA etc. 12/16/2017 12/18/2017 16.04.2018
290 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) Request for information as per Decision by CIC Hearing on 21.12.2017 in respect of RTI request dated 27.07.2017 and 05.08.2017. 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Replied on 22.12.2017
291 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) Final request for information sought vide RTI Request dated 01.10.2017 and 1st Appeal dated 02.11.2017 12/28/2017 12/28/2017 23.04.2018
292 RTI-249/2016-17 Shri Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009(UP) Reminder in respect of 1st Appeal dated 15.11.2017 12/28/2017 12/28/2017 DFA on 03.01.2018
293 RTI/276/2017-18 Shri Rahul Kumar Sna To seek information relating to administrative matters. 12/29/2017 1/25/2018 27.02.2018
294 RTI-249/2016-17 Mr. Chandranshu Mehta A-261, Sector-9, New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009 (UP) To obtain information regarding procedure/guidelines for appointment of consultants etc. 01-03-2018 01-03-2018 16.04.2018
295 RTI/109/2017-18 Smt Urvashi Chopra Assistant- SNA Seeking information relating to Administrative matters 2018-01-12 2018-01-13 Replied on 16.03.2018
296 RTI/1/2018 Shri Rakesh Gaud 910 Brahmpuri, Merrut (U.P) Seeking information relating to Accounts Section (Financial Year 16-17, 17-18, 18-19 Cultural programme budget list) 2018-01-16 2018-01-31 08.05.2018
297 RTI-278/2017-18 Sh. Dharambir Pandav Nagar near Shadipur Depo, New Delhi Seeking informarion relating to Kathak Kendra & Administrtive 1/25/2018 1/25/2018 Replied on 27.03.2018
298 RTI/277/2017-18 Smt. Anita Katyal Stenographer-S.N.A Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 1/25/2018 1/25/2018 pending
299 RTI/280/2017-18 Shri Raju Gusain Deharadun, Uttrakhand Seeking information relating to Documentation Section 1/28/2018 1/29/2018 Replied on 19.03.2018
300 RTI/282/2017-18 Shri Shyamlal Yadav The Indian Express, B-1/B, Sec-10, Noida- U.P Seeking information relating to Chairman Office 1/30/2018 02-06-2018 Replied on 27.02.2018
301 RTI-290/2017-18 Smt Santosh-SNA Seeking information about his case relating to administrative matter. 02-01-2018 02-01-2018 Replied on 12.03.2018
302 RTI/283/2017-18 Shri Surender Singh Rawt, SNA Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 2018-02-06 2018-03-06 Replied on 16.03.2018
303 RTI-285/2017-18 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 2018-02-07 2018-02-08 Replied on 25.05.2018
304 RTI/284/2017-18 Shri Kirpal Singh Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 2018-02-08 2018-02-08 Replied on 23.02.2018
305 RTI-287/2017-18 Smt. Urvashi Chopra Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 2/15/2018 2/15/2018 Replied on 09.04.2018
306 RTI-288/2017-18 Smt. Rani Kain Seeking information about her case of misbehavior by Chandranshu Mehta. 2/15/2018 2/15/2018 Replied on 09.04.2018
307 RTI-289/2017-18 Smt. Anjana Singh (SANAK/R/2018/50005 Seeking information relating to Grants Section 2/19/2018 2/27/2018 Replied on 05.03.2018
308 RTI-270/2017-18 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 2/20/2018 2/22/2018 Replied on 09.04.2018
309 RTI-291/2017-18 Shri Ramesh Singh Director of Bhartiya Kala Sangam- Jammu Cant Seeking information relating to Grants matters. 2/27/2018 03-06-2018 Replied on 16.03.2018
310 RTI/2017-18 Shri Nain Singh Ward No-6, Vill-Dhanwan Th. Kalakote Dist-Rajouri, J&K Seeking information relating to Grants matters. 03-01-2018 03-01-2018 Replied on 15.03.2018
311 RTI-292/2017-18 Shri Kirpal Singh Sr.Clerk Sangeet Natak Akademi Seeking information about his case relating to administrative matter. 03-08-2018 03-08-2018 Replied on 23.02.2018
312 RTI-293/2017-18 Shri Chandrashu Mehta Jr. Clerk-SNA Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 03-12-2018 3/13/2018 Replied on
313 RTI/298/2017-18 Shri Sandeep K Upadhayay (MCULT/R/2018/50032/1) (SANAK/R/2018/8003) Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 3/13/2018 3/13/2018 Replied on 09.04.2018
314 RTI/297/2017-18 Shri Rahul kumar SNA (MCULT/R/2018/50049) Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 3/17/2018 3/17/2018 04.05.2018
315 RTI/295/2017-18 Shri Ashok Kumar Seeking information relating to Administrative matters. 3/22/2018 3/27/2018 16.05.2018
316 RTI-8/ 2018 Shri Ramesh Singh,Director (BKS)96, Raipur Satwari, Jammu Cant. Jammu & Kashmir Seeking information relating to Grants Section 3/23/2018 05-01-2018 12.06.2018
317 RTI/294/2017-18 Smt Urvashi Chopra Seeking information relating to Rakesh Batra 3/26/2018 3/26/2018 Replied on 11.04.2018
318 RTI-25/2018 Shri Patel Kalidas, Ahmedabad Seeking information relating to Account Section 3/27/2018 6/13/2018 10.12.2018
319 RTI/296/2017-18 Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj Seeking information relating to Kathak Kendra & Administrative. 3/27/2018 3/27/2018 Replied on 09.04.2018
320 RTI/299/2017-18 Shri Brijesh Kumar 40, Ravi Shankar Sukla lane, New Delhi-110001 Seeking information relating to Administrative matters and Accounts 04-05-2018 04-05-2018 09.04.2018 & Appeal reply 09.05.2018
321 RTI-6/2018 Shri Chandrashu Mehta Seeking information relating to Hemant Arya & Inspection of Service Record File of Kathak Kendra employees 4/23/2018 4/27/2018 27.06.2018
322 RTI/5/2018 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Seeking information relating to Administrative matter. 4/23/2018 4/26/2018 31 Jan 2019 Appeal reply-19.03.2019
323 RTI/3/2018 Shri Chandrashu Mehta Seeking information relating to services file of Kusum Dhingra. 4/26/2018 4/26/2018 02.07.2018
324 RTI/4/2018 Shri Chandrashu Mehta Seeking information relating to Non Functional Scale granted of Kathak Kendra Employees 4/26/2018 4/26/2018 03.07.2018
325 RTI-9/2018 Shri Manoj KumarB-336, D.A.F. TimarpurDelhi-110054 Seeking information relating to Chandrashu Mehta & Hemant Arya 05-01-2018 05-02-2018 24.05.2018
326 RTI-7/2018 Shri Chandrashu Mehta Seeking information relating to Secretary & Deputy Secretary- Finance & Accounts 05-01-2018 05-01-2018 06.08.2018
327 RTI-11/2018 Shri Manoj KumarB-336, D.A.F. TimarpurDelhi-110054 Seeking information relating to Administrative 05-10-2018 05-11-2018 06.08.2018
328 RTI-10/2018 Shri Pradipta 15 Maruti Vihar, Plot no.M 3/47, Baranga, Raghunathpur, Bhubaneswar - 05 Seeking information related to MOC 05-10-2018 05-11-2018 11.03.2019
329 RTI-12/2018 Smt. Rani Kain Assistant of SNA Seeking information relating to Chandranshu Mehta & Administrative 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 02.07.2018
330 RTI-18/2018 Shri Pawan Kumar Pune Seeking information relating to Administrative 5/16/2018 5/18/2018 02.07.2018
331 RTI-14/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Seeking information relating to Trilochan Kaur Bhatia, Sh. R.N. Mishra, Kamlesh Arya, Rani Kain and Kiran Ahuja 5/16/2018 5/16/2018 19.07.2018
332 RTI-13/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Seeking Information relating to grant of Scale on Account of Fraud. 5/16/2018 5/16/2018 17.07.2018
333 RTI-15/2018 Shri Manoj KumarB-336, D.A.F. TimarpurDelhi-110054 Seeking information relating to All staff S.N.A attendance of Biometric Machine 5/17/2018 5/17/2018 02.07.2018
334 RTI-17/2018 Smt. ShivkantiE 3126, Rajajipuram Lucknow Seeking information relating to grant proposal for dance & drama training 5/20/2018 5/30/2018 12.06.2018
335 RTI-16/2018 Shri Aazam Khan5 Tolwali Masjid, Alok Press Road, Ibrahimpur, Bhopal Seeking information relating to Grants 5/21/2018 5/27/2018 08.03.2019
336 RTI-20/2018 Harpal Singh Rana(SANAK/R/2018/80008) Seeking information regarding Akademi Awards 5/23/2018 5/31/2018 11.10.2018
337 RTI-21/2018 Jatinder Pal Seeking information regarding to Tansen 5/28/2018 5/31/2018 21.01.2019
338 RTI-19/2018 Shri Aroop Jyotii Kalita Seeking information relating to Account Section 5/30/2018 5/31/2018 14.06.2018
339 RTI-23/2018 Smt. Lalita Bajaj,Malviya Nagar,New Delhi Seeking information relating to Administrative 06-01-2018 06-02-2018 21.01.2019 Appeal reply19.03.2019
340 RTI-22/2018 Dhirender Vishavakarma Technical Assistant Seeking information relating to Administrative 06-01-2018 06-01-2018 06.08.2018
341 RTI-24/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Seeking information relating to Administrative 06-04-2018 06-05-2018 29.06.2018 Reply of appeal 06.08.2018
342 RTI-26/2018 Seeking information relating to Administrative Seeking information relating to Administrative 06-12-2018 6/13/2018 09.11.2018
343 RTI-29/2018 Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Illegal Tactics by the Administration of Sangeet Natak Akademi 6/14/2018 07-02-2018 23.07.2018
344 RTI-33/2018 Smt Rani Kain (Assistant)Sangeet Natak Akademi Seeking information relating SNA rules and Regulations 6/25/2018 07-12-2018 10.08.2018
345 RTI-43/2018 Shri Jayant Raj Choudhary, Dy.Curato, SNA Stenographers of the SNA can be promoted as Section officer in the grade pay 4800 6/29/2018 8/14/2018 Pending
346 RTI-31/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Seeking information relating to attendance of SNA’employees 07-02-2018 07-02-2018 10.08.2018
347 RTI-30/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Seeking information relating to Designation of CPIO & Section Officer (CDN) 07-02-2018 07-02-2018 24.08.2018
348 RTI-32/2018 Smt Rani Kain (Assistant)Sangeet Natak Akademi Seeking information relating to 7th CPC and Contractual employee 07-05-2018 07-06-2018 28.08.2018
349 RTI-38/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Action Taken Report on AB Cell’s Report. 07-06-2018 7/23/2018 04.10.2018
350 RTI-35/2018 Smt Smriti Sharma3rdi Cultural School, Punjab Seeking information relating to all the classical dances of India, 07-09-2018 07-12-2018 08.08.2018
351 RTI-34/2018 Shri Kondri Bhanoji Rao Seeking information relating details of programmes and grants given by central Sangeet natak akademi 07-10-2018 07-12-2018 11.12.2018
352 RTI-37/2018 Shri Manoj Kumar, Timarpur Delhi Seeking information relating to Secretary. 07-12-2018 7/18/2018 21.01.2019
353 RTI-40/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of the noting, Correspondence, Action Taken etc. 7/13/2018 7/25/2018 26.10.2018
354 RTI-41/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Provide amount of arrears in rupees paid to shri S.K. Pandey & Anita Katyal 7/15/2018 7/25/2018 08.10.2018
355 RTI-36/2018 Shri Dharambeer Singh, Attendant, SNA Seeking information relating to his personal file and all vacant post position in Sangeet natak akademi as on 17 July 2018 7/17/2018 7/17/2018 06.08.2018
356 RTI-39/2018 Smt Lalita Bajaj Seeking information relating to Administrative 7/20/2018 7/24/2018 21.01.2019 Appeal reply19.03.2019
357 RTI-44/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of the approval/sanctioned of the MOC for the (RRS) of SNA, copy of the approval/sanctioned of the (DoP&T) for the Current Recurirment Rules (RRS) of the SNA 7/22/2018 8/17/2018 08.10.2018
358 RTI-42/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Seeking information relating to Smt Trilochan Kaur Bhatia. 7/26/2018 8/23/2018 04.10.2018
359 RTI-42/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of the Bio-Metric Attendance Sheet of Sh.Sundip Gandhi, Smt. Vinodi Sharma, and Smt. Kusum Dhingra for 13.04.2018. 7/26/2018 7/30/2018 24.08.2018
360 RTI-66/2018 Kalpana ChandikaAndhra Pradesh(SANAK/R/2018/50014) Seeking information relating to Andhranatyam Indial Classical Dance form. 7/30/2018 2/20/2019 Pending
361 RTI-45/2018 Ms Renu Singh, Shakarpur, Delhi How many persons are working at present in the ST Category in Groups (ABCD) in ministry/HQ delhi and office 08-01-2018 8/21/2018 04.10.2018
362 RTI-66/2019 Shri Bhaskar Reddy How many paid studies and reports have been prepared by all ministries through outsite agencies. 08-08-2018 8/16/2018 14.01.2020
363 RTI-50/2018 Mr. Shakrukh Mallick416, Old Seemapuri Shadara, East Seeking information regarding Physically Handicapped People working in Central government 8/13/2018 9/19/2018 04.10.2018
364 RTI-64/2018 Sowmiya AshokSANAK/R/2018/80015)Transfer from MOC Provide all letters and correspondences sent by the secretary of culture to the prime minister officer between-2014-18 8/16/2018 2/20/2019 15.04.2019
365 RTI-49/2018 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of the salary slip of Sh. Ashok Kumar and Rahul Kumar, working in the SNA 8/23/2018 9/13/2018 04.10.2018
366 RTI-52/2018 Disha YadavMahendragarh Haryana-123029 Seeking information regarding Registration Certificate of SNA, Recruitment Rules and Bye-Laws of SNA 8/23/2018 9/26/2018 11.10.2018
367 RTI-60/2018 Smt. Usha RKF 1210 First Floor, CR Park, New Delhi-110019(SANAK/R/2018/50015 Seeking information relating to SNA seeking the nomination letter sent by govt of Karnataka with regard to the membership of Smt. Vyjayanti Kashi to the G.C of the akademi 8/25/2018 2/18/2019 4.03.2019
368 RTI-48/2018 Pardipta Kumar Pal The steps taken by CULTURE Ministry to maintain cleanliness in various CULTURAL Offices under your ministry in India 8/26/2018 8/30/2018 27.09.2018 Appeal replied on 11.03.2019
369 RTI-51/2018 Shri Swapnil Gupta92, Aashirwad ApartmentsI.P Extension, Delhi-92 Seeking information relating for the post of Director in Kathak Kendra, how many candidates appeared. 8/27/2018 8/29/2018 03.12.2018
370 RTI-47/2018 Ms. Payal Yadav Seeking information about the Akademi Awards given under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, and its process 8/31/2018 9/20/2018 08.10.2018
371 RTI-46/2018 Shri Sharad Kumar Provide the details of Internal Auditors Appointed under companies/foundation/division/corporation under MOC. 8/31/2018 9/20/2018 27.09.2018
372 RTI-62/2018 Shri Mohd. YaseenQtr. No-7A Old, Ahata Amar Singh, Palace Road Jammu-180001 Seeking information relating to details of grants sanctioned/taken by Sangam Theatre Group 09-04-2018 2/18/2019 19.03.2019
373 RTI-63/2018 Shewly KunduWest Bengal(SANAK/R/2018-80019 Whether a registered trust can start drawing, music, dance training centre 09-05-2018 1/20/2019 15.04.2019
374 RTI-57/2018 Sh. Chandranshu MehtaMCULT/R/2018/50205 Seeking information regarding article of the Constitution of India, Sangeet Natak Akademi is constituted by the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India 9/30/2018 11/22/2018 22.11.2018
375 RTI-65/2018 Sharad KumarGhaziabad, U.P(SANAK/R/2018/80020)Transfer from MOC Provide the details of internal auditors 10-03-2018 2/20/2019 09.04.2019
376 RTI-67/2018 Aishwarya Radhakrishnan(SANAK/R/2018/50018) How are the SNA awardees selected 10-09-2018 2/20/2019 15.04.2019
377 RTI-61/2018 Smt. Usha RKF 1210 First Floor, CR Park, New Delhi-110019(SANAK/R/2018/50020 Seeking information relating to minutes of advisory meeting on 30 may 2018 and inspection of the documents/files 10-10-2018 2/18/2019 2/19/2019
378 RTI-53/2018 Shri Shubha Deep 159, Majhipara RoadJhakurpukur, Kolkata (WB) - 700063 Hindi Virsion VCD (Recorded) with all his recommended letters copies with the application 10/15/2018 10/18/2018 10.12.2018
379 RTI-54/2018 Smt. Rajani H.No-196, D.D.A FlatNarela-110040 Seeking information about R.K. Bhatt & R.K. Malhotra 10/23/2018 10/23/2018 19.03.2019
380 RTI-56/2018 Narender Nath BajajEx-Accounts Officer, SNA Certified copy of the Recruitment Rules to the post of Deputy Secretary (CDN) 11-06-2018 11-02-2018 21.12.2018
381 RTI-68/2018 Chandranshu MehtaGhaziabad. U.P Copy of the file-notings/legal bill paid to Sh. Rajesh Gogna 12-01-2018 12/19/2018 03.05.2019
382 RTI-58/2018 Smt. Ratana Sarkar Seeking information regarding her late husband’s pension who was working in Kathak Kendra 12-03-2018 12-12-2018 13.12.2018
383 RTI-70/2018 Hemant Kuamar AryaNew Delhi Provide the name of the representative of MOC who attended the interview/DPC of the following persons 12/21/2018 01-01-2019 01.04.2019
384 RTI-69/2018 Mr. RichardDwarka, New Delhi No details. 12/26/2018 12/18/2018 Pending
385 RTI-1/2019 Mustaq Kak Grants Regarding 12/27/2018 06-04-2019 11.03.2019
386 RTI-3/2019 Mr. Neeraj Kumar Soni9-5/2018-Akad/32 How many people have been given permanent or temporary appointment in various institutions and organizations of the MOC 01-07-2019 01-11-2019 25.03.2019
387 RTI-2/2019 Chandranshu Mehta Seeking information relating to Section Officer 01-08-2019 01-10-2019 14.03.2019
388 RTI-4/2019 Shri Hemant Kumar Arya Kindly provide complete copy of my personal file including all notings 1/16/2019 1/18/2019 25.03.2019
389 RTI-5/2019 Shri. K Kumar9-1/2019-Akad/138 Details of manpower engaged through contractors or directly on contract basis in the organization/office/its all branches. 02-05-2019 2/21/2019 10.06.2019
390 RTI-59/2018 Smt. Lalita Bajaj,Malviya Nagar,New Delhi Seeking information relating to Administrative 02-05-2019 03-05-2019 Appeal reply19.03.2019
391 RTI-55/2018 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Seeking information relating to Administrative 02-05-2019 02-07-2019 Appeal reply 19.03.2019
392 RTI-7/2019 Hemant Kumar Arya Copy of the noting based on the letter dated 10 may 2018 addressed to Secretary, SNA with the subject compassionate appointment of undersigned. 02-08-2019 02-08-2019 06.01.2020
393 RTI-6/2019 Hemant Kumar Arya List of contractual staff and outsourced staff along with amount who has taken advance during the last 3 years. 02-08-2019 02-08-2019 09.04.2019
394 RTI-8/2019 Chandranshu Mehta(SANAK/R/2019/50002) Copy of action taken with complete file noting on correspondence 02-09-2019 2/21/2019 26.12.2019
395 RTI-9/2019 Jogindar MannPitampura, New DelhiSANAK/R/2019-50007 What is the prosses of greeting the add of your department for a magazine 02-10-2019 2/21/2019 29.07.2019
396 RTI-10/2019 Chandranshu Mehta9-2/2018-Akad (Pt-IV)/131 Seeking information regarding name of representative of the Ministry participated in the selection committee/D.P.C of senior clerk 2/14/2019 2/16/2019 22.04.2019
397 RTI-17/2019 Rajat Tripathi Seeking information regarding to government jobs 2/14/2019 3/19/2019 19.03.2019
398 RTI-11/2019 Smt Usha R.K, (SANAK/R/2019/50008) Provide all letters, notings, approvals, relevant document of my proposal to hold Divya Treiyam a dance festival at Varanasi 2/18/2019 2/18/2019 22.04.2019
399 RTI-36/2019 Lalitha Bajaj9-4/2017-Akad-II-2/301 Seeking information about of establishment case. 2/20/2019 4/29/2019 26.12.2019
400 RTI-12/2019 Sasikala SivasubramaniamTamilnadu(SANAK/R/2019/50009) Seeking information regarding to Yuva Puraskar 2/24/2019 03-05-2019 30.07.2019
401 RTI-14/2019 Lalitha BajajMalviya Nagar Seeking information regarding to establishment case. 2/25/2019 2/28/2019 26.12.2019
402 RTI-13/2019 Abhinaya S, Tamilnadu(SANAK/R/2019/80001) How many government run dance institutions are there 2/25/2019 03-05-2019 14.10.2019
403 RTI-15/2019 Hemant Kumar Arya Provide the copy of 10th & 12th marksheet & certificate of Shri Prahlad 03-05-2019 03-06-2019 01.04.2019
404 RTI-16/2019 Pravin Kumar(SANAK/R/2019/80002) Score sheet of samuhik lok geet competition held at Jodhpur on 28-02-2019, organized by Rajasthan Youth board 03-06-2019 03-06-2019 19.03.2018
405 RTI-19/2019 Smt. Lalitha BajajMalviya Nagar, New Delhi Seeking information relating to PMOPG status. 03-11-2019 3/22/2019 10.06.2019
406 RTI-18/2019 Kanhaiya(SANAK/R/2019/80007) Total number of Postwise and Yearwise Vacancies in all the department/office/cardes under this ministry in last 5 yrs 3/14/2019 3/18/2019 03.05.2019
407 RTI-37/2019 Rajesab D Shivangutti9-1/2019-Akad/313DOEXP/R2019/50332 What are the schemes offered by your department for Organization (NGO/Society) 3/23/2019 05-01-2019 30.08.2019
408 RTI-20/2019 Malavika Ravi Menon(SANAK/R/2019/50011) Short listing nominees for the Sangeet Natak Akademi Purskar & Bismillah Purskar 3/24/2019 3/26/2019 01.04.2019
409 RTI-22/2019 Mr Navin Kumar9-4/2017-Akademies/208 Seeking information regarding SNA Employes- Deputy Secretary Suman Kumar, Vijay Kumar and Pawan Kumar Jha 3/26/2019 3/28/2019 13.05.2019
410 RTI-21/2019 Smt Usha R.KC.R. Park, New Delhi Information sought: Minutes of the Fact finding committee constituted to investigate the allegations against Ms. Helen Acharya. 3/28/2019 3/28/2019 06.01.2020
411 RTI-23/2019 Amit Pratap SinghMCULT/R/2019/500409-4/2017-Akademi/241 Seeking information regarding pursue of carrier in music under the provision of RTI Act 2005 04-02-2019 04-04-2019 01.08.2019
412 RTI-26/2019 Amit KumarSariakela Ward No-10,Kansari Tola, Near ofiice of Prabhat Khabar, Dist-Saraikela Seeking information regarding of TA-DA and Chhau Parva 04-03-2019 04-04-2019 20.08.2019
413 RTI-24/2019 Shyamlal Yadav MCULT/R/2018/50197/1 Details of complaints received in your Ministry and other under your Ministry with regard to sexual harassment of women employees 04-03-2019 04-04-2019 06.01.2020
414 RTI-25/2019 Dhruv BoseL68/A, Saket New DelhiSANAK/R/2019/50013 Details of the events sponsored by the SNA in the year 2018 04-04-2019 04-04-2019 14.10.2019
415 RTI-27/2019 Smt Lalita BajajMalviya Nagar Seeking information regarding her service book Inspect 04-08-2019 04-11-2019 24.07.2019
416 RTI-30/2019 Vicky Kachhap(SANAK/R/2019/80011Vill-Carri, Deepa toil, Post Office-Gumla, Jharkhand Name of the employees, DOB, Designation, name and certified copy of cast certificate. 04-09-2019 04-12-2019 07.05.2019
417 RTI-28/2019 Braham PrakashH. No-34, Y Block, Mangolpuri, Delhi-110083 Seeking information regarding SNA nomination. Ratikant & Sujata Mohpatra proposals copies. 4/13/2019 4/18/2019 08.08.2019
418 RTI-31/2019 Chandranshu Mehta Copy of the action taken with complete file noting on the Requester’s complaint addressed to Shekhar Sen, R.K. Bhatt & Helen Acharya 4/15/2019 4/24/2019 06.01.2020
419 RTI-33/2019 Ajay N SimhAkd-19/2/2019-Akad/298Karnataka-560064 Please provide the details of Central Govt Schemes. 4/16/2019 4/24/2019 20.08.2019
420 RTI-32/2019 Braham PrakashH. No-34, Y Block, Mangolpuri, Delhi-110083 Nomination for Yuva Puraskar for the awardee Shashwati Garai Ghosh 4/18/2019 4/24/2019 08.08.2019
421 RTI-36 (1)/2019 Shri Beni Thomas Seeking information about of Vinodi Mam 4/18/2019 4/18/2019 01.08.2019
422 RTI-29/2019 Braham PrakashH. No-34, Y Block, Mangolpuri, Delhi-110083 Seeking information regarding the names, designations, officer address the rank of Section officer 4/22/2019 4/23/2019 21.08.2019
423 RTI-35/2019 Lalitha Bajaj Seeking information about of B.B. Chug 4/23/2019 4/25/2019 24.05.2019
424 RTI-34/2019 Roshan Panigrahy9-1/2019-Akad/310Bhubaneswar-751012 List of all schemes inaugurated after 2014 and what is their success ratio with respect to similar schemes applied by pervious government 4/25/2019 4/30/2019 27.01.2019
425 RTI-38/2019 Pavan Kumar PannalaVijayawad(SANAK/R/2019/80014MCULT/R/2019/80038 Seeking information about of how much amount sanctioned for classical languages from Central Government. 4/26/2019 05-08-2019 24.05.2019
426 RTI-40/2019 Ranjan Kumar(SANAK/R/2019/80020)MCULT/R/2019/50071/9 Statewise break up of vacancy of LDC in MOC for SSC CHSL Examination-2017 5/21/2019 5/24/2019 14.10.2019
427 RTI-39(1)/2019 Paramjeet Kumar(SANAK/R/2019/80021)(MCULT/R/2019/50073/9 Statewise list of Vacancy for UR category in your department that will be filled through SSC CHSL-2017 examnation 5/21/2019 5/24/2019 01.11.2019
428 RTI-39/2019 Trupti S Deshpande(SANAK/R/2019/80022) Statewise list of the vacancy for LDC post under UR category to be recruited thorough SSC CHSL Examination -2017 5/21/2019 5/24/2019 07.08.2019
429 RTI-40 (1)/2019 Deepak GanianSANAK/R/2019/50015 Details of Junior Clerk , typist advertised in the time of india newspaper dated12-01.2019 5/26/2019 7/24/2019 01.11.2019
430 RTI-41/2019 Smt Rani Kain Seeking information about of reservation roster and general roster 1990 to 1995. 06-11-2019 6/13/2019 17.12.2019
431 RTI-42/2019 Shri Sanjay Angarey(9-1/2019-Akad/504)B Block, GTB Complex, TT Nagar, Bhopal-462003 Whether the post of Administrative Officers does exists in the MOC, Govt of India & its attached 06-12-2019 6/17/2019 31.07.2019
432 RTI-43/2019 Smt Pinki Saini(MCULT/R/2019/80055/6)Jaipur All the offices of central govt situated in Rajasthan which comes under your department/ministry 6/26/2019 07-01-2019 31.07.2019
433 RTI-47/2019 Shri V Ashok Vardhan MCULT/R/2019/50114/8 What is the criterion and guidelines for claiming of age relaxation for employees working in the autonomous departments. 6/28/2019 7/15/2019 06.01.2020
434 RTI-48/2019 Shri Richard Harrison SANAK/R/2019/50018 Seeking information about of Hindi Parv 07-01-2019 7/24/2019 13.08.2019
435 RTI-44/2019 Smt Rani Kain Assistant, SNA How many employees are currently working in the academy from the scheduled caste, along with the date and date of appointment, the information should be given. 07-04-2019 07-05-2019 06.01.2020
436 RTI-45/2019 Shri Akshay Badaliya DE-83A, Ward No-5 Prem Mohalla, Near Vijay Chowk Tarou, Haryana How much grant has been provided to NGOs during April 2014 to March 2019. 07-05-2019 07-09-2019 14.10.2019
437 RTI-46/2019 Smt. Lalitha Bajaj Seeking information about of Administrative Matter 7/15/2019 7/16/2019 26.12.2019
438 RTI-49/2019 SitaramGADEP/R/2019/60066 Seeking information about of Pension of Sitaram 7/16/2019 7/26/2019 The applicant has died, therefore, no action is required
439 RTI-50/2019 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Seeking information about of Mr. Rajesh Gogna 7/23/2019 7/23/2019 26.12.2019
440 RTI-63/2019 Krishna What criterion does the Academi follow or based on what parameters do certain dance forms receive the classical tag 7/29/2019 08-09-2019 03.07.2020
441 RTI-52/2019 Shri Gopi Chand, UDC, SNA Seeking information about of reservation roster 7/31/2019 08-01-2019 26.12.2019
442 RTI-51/2019 Shri Jayant Raj Choudhary, Curator SNA Seeking information about of Administrative Matter 7/31/2019 08-01-2019 12.02.2020
443 RTI-54/2019 Shri Chetan D.Maheshwari9-4/2017-Akad (Pt.II)/628 Seeking information about the list of National Festivals of India officially declared and duly recognized by the Govt of India 08-01-2019 08-05-2019 14.10.2019
444 RTI-53/2019 Shri Harpal Singh Rana 9-1/2019-Akd/638 Seeking information about the Akademi Awards-2017 08-01-2019 08-06-2019 17.03.2020
445 RTI-88/2019 Beena Choudhary SANAK/R/2019/50022 Information regarding the recruitment of Assistant Documentation officer advertised vide notification published in June. 08-02-2019 10/31/2019 11.12.2019
446 RTI-56/2019 Shri Chandranshu Mehta, Ghaziabad Provide a copy of the Concurrence of DoP&T granted to the SNA 08-06-2019 08-07-2019 26.12.2019
447 RTI-60/2019 Pintoo Kumar Kumawat Seeking information about of category wise & State Zone wise vacancies(LDC post) under CHSL Examination-2017 08-07-2019 08-07-2019 14.10.2019
448 RTI-59/2019 Prashant Kumar Seeking information about of category wise & State Zone wise vacancies(LDC post) under CHSL Examination-2017 08-07-2019 08-07-2019 14.10.2019
449 RTI-58/2019 Jitender Dogiwal Seeking information about of State Zone wise vacancies under CHSL Examination-2017 08-07-2019 08-07-2019 14.10.2019
450 RTI-57/2019 Shri Narender Meena Seeking information about of State Zone wise vacancies under CHSL Examination-2017 08-07-2019 08-07-2019 14.10.2019
451 RTI-62/2019 Vishal How many government institutions (school, college, university, airport, hospital, etc) in India. 08-08-2019 08-09-2019 16.01.2020
452 RTI-61/2019 Kanhaiya Lal Meena Provide the statewise and districtwise vacancy of ST category in ssc chsl 2017. 08-08-2019 08-09-2019 14.10.2019
453 RTI-55/2019 Smt Rani Kain, Assistant, SNA Seeking information about of Administrative matter 08-08-2019 08-08-2019 17.12.2019
454 RTI-64/2019 Lokahitam Mama Karaneeyam Seeking a copy of information on two seizures of star tortoise whether they secure in safety habitation 08-08-2019 08-09-2019 14.01.2020
455 RTI-87/2019 Raja Ravi Chandra D SANAK/R/2019/50023 Total how many applications received for the post Senior Clerk 08-10-2019 10/31/2019 13.12.2019
456 RTI-89/2019 Vikas Pal SANAK/R/2019/50024 How many candidate applied for the post of Senior clerk & MTS 08-11-2019 10/31/2019 11.12.2019
457 RTI-67/2019 Smt Lalitha Bajaj Seeking information about of Administrative matter. 8/13/2019 8/14/2019 01.11.2019
458 RTI-65(1)/2019 Shri Shailender Vadan - 8/14/2019 8/15/2019 01.11.2019
459 RTI-65/2019 Mantosh Kumar Seeking information about of Handikaped persons. 8/14/2019 8/16/2019 14.01.2020
460 RTI-68/2019 Smt Rani Kain, Assistant, SNA Seeking information about of seventh pay commission and AB cell report. 8/16/2019 8/21/2019 12.02.2020
461 RTI-71/2019 Neeraj How many candidates had applied for the post of senior clerk. 8/21/2019 8/28/2019 06.01.2020
462 RTI-72/2019 Jyoti Sanjay Give a shaded copy of the list of vacant posts of LDC and MTS of all departments under the 8/26/2019 8/28/2019 06.01.2020
463 RTI-70/2019 Punya Bansal Number of applications received for the post of Junior Clerk Cum Typist 8/26/2019 8/28/2019 01.11.2019
464 RTI-84/2019 S. Kaveri File no-9-1/2019-Akad Relating to persons with disability appointed in any of the government department. 8/28/2019 10-10-2019 11.11.2019
465 RTI-69/2019 Shri Dalip BuswalaBC/52-C, Kelagodam East Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi-110088 Kindly provide me the date of minutes of meeting of DPC held for promotion as Assistant to the applicant 8/28/2019 8/30/2019 -
466 RTI-90/2019 Vishal Rakhecha SANAK/R/2019/50027 Provide the price list for books, audio-visual DVDs, films, journals 8/29/2019 10/31/2019 26.05.2020
467 RTI-73/2019 Mohammad Ather Number of candidate applied against each of the posts of Junior clerk and Sr. Clerk. 09-05-2019 09-09-2019 11.11.2019
468 RTI-75/2019 Shri Rakesh Tiwari How many candidates have recruited for the post of Assistant in the SNA from 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2019 by direct recruitment? 09-07-2019 09-12-2019 01.11.2019
469 RTI-74/2019 Shrishti Saha The required application under the ministry of women and child development are to be attached 09-09-2019 09-09-2019 14.10.2019
470 RTI-76/2019 Dr. Kumud Diwan Seeking information about of selection under Tagore National Fellowship Scheme 09-12-2019 9/18/2019 03.07.2020
471 RTI-93/2019 Richard Harrison SANAK/R/2019/50035 Attendance sheet of Smt Trilochan Bhatia 10-01-2019 11-01-2019 17.12.2019
472 RTI-78/2019 Dishantraj Gadhvi SANAK/R/2019/80041/42 MCULT/R/2019/80117 Whether Akhil Bharatiya Gandharv Mahavidyalaya Mandal,Mumbai Is recognized/registered with any Government body. 10-01-2019 10-03-2019 14.10.2019
473 RTI-77/2019 Paresh Ch Nath SANAK/R/2019/80039/40 MCULT/R/2019/50184 To Produce The Syllabus Or Exam Pattern Of C.F.A.C. (Contemporary Foundation For Art And Craft) Which Procedure Should We Follow To Get The syllabus registration/ Affiliation/Recognition und 10-01-2019 10-03-2019 01.11.2019
474 RTI-79/2019 Devender Kumar S/o-Shri Bhanwar Lal Seeking information about of DoPT 10-03-2019 10-03-2019 11.11.2019 & Appeal Reply 06.01.2020
475 RTI-80/2019 S Mohanarani SANAK/R/2019/50030 Seeking information about of Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar-2018. 10-04-2019 10-07-2019 18.03.2020
476 RTI-93(1)/19 Shri Anjani Kumar Budgets sanction by MOC various schemes. 10/14/2019 11-01-2019 17.12.2019
477 RTI-85/2019 Chandra Prakash 9-1/2019-Akademi/893 Regarding conversion of NPS subscribers under OPS under Ministry 10/15/2019 10/29/2019 06.01.2020
478 RTI-81/2019 Sanjana Negi SANAK/R/2019/50031 What is the status of Recruitment Process for the post of Senior Clerk Group C, Ministerial 10/16/2019 10/16/2019 06.01.2020
479 RTI-86/2019 Kuldeep Sharma ARIT-12012/125/2019-ARIT Information regarding the Vedic carpet culture of India Nepal. 10/21/2019 10/25/2019 09.12.2019
480 RTI-83/2019 Naresh Kadyan SANAK/R/2019/50033 Complete list & details of the activities covered & treated as Intangible Cultural Heritage in India 10/23/2019 10/29/2019 16.01.2020
481 RTI-82/2019 Suchna SANAK/R/2019/50032 Provide the date of conducting the first stage scrutiny examination and the list of shortlist candidates for the post of Assistant Documentation officer. 10/23/2019 10/24/2019 06.01.2020
482 RTI-91/2019 Hemant Rana SANAK/R/2019/80043 MCULT/R/2019/80127/12 Details of total sanctioned strength and person in position. 10/24/2019 10/30/2019 18.12.2019
483 RTI-91 (1)/2019 Chandranshu Mehta 10/31/2019 12-11-2019 26.12.2019
484 RTI-92/2019 Richard Harrison SANAK/R/2019/50034 Information regarding of Hindi Parv 16 Sep to 15 Oct 2019 11-01-2019 11-01-2019 17.12.2019
485 RTI-105/2019 Shri Rajiv Aggarwal Seeking information regarding Smt. Vinodi Sharma. 11-02-2019 11-04-2019 09.12.2019
486 RTI-105(1)/2019 Shri Mayur Dudhade Seeking information regarding grant in aid to Art of Living Foundation. 11-05-2019 11-08-2019 06.01.2020
487 RTI-105(2)/2019 Smt Rani Kain Seeking information about of Administrative Matter. 11-07-2019 11-11-2019 12.02.2020
488 RTI-98/2019 Advocate Kanu Thapa C-1/128, Madhu Vihar Uttam Nagar-110059 Delhi Is a SNA Employee a Government Employee ? 11/13/2019 11/13/2019 17.12.2019
489 RTI-96/2019 Kirti Singh RZ-Z-13, Madhu Vihar Uttam Nagar-110059 Delhi Copy of the letter received from the Central Bureau of Investigation on 12.01.2019 for filling up 2 posts of Junior Clerk-cum typist in SNA 11/13/2019 11/15/2019 05.02.2020 appeal reply-02.01.2020
490 RTI-94/2019 Chandranshu Mehta Physical Stock Verification report of Audio-Visual Library-2019-20 11/13/2019 11/13/2019 18.12.2019
491 RTI-100/2019 Beni Thomas Regarding to Smt.Vinodi Sharma 11/14/2019 11/15/2019 09.12.2019
492 RTI-97/2019 Padmini Rangarajan SANAK/R/2019/50036 Seeking all the information in detail about the traditional Puppeters settled in different states of India 11/14/2019 11/15/2019 16.03.2020
493 RTI-95/2019 Advocate Kanu Thapa C-1/128, Madhu Vihar Uttam Nagar-110059 Delhi Copy of the complete financial sanction noting along with bill payment vouchers pertaining to purchasing and distribution of dry fruits and diya for Diwali in the year-2016, 2017,2018,2019 11/15/2019 11/15/2019 18.12.2019
494 RTI-1/2020 Ms. K Priya Banglore Current Government total expenditure in 2019 on official international travel. 11/15/2019 01-03-2020 21.02.2020
495 RTI-26/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Seeking information about of Sh. Dharambeer & Sh. Jaypal 11/18/2019 3/17/2020 26.06.2020
496 RTI-101/2019 Yogender Kumar Mahavar H.No-1013/42 Nagwai Pipal ka Kuvan Dhola Bhata Road, Ajmer Rajasthan Regarding the notice of the application given in the advertisement released by Employment Express 11/18/2019 11/20/2019 18.12.2019
497 RTI-99/2019 Mareena Varghese MCULT/R/2019/80126 What are the total no of Cultural exchange programmes conducted by Central govt. with foreign countries in the year-18 (Jan-Dec) 11/18/2019 11/19/2019 06.01.2020
498 RTI-103/2019 Shri Niranjan Singh SANAK/R/2019/50037 What is the current stage of progress of the recruitment? 11/21/2019 11/22/2019 18.12.2019
499 RTI-102/2019 Shri Batakrushna Prusty SANAK/R/2019/50238/10 Please provide detail name and Add of any office in your Dept where daily wages are engaged and getting payments. 11/21/2019 11/22/2019 18.12.2019
500 RTI-107/2019 Shri Amey Gupta Seeking information regarding details of SNA Award and details of grant in respect of Ramnath Pandit Research Centre, Pune 11/25/2019 12-09-2019 26.12.2019
501 RTI-104/2019 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Malviya Nagar Seeking information about of her draft pension. 11/26/2019 11/27/2019 26.12.2019
502 RTI-106/2019 Smt Rani Kain Personal file of Rani Kain, Om Prakash Deepak Joshi 12-03-2019 12-05-2019 13.12.2019
503 RTI-2/2020 Shri Mohit Joshi, Rajasthan Seeking information regarding various National Symbols received from Ministry of Home Affairs 12/16/2019 1/16/2020 26.05.2020
504 RTI-107(1)/2019 Shri Monu Malik The sangeet natak akademi has advertised vacancy for the post junior clerk cum typist in the month of february 2019 and the post of upper division clerk (UDC) in the month of july 2019. 12/17/2019 11/18/2019 12.02.2020
505 RTI-5/2020 Shri Gaurav Singh Budget for Arts & Culture etc. for the year 2018 to 2019. 12/27/2019 01-08-2020 26.05.2020
506 RTI-4/2020 Shri Nitin Kumar Sanction post of LDC/JSA in Ministry of Culture and its autonomous department. 12/28/2019 01-03-2020 12.02.2020
507 RTI-6/2020 Smt Helen Acharya, Dy Scretary- Dance Copy of Advice of the Central Vigilance Commission 01-10-2020 01-10-2020 26.02.2020
508 RTI-7/2020 Shri Manoj Sharma Sanctioned amount etc in ICH scheme in respect of Brij Sanskriti Shodh Sansthan 1/14/2020 1/17/2020 31.03.2020
509 RTI-3/2020 Shri Arvind Singh, Delhi(SANAK/R/E/20/00001) Seeking information regarding of MTS & Senior Clerk Exam test. 1/16/2020 1/20/2020 16.03.2020
510 RTI-10/2020 Shri Ravi Kumar How to many proposal (Online/Offline of Seminar/Workshop/Conferece etc 1/30/2020 02-06-2020 30.06.2020
511 RTI-9/2020 Shri Shyamlal Yadav, SANAK/R/T/20/00003, MCULT/R/2019/50251/11 Provide a list of persons nominated on various capacities in all attached offices. 1/30/2020 02-06-2020 28.02.2020
512 RTI-8/2020 Shri R.K. Bhatt SANAK/R/T/20/00001,MCULT/R/2019/50265/1 Provide copies of the documents submitted by the three national academies viz SNA, SA & LKA confiming implementation of HPC 1/30/2020 02-06-2020 26.05.2020
513 RTI-16/2020 Shri Sandepp Tyagi How many litterateurs, writers and famous personalities have returned their awards in the last five years, under the return of the awards? The names of all the awardees, give a detailed desc 1/31/2020 2/20/2020 04.03.2020
514 RTI-11/2020 Chandranshu Mehta Copy of action taken with Complete file noting including internal and external 2/15/2020 2/15/2020 13.03.2020
515 RTI-21/2020 Shri Anoop Kumar Singha Seeking information regarding financial support to Assam Manipuri Kala Akademi, Silchar, Assam 2/17/2020 03-12-2020 13.03.2020
516 RTI-12/2020 Shri Shyamlal Yadav Details of all contracts given to various Multilateral agencies 2/18/2020 2/18/2020 28.02.2020
517 RTI-14/2020 Shri Nasir Hussain Is the Ministry of Culture aware that the authors have returned their awards in the country from January 2015 to December 2019? 2/21/2020 2/21/2020 03.07.2020
518 RTI-13/2020 Shri Vinayak Is kutiyattam Kendra is associated with SNA? 2/21/2020 2/21/2020 30.06.2020
519 RTI-17/2020 Shri Shailendra Vadan Whether SNA has received letter no. S-101/culture-4/2018/SSW-I dated 28.01.2019 from National Commission for Schedule Castes. 2/21/2020 2/24/2020 29.12.2020
520 RTI-15/2020 Shri Vishal Rakhecha Provide the consolidated income/revenue and expenditure for your organization from Financial years 2013 to 2020. 2/24/2020 2/24/2020 20.07.2020
521 RTI-36/2020 Chandranshu Mehta Copy of clear and legible communications/ correspondence etc issued by the MOC to SNA for using the state emblem of India on their employees identity cards. 2/29/2020 5/29/2020 29.12.2020
522 RTI-20/2020 Mallikarjun Sidramappa Please provide year wise lists of award winners from the year 2014 to December 2019. 03-06-2020 03-06-2020 9.05.2020
523 RTI-19/2020 Smt. Sakshi Saran What are the recognized form of music and dance forms (folk or otherwise) in the state of Rajasthan 03-06-2020 03-06-2020 26.05.2020
524 RTI-40/2020 Shri S. B. Gopal Grant in aid to Shri Naresh Chander Lal or Andaman Peoples Theatre Association for the period 01.01.2010 to 05.03.2020 03-06-2020 06-05-2020 19.06.2020
525 RTI-18/2020 Smt. Anita Katyal Copy of notings and office orders in respect of the above 4 officials pertaining to their transfer in the SNA 03-06-2020 03-06-2020 29.12.2020
526 RTI-25/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of the approval of the governing body of SNA. 3/16/2020 3/17/2020 29.12.2020
527 RTI-24/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Name of the officers or members during 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 served in internal finance division of the SNA. 3/16/2020 3/17/2020 29.12.2020
528 RTI-23/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Please provide date on which Smt. Trilochan Kaur Bhatia superannuated/retired from the Services of the SNA 3/16/2020 3/17/2020 29.12.2020
529 RTI-22/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of complete office memorandum pertaining to the Hindi Parv held in 2019 at the SNA 3/16/2020 3/17/2020 06.07.2020
530 RTI-27/2020 Sanjeev Kumar Singh SANAK/R/E/20/00009 SNA, Recuirtment for 02 junior clerk-cum typist posts 3/21/2020 05-08-2020 29.12.2020
531 RTI-38/2020 Ms. Abhirami S. (MCULT/R/E//20/00109/3) (SANAK/R/T/20/00014) What are the schemes and programmes introduced by the government to support artists (painters, sculptors and other fine-arts-related artists) 3/22/2020 06-03-2020 03.07.2020 and 10.09.2020
532 RTI-28/2020 Kireeti Devagupthapu SANAK/R/E/20/00010 What is the procedure to nominate artist for Sangeet Natak Academy Awards 4/16/2020 05-08-2020 08.06.2020
533 RTI-35/2020 Puspander Singh Parmar Regarding any official account on Chinese apps like Helo, Tiktok, UC News, Newsdog, Shareit, Likee, Like, Welike etc 05-04-2020 5/13/2020 29.05.2020
534 RTI-34/2020 Mallikarjun Sidramappa Khuba SANAK/R/T/20/00011 MCULT/R/E/20/00066 Please provide year wise lists of award winners from the year 2014 to December 2019 05-04-2020 5/20/2020 28.07.2020
535 RTI-29/2020 Parthiv SANAK/R/E/20/00011 Please provide the detail information and definition of artist who can take 05-04-2020 05-08-2020 03.07.2020
536 RTI-30/2020 Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/20/00012 Mention designation of Sh. Jayant Raj Choudhary who working in the Museum Section of SNA. 05-10-2020 5/20/2020 29.12.2020
537 RTI-32-2020 Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/20/00014 Whether Memorandum of Association of the SNA have been amended on the line of the HPC 05-12-2020 5/20/2020 29.12.2020
538 RTI-31/2020 Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/20/00013 How many times ‘Citizens Charter’ of the SNA. 05-12-2020 5/20/2020 29.12.2020
539 RTI-33/2020 Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/20/00015 Whether vacant posts filled-up by the SNA as per clause (i) of paragraph 2 5/17/2020 5/20/2020 29.12.2020
540 RTI-37/2020 Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/20/00016 For purchasing dry fruits 2016-2019. 5/25/2020 5/29/2020 08.01.2021
541 RTI-39/2020 Naveen Kumar (SANAK/R//E/20/00017) Total of BA graduated students in Bharatnatyam so far 06-04-2020 06-04-2020 03.07.2020
542 RTI-41/2020 Ms. Pinki Saini Procedure for direct recruitment of LDC/UDC in Ministry/Department 6/13/2020 6/19/2020 02.07.2020
543 RTI-43/2020 Shri Debasish Borah (MCULT/R/E/20/00173) What schemes are introduced by the ministry of culture to help artists, social scientists etc to help them in the lockdown against COVID-19. 6/19/2020 07-07-2020 23.07.2020
544 RTI-42/2020 Amit Kumar Tiwary (SANAK/R/T/20/00012) (MCULT/R/E/20/00144) What is Sarhul (Celebration in Jharkhand) it is a dance form or festival. 07-01-2020 07-01-2020 10.09.2020
545 RTI-44/2020 Shri N P Singh (SANAK/R/E/20/00018) Copy of Recruitment Rules for the Direct Recruitment in SNA 7/13/2020 7/13/2020 29.12.2020
546 RTI-45/2020 Shri Hari Ram Kashyap Details of consultants, SNA continued after 01.01.2020 7/28/2020 7/28/2020 Pending
547 RTI-46/2020 10.09.2020 Kathak Kendra is or ever was affiliated/recognized by the SNA 7/29/2020 7/29/2020 10.09.2020
548 RTI-47/2020 Shri Vedant Sharma How Much Government of India do spend money yearly on to buy Microsoft windows license key or renewing the license key for computers/system. 7/30/2020 7/30/2020 04.08.2020
549 RTI-49/2020 Shri Harish Sharma Kathak Kendra is or ever was affiliated/recognized by the MOC 08-06-2020 08-06-2020 10.09.2020
550 RTI-55/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Action taken on the Scam Report No.3 submitted by the applicant through by-hand addressed to Sh. Rakesh Aggarwal – Head of Zone (HoZ), Delhi on 30.07.2020. 8/21/2020 11-02-2020 21.12.2020
551 RTI-48/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/20/00021 Copy of Action Taken on the Scam Report No.3 sent through e-mail addressed to Sh. Bhoop Singh. 8/21/2020 8/21/2020 25.09.2020
552 RTI-50/2020 Shri Shyamlal Yadav (SANAK/R/T/20/00016) (SANAK/R/T/20/00017) Details of contribution made to PM CARES FUND since 28 March, 2020 8/26/2020 8/26/2020 25.09.2020
553 RTI-52/2020 Shri Suvir Govind (MCULT/R/E/20/00247/1) Seeking information of Award and prize money provided by the Ministry of Culture during the period from 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2019 09-03-2020 9/30/2020 09.10.2020 and 01.12.2020
554 RTI-51/2020 Ms. Sandhya (MCULT/R/E/20/00270) Seeking list of all the officials (Regular /hired by the MOC through its attached, subordinate & autonomous organizations & any other agencies) who are presently posted in the Sensitive Sect 9/18/2020 9/29/2020 Pending
555 RTI-53/2020 Shri Braham Prakash Copies of the appointment letters as well as letters of extensions of the tenures of the Chairman/Presidents, Vice-Chairman/Vice-President, Secretaries and Directors of the Autonomous Bodies 10-08-2020 10/21/2020 21.10.2020 and 23.10.2020
556 RTI-59/2020 Ms. Shivkanti Financial Assistance to Cultural institutions/Individual 10/25/2020 11/23/2020 -
557 RTI-54/2020 Shri H B Sharma Details of those who have surrender their awards with names their addresses, name of award given, monetary payment made to them, other perks and facilities mixed with the Award. 10/29/2020 11/29/2020 01.12.2020
558 RTI-58/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of Post Visit Report submitted by Shri N. Manoharan, Assistant Private Secretary to the Honorable Culture Minister to the Secretary, SNA after visiting 2nd UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference 11-06-2020 11-06-2020 01.12.2020
559 RTI-57/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Name of the Officers or members during 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 served/serving in Internal Finance Division of the Sangeet Natak Akademi. 11-06-2020 11-06-2020 01.12.2020
560 RTI-56/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of Complete Office Memorandum pertaining to the Hindi Parv (Competition) held in 2020 at SNA. 11-06-2020 11-06-2020 04.12.2020 Appeal reply 04.01.2021
561 RTI-60/2020 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Regarding her Draft Pension 11/19/2020 11/24/2020 -
562 RTI-65/2020 Shri Prashant Kanojia Allocation of funds in the name of individual or trust or NGO related to Bharat Ratna Ustad Bismillah Khan from 1 September 2006 to 31st Oct 2020. 11/22/2020 12-03-2020 -
563 RTI-62/2020 Shri Sunny Singh Balra List of department working with 100% attendance from October 2020 & till date. 11/24/2020 11/24/2020 -
564 RTI-61/2020 Smt. Lalita Bajaj For Inspection of her Personal File 11/24/2020 11/24/2020 -
565 RTI-63/2020 Shri Sanket Lama Copy of putul book 11/26/2020 11/26/2020 -
566 RTI-64/2020 Shri Gaurav K .Mishra Present status of all the posts in vacancy advertised in June/July 2019. 11/29/2020 11/29/2020 -
567 RTI-68/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Information regarding Hindi Pakhwada 2016 - to 2020 12-11-2020 12-11-2020 -
568 RTI-67/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Information regarding Hindi Pakhwada 2016 - to 2019 12-11-2020 12-11-2020 -
569 RTI-66/2020 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Information regarding Hindi Pakhwada 2016 - to 2020 2020-12-11 2020-12-11 -
570 RTI-70/2020 Shri Manish How many application (Category wise) have been received for the post of Senior Clerk cum Typist advertisement released by SNA in January 2019. 2020-12-26 2020-12-26 -
571 RTI-69/2020 Shri Manish How many application (Category wise) have been received for the post of Junior Clerk cum Typist advertisement released by SNA in January 2019. 2020-12-26 2020-12-26 -
572 RTI-28/2021 Shri Vinod Kumar Kataria Scheme of engagement of Consultants and revision of guideline 2021-01-07 2021-01-07 RTI /First Appeal Reply on 05.07.2021
573 RTI-29/2021 - SANAK/R/T/21/00009 - MCULT/R/E/21/00156 Shri Mukti Chaturvedi Seeking information regarding Implementation of NPs Rule 2021 2021-02-07 2021-02-07 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 29.07.2021
574 RTI-30/2021 - SANAK/R/E/21/00009 Shri Heman Singh Rawat Process for the post of Senior Clerk 2021-08-07 2021-08-07 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 05.08.2021
575 RTI-31/2021 Shri Shyamlal Goyal / SANAK/R/T/21/00010 / MCULT/R/E/21/00165 Information of the instances which occurred in your deptt or any institute or any PSU or any organisation under your deptt in which any Waiver or Relaxation of one or more conditions of the 7/13/2021 7/13/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 05.08.2021
576 RTI-33/2021 Shri Purushottam Giri / SANAK/R/T/21/00012 / MCULT/R/T/21/00100 Information regarding Prayag Sangeet Samiti 12 C Kamla Nehru Road Allahabad Uttar Pradesh India. 7/14/2021 7/14/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 13.08.2021
577 RTI-32/2021 Shri Manjeet Singh / SANAK/R/T/21/00011 / MCULT/R/T/21/00164 Information of fee bill no. 374/2019-2020 dated 05.02.2021 for Professional fee and expenses in respect of OA No. 2963/2019 7/14/2021 7/14/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 13.08.2021
578 RTI-35/2021 Shri Pawan Singh Chahar SANAK/R/T/21/00014 MCULT/R/E/21/00171 Information regarding the rules of ad hoc promotion rules in Central Governments Autonomous body, Government of India. 7/20/2021 7/20/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 16.08.2021
579 RTI-34/2021 Shri Alok Dandotia SANAK/R/T/1/00013 MCULT/R/E/21/00173 Difference perceived by the Government of India between the Sanatan Dharm and the Hindu religion 7/20/2021 7/20/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 16.08.2021
580 RTI-36/2021 Ms Ankitha SANAK/R/T/21/00015 MCULT/R/E/21/00170 How the government plans on the promotion of regional dances and languages in India 7/23/2021 7/23/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 17.08.2021
581 RTI-37/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Name of the Representative participated in the Selection Committee for the post of Junior Clerk-cum-Typist on 11.01.2016 in the Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy (JNMDA), Manipur and Na 7/26/2021 10/26/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 25.08.2021
582 RTI-39/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of the Front-Side of Office Identity Card issued to Ms Ruby Kumari, Sh. Narvir Singh, Sh. Ajay Kumar, Mr. Yuvraj and Sh. Narayan Singh Bora. 7/26/2021 7/26/2021 RTI Reply on 24.08.2021 First Appeal reply on 01.10.2021
583 RTI-38/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Copy of Minutes of the related EB Meeting dated 07.06.2018 and GC meeting dated 08.06.2018 7/26/2021 7/26/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 19.08.2021
584 RTI-43/2021 Shri Ramu Sarkar SANAK/R/T/21/00016 MCULT/R/E/21/00183 How many people have been recruited permanently on Compassionate Ground 7/29/2021 7/29/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 03.09.2021
585 RTI-42/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/21/00012 Copy the RTI application, reply of the RTI application and order of Smt. Rani Kain 7/30/2021 7/30/2021 RTI / First Appeal Reply on 19.08.2021
586 RTI-41/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta SANAK/R/E/21/00011 Reason for termination of Smt. Jaya Bisht, noting of the office order no. Admn./2-33/2010-1/36 date 30.06.2010,Name of the Consultants appointed, Minutes of the selection committee in relati 7/30/2021 7/30/2021 RTI Reply on 16.08.2021 & 19.08.2021 and First Appeal Reply on 08.10.2021
587 RTI-44/2021 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Information regarding her pension benefit. 8/16/2021 8/16/2021 RTI reply / First Appeal 15.09.2021 and 28.09.2021
588 RTI-49/2021 Shri Sunil Kumar Shri Dewakar Goel SANAK/R/T/21/00018 MCULT/R/T/21/00119 Details Of Roads, Places, Buildings, Etc. Named In The Following Persons; Sh. Sanjay Gandhi, Smt. Indira Gandhi, Sh. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sh. Moti Lal Nehru, Etc. 2021-09-17 2021-09-17 Reply On 18.10.2021
589 RTI-51/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Information Regarding Rs.6,00,000/- Sanction To The Umang Rachnakar Sangthan, Delhi To Support Khaatali Mahotsav 2016 Held From 18th – 20th December 2016 At Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. 2021-09-19 2021-09-19 Reply On 18.10.2021
590 RTI-50/2021 Shri Chandranshu Mehta Information Regarding SC/ST Staff Welfare Association, Rabindra Bhavan. 2021-09-19 2021-09-19 Reply On 18.10.2021
591 RTI-52/2021 Ms. Khusbhu Sharma List Of Contractual Employees Recruited From September 2020 To August 2020 2021-09-23 2021-09-23 Reply On 13.10.2021
592 RTI-53/2021 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Information Regarding Her Draft Pension 2021-09-24 2021-09-24 Reply On 13.10.2021
593 RTI-54/2021 Ms. Simran Singh CCTV Footage Of The Entry Gate Camera Of Kathak Kendra 2021-09-26 2021-09-26 Reply On 01.10.2021
594 RTI-55/2021 Shri Hemant Singh Rawat Status For The Post Of Senior Clerk Advertised In 2019 By The SNA 2021-09-28 2021-09-28 Reply On 13.10.2021
595 RTI-53/2021 Smt. Lalita Bajaj Information regarding her Draft Pension 9/24/2021 9/24/2021 Reply on 13.10.2021
596 RTI-54/2021 Ms. Simran Singh CCTV footage of the entry gate camera of Kathak Kendra 9/26/2021 9/26/2021 Reply on 01.10.2021
597 RTI-55/2021 Shri Hemant Singh Rawat Status for the post of Senior Clerk advertised in 2019 by the SNA 9/28/2021 9/28/2021 Reply on 13.10.2021

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