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The publication programme of the Akademi, initiated soon after its inception in 1953, includes books and monographs on the performing arts and the quarterly journal Sangeet Natak. Besides, to promote publishing on music, dance and drama, the Akademi helps authors and publishers with grants for books and periodicals in English and Indian languages.

During the period 2019-20 and 2020-21, the following Akademi publications were brought out:
1. Sa Re Ga Ma: Radhavallabh Chaturvedi (Hindi book on Indian classical music);
2. The Imdadkhani Baaj by Subhas Chanda (English book on Sitar);
3. Lok ke Pratham Shastra Praneta -Devilal Samar by Mohan Krishna Bohra (Hindi book on the life and work of Devilal Samar);
4. Veena ki Chhaya Mein (Hindi translation of the biography of V. Doreswamy Iyengar by M.V. Leelavati);
5. Jhoomar: Geet, Sangeet aur Nritya by Dr Badri Prasad in six volumes (Hindi book on dance and music in eastern India).

The following Akademi publication was co-published: 1. Keralattile Kshetravadyangal – Malayalam translation of Temple Musical Instruments of Kerala. Translated by T.N. Vasudevan. Sangeet Natak 1-2 & 3-4 of Vol. 49, 2015, 1-4 of Vol. 50, 2016, 1-4 of Vol.51 of 2017; 1-4 of  Vol. 52 of 2018; and 1-4 of Vol. 53 of 2019 were published. The Annual Report of Sangeet Natak Akademi for 2018-19 was printed as also the Annual Report for 2019-20. These special issues dealt with Prayog and Shastra, Folk Performing Arts, hitherto unpublished papers from the Sangeet Natak Akademi Music Seminar of 1957, Natyashastra as an encyclopaedia for Indian arts, and T. Balasaraswati.  Other noteworthy works include editing of the book on musical instruments and artists book for the PMO, participation in the World Book Fair 2021, release of publication grants for 2019-20, etc.

Sangeet Natak (ISSN 0972-494X; R. NO. 12760/65) Published since 1965, Sangeet Natak is a journal (185x240 mm) of the performing arts of India. Over the years, Sangeet Natak has carried a wide range of contributions on Indian music, dance, theatre and aesthetics, as well as writings on performing arts in other parts of the world. Special numbers of Sangeet Natak have been devoted to ‘Thyagaraja’, ‘Folk Arts’, ‘Music and Science’, ‘AIR’s Seminar on the Harmonium’, ‘Guru Amubi Singh’, ‘Bala’, ‘Kavya and Nritya’, ‘Indigenous Idiom in Contemporary Theatre’, ‘Teaching Indian Classical Music’, ‘Tradition and Modernity’, ‘Rabindranath’s East-West Encounters: Performing and Visual Arts’, ‘Papers from the First Dance Seminar, 1958’, ‘Prayog and Shastra’, etc.

Former contributors to Sangeet Natak include E. Alkazi, Roger Ashton, Mohan Khokar, V. Raghavan, Fernau Hall, S.K. Saxena, B.C. Deva, Komal Kothari, Mohan Rakesh, H.J. Koellreutter, Kapila Vatsyayan, Krishna Chaitanya, Ka Naa Subramanyam, Christopher Byrski, G.H. Ranade, Charles Fabri, Sombhu Mitra, P. Sambamoorthy, Asutosh Bhattacharya, Maheshwar Neog, Goverdhan Panchal, Euquenio Barba, L.S. Rajagopalan, E. Nilakantha Singh, Adya Rangacharya, Shanta Gandhi, J.C. Mathur, Mohan Upreti, K.C.D. Brahaspati, E. Krishna Iyer, Suresh C. Chakravarti, Sumati Mutatkar, Meher Contractor, Thakur Jaidev Singh, Premlata Sharma, Antsher Lobo, S. Ramanathan, Devilal Samar, Samik Bandyopadhyay, Vijay Tendulkar, Mrinalini Sarabhai, Farley Richmond, N.S. Ramachandru, Birendra Kishore Roy Choudhury, Daniel M. Neuman, Nazir A. Jairazbhoy, Rudraprasad Sengupta, Ashok D. Ranade, Mahendra Bhanawat, Phillip B. Zarilli, Bhisham Sahani, K.P.S. Menon, K.S. Duggal, T. Sankaran, N.C. Jain, Rajyeswar Mitra, Ashok R. Kelkar, Mukund Lath, Kironmoy Raha, M. Krishnan, Chetan Karnani, Malini Bhattacharya, Jonathan Katz, Gerard Toffin, B.R. Deodhar, Abhijit Sen, Matthew Pritchard, Parwati Dutta, Lakshmi Vishwanathan, Priyambada Mohanty Hejmadi, Deepti Omchery Bhalla, K.G. Paulose, and Anuradha (Jonnalagadda) Tadakamalla.
Currently, the Akademi is getting copies of several well-known journals in exchange for Sangeet Natak such as Sruti, Chennai; and The Drama Review (TDR) of New York University, U.S.A., etc. Some of the more recent journal issues are featured in the photo gallery.  


Annual subscription in India: individuals Rs 200, institutions/ libraries Rs 300 (including speed-post), current annual issue: individuals Rs 200, institutions/libraries Rs 300.  

Available back numbers: Individuals Rs 100; libraries/institutions Rs 100 per issue. For available annual back numbers Rs 300 per issue both for individuals and institutions.  

Payment can now be made online to the following account with intimation to the Akademi through email at the following email ID:  publication[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in  

Beneficiary Name: Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi
Beneficiary Account Number: 18250100002777
Beneficiary Bank: UCO Bank, 35 Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi 110 001
IFSC code: UCBA0001825

In case of cheques/drafts covering subscription, they should be payable to The Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi. Money-orders may please be avoided. 

Copies lost in the mail can be replaced only on payment.
Annual overseas subscription: 

Annual subscription to Sangeet Natak for foreign subscribers has been raised to U.S. $ 40.00 in order to meet the clearing charges of the bank and speed post charges to subscribers abroad. Single issues are available at the same price (U.S. $ 40.00). Back issues for years prior to 2013 can be sent subject to availability. Printouts of issues that are no longer available can be made available to libraries at U.S. $ 50.00 per issue. The same price will apply to all unavailable issues of any particular year.  

Payment may now be made online with intimation to the Akademi through email at the following email ID:  publication[at]sangeetnatak[dot]gov[dot]in. Online payment may be made through the subscriber’s bank using Swift Code with the following particulars: 

Beneficiary Name: Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi
Beneficiary Account Number: 18250100002777
Beneficiary Bank: UCO Bank, 35 Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi 110 001
IFSC code: UCBA0001825
Swift code: UCBAINBB0001

Copies lost in the mail can be replaced only on payment.


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