Image of Sangeet Natak Akademy


The library of Sangeet Natak Akademi is a multilingual reference Library extensively used by the students, researchers, scholars and performers in the field of performing arts.  It is one of the few specialized libraries of its kind in the country, and is enriched with books, journals, newspaper clippings, printed documents of Akademi Awardees and other performing artists, photographic and audio-visual resources. The library of Sangeet Natak Akademi is a multilingual reference Library extensively used by the students, researchers, scholars and performers in the field of performing arts.  It is one of the few specialized libraries of its kind in the country, and is enriched with books, journals, newspaper clippings, printed documents of Akademi Awardees and other performing artists, photographic and audio-visual resources.

Over the last sixty-seven years, the library has grown to be a centre for quality research, attracting Indian and foreign scholars, musicians, musicologists, film producers, theatre directors, choreographers, actors, folklorists, puppeteers, journalists and students in the field.  It has been acknowledged in a considerable amount of published research in music, dance and drama. The Library receives about a hundred and fifty periodicals.

1.  The total collection of the Library now stands at 25770 books in addition to 1970 received by way of gifts. 

2.  Audio-Visual Library: The collection of the Audio-Visual Library now stands at 9844 discs; 761 pre-recorded cassettes from the archives of the Akademi; 92 video cassettes of dance, drama, and music; 1602 commercial audio cassettes; 183 gifted audio  cassettes and 1142 compact discs (CDs); 103 gifted compact discs (CDs); 52 video compact discs (VCDs); 36 gifted video compact discs (VCDs) of Indian music; 22 DVDs and 61 gifted DVDs.

3. Photo–Library: The collection of photographs of all the events and festivals organized by Sangeet Natak Akademi since 1954 are available in the photo library.   The archive of black and white as well as colour photographs and slides of the photo library now stands at 5,78,033 and 40,443 respectively

4.  Library Membership: The long-term and short-term/temporary membership of the Library has grown to 1567 and 3019 members respectively.         

5.  LS Web OPAC: LS Web OPAC software is being used in the library by ‘Adding on’ Web OPAC client to existing LIBSYS-10 software. This enables access of library catalogue with the help of any industry standard browser both in internet as well as intranet  environment.

The catalogue contains bibliographical information regarding the collection of books, journals, article indexing of journals, gramophone records, CDs, VCDs and VHSs of the library.

Web OPAC has made searching easy and quick for users and researchers to search bibliographical database of books, articles of journals, CDs, VCDs, VHS and gramophone records.  Viewers of the library are able to retrieve the vast collection of the library easily and conveniently from anywhere, anytime.  Remote users are also able to search the bibliographic database of the library using their web browser.   
6. Digitization: Thanks to the scanner (Zeutschel- OS 12002, Comfort, A2) installed in the library, around 5,42,589 newspaper clippings on music, dance, drama, other performing arts, etc., and 80,205 documents containing various printed information are available in the digital format and can be accessed through the in-house software.

7. Article indexing: Indexing of the articles of journals on music, dance, drama/theatre and other performing arts in Libsys Software is in progress. Article indexing of all back issues of journals available in the library is done on a regular basis.  Approximate 153545 articles were documented in Libsys till the financial year 2021-22.

8. Preservation: For the preservation of books, journals and other reading material, digitization, indexation, binding, shelving, stacking and various other programmes take place at regular intervals in the Library.

Facilities Provided in the SNA Library:

     The Information Resources in Digital Form:

       1. Newspaper/Periodicals clippings

       2. Sangeet Natak Akademi Bulletin

       3. Sangeet Natak – Journal

       4.  Annual Reports of Sangeet Natak Akademi since 1953

       5. Rare Books 

The information material is disseminated through public facilities of photocopying, printouts, scanning, audio & video facility and photographs. The photographs in the archives of the photo library have also been used in the Programme Brochures of various festivals, Seminars, Calendars, Exhibitions, etc.

Timings: The library is open from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday (except Gazetted Holidays)

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At present there is no content available for this page, once content will be available would be updated.
At present there is no content available for this page, once content will be available would be updated.
At present there is no content available for this page, once content will be available would be updated.
  1. The Sangeet Natak Akademi Library is a multilingual reference library with special emphasis on Dance, Drama, Music and other Performing Arts and Art forms.
  2. Subject holdings of the library are books on Dance, Drama, Music, Theatre, Sociology, Folklore, Tribal studies, Indian History and Culture, Indian Art, Religion and Epics, Mythology, Anthropology and Reference works such as Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Year Books, Bibliographies, Indexes.

     Newspaper clippings pertaining to Awardees of the Akademi and eminent personalities in the field of Dance,           

     Drama, and Music.

  1. The membership of the library for Reference is open only to the following categories of clientele:
    1. Musicians, Dancers, Theatre workers, performing artists.
    2. Researchers in the performing art field.
    3. Students of University Department and institutions imparting education in the field of the performing arts, National School of Drama, Kathak Kendra, etc. (bona fides to be established).
    4. Scholars covered under international cultural exchange programme, fellowship holders.
    5. Critics and journalists.
    6. Any individual referred to by the Secretary to use the library with a specific purpose.Readers covered under Sl. No. d. & f. and outstation scholars are exempted from having to take membership. However they have to seek special permission to use the library from Secretary/Librarian.
  2. Employees of Government and semi-Government organizations, teachers and students will have their application forms attested by the employers or administrative heads, Principals or heads of departments as the case may be. Applications of persons other than the above categories will be attested by two responsible persons acceptable to the Akademi not below the rank of Deputy Secretary of Sahitya Akademi, Sangeet Natak Akademi, or Lalit Kala Akademi. Students below postgraduate level are not normally eligible for membership. Change of address should be immediately informed to the Library & Information Officer.


  1. The fee structure of membership for the library will be:
  1. Non-refundable fee of Rs 600/- at the time of enrolment.
  2. Annual renewal with Rs 100/- non-refundable fee in the month of January.
  3. Temporary/Short-term membership with Rs 75/- non-refundable fee for a month.


  1. Library Identity Card is valid for the use of the Sangeet Natak Akademi library facility only.
  2. In case of withdrawal or cancellation of membership, the Identity Card has to be surrendered.
  3. Identity Card should be preserved carefully as Duplicate Card costs Rs 75/-.
  4. The Akademi reserves to itself all rights of admission to the library. Any person misusing the library or found violating the library rules shell be debarred from further use of the library.
  5. The following instructions are to be observed to maintain library efficiency:
  6. Readers are requested not to reshelf the books taken out for reference but to keep them on the tables.
  7. Smoking is strictly prohibited and perfect silence is to be observed in the library.
  8. Personal belongings including personal books, mobile phone are not allowed in the library. They should be deposited in the racks earmarked for the purpose.
  9. Library is open from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all working days and closed on Saturdays, Sundays and other Government Holidays.

Ø Membership is also valid for the Audio-Visual Library having Gramophone discs, Audio Cassettes, Video Cassettes, Compact discs pertaining to Dance, Drama and Music where listening and viewing facilities are provided.



  •  Temporary/Short-term membership – PDF
  •  Long-term membership -PDF
At present there is no content available for this page, once content will be available would be updated.


  1. Bhairavi
  2. Marg
  3. Nartanam
  4. On Stage
  5. Rang Prasang
  6. Sruti
  7. Sangeet Natak
  8. Sangeet
  9. Sangeet Kala Vihar


  1. TDR (The Drama Review)
  2. Asian Music
  3. Dance Research Journal
  4. New Theatre Quarterly (NTQ)

Other Regional Languages

  1. Samkalika Sangeetham
  2. Natak Budreti
  3. Bohurupee
  4. Gunagrahi
  1.  Dramatic Dance: an actor's approach to dance as a dramatic art/ Darren Royston. - New Delhi: Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Limited, 2018.
  2. Naseeruddin Shah: aur fir ek din kuch yaade /Naseeruddin Shah. - Gurugram,Haryana: Penguin Random House, 2014.
  3. Raaggiri:Filmi sangeet mei shastriya raago kei ansuni kahani/Shivendra Kumar Singh and Girijesh Kumar. - New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2019.
  4. Satyajit Ray:Nayak the hero/ / Chattopadhyay ,Bhaskar. - Noida,Uttar Pradesh: Harper Collins Publishers, 2018.
  5. Two masterpieces of kutiyattam mantrankam and anguliyankam/ Edited by Oberlin ,Heike and Shulman, David - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  6. The concept of rasa with special reference  to abhinavagupta/edited by S C Pande. - New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2009
  7. Gotipuas: the boy dancers of Odisha // Hejmadi,Priyambada Mohanty. - New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2019..
  8. Indian women seers and their songs the unfettered note/ Desai, Subhadra. - New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2017.
  9. Outlines of Indian arts architecture painting sculpture dance and drama selections from harappan to modern./  / edited by Misra ,R N. - New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2014.
  10.  Ramkatha in narrative performance and pictorial traditions/edited by Kaushal,Molly, Bhalla Alok and Pant ,Ramakar. - New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2015.
  11. The tradition of masks in Indian culture an anthropological study of majuli Assam ./ / Zaman,Arifur. - New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2015.
  12. Bansuri in Indian classical music history and development. / Kumar ,Santosh. - New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 2019.
  13. Contributions of bhai kahan singh nabha to hindustani music. / Kaur ,Ravinder. - New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers,Distributors, 2019.
  14. Folk music of Northeast / Sharma ,D C. - New Delhi: Writers World, 2018.
  15. Psychological effects of music / Mishra ,Arjuna Kumar   - New Delhi: Venus Publications, 2019.
  16.  Bhojpuri sanskriti evam lok natyo me sangitik prampara / Kumar,Surender. - New Delhi: Kanishka Publishing House, 2019.
  17.    Delhi ke visisth kayodo ke vibhin parkar aur vistaar. / Kumar,Anil. - New Delhi: Maharani Publishing House, 2019.
  18. Birju Maharaj: the master through my eyes/ Sen,Saswati. - New Delhi: Niyogi Books, 2013.
  19.  Kathak vitan / Vaipeyi,Rashmi. - New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 2019.
  20.   Komal Gandhar Ustad Vilayat Khan ki atamkatha/  / Bhattacharya,Shankar Lal. - New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 2019.
  21.   Udayer pathe pathe// Bhattacharya,Shankar Lal. - New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 2019
  22.   The Dancing poet: Rabindranath Tagore and choreographies of participation.

        / Bhattacharya,Rimli. - New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2019.

  1. Impersonations: the artifice brahmin masculinity in South Indian dance / Kamath, Harshita Mruthinti - Oakland , California, USA: University of California Press, 2019.
  2. Kathak Kalpadrum/ Veohar ,Chetna Jyotish –Delhi: Swati Publication ,2019
  3. Kathak the dance of storytellers. / Ramya,Rachna. - New Delhi: Niyogi Books, 2019.
  4. The palgrave handbook of contemporary Irish theatre and performance / edited by Jordan, Eamonn and Weitz ,Eric. - London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  5. Teaching postdramatic theatre: Anxieties, aporias and disclosures / D'Cruz,Glenn. - Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  6.   Theatre for peacebuilding: The role of arts in conflict transformation in South Asia / Premaratna,Nilanjana. - Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  7. A confluence of Indian dance drama & text / Banerjee,Utpal K - Gurugram (Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2019.
  8.     Folk traditions of Northeast India / Baruah,Biren and Swaragi,Suman. - Gurugram (Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2019
  9. Indian music in the 21st Century / Banerjee,U. K. - Gurugram (Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2019.
  10. Rabindranritya: the dance idiom created by Tagore / Bandopadhay,Sruti - Gurugram,Haryana: Shubhi Publications, 2019.
  11. Conventions in Kutiyattam / Ittoo,Jacob. - Delhi: New Bhartiya Book Corporation, 2019.
  12.    Raag mala: Vishwaprashidhya sitarvadak Pandit Ravi Shankar ki atmakatha / Shankar ,Ravi. - Delhi: Bharatiya Jnanpith, 2019.
  13. Bharat ke shastriya nrtya navjagran aur uske baad / Venkataraman,Leela. - New Delhi: Niyogi Books, 2019.
  14. Natya sangraha: hasya vyangya evam samajik natak 1 / Prakash Sinha ,Daya. - New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 2018.
  15.   Crossing to Talikota / Karnad,Girish - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  16.    The non-conformist: memories of my father Balraj Sahni / Sahni, Parikshant - Gurugram,Haryana: Penguin Rangdom House, 2019
  17. Act: advanced consciousness training for actors / Kevin Page. - New York (USA): Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
  18. The art and practice of directing for theatre / Croock ,Paul B. - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
  19. The art of rehearsal: conversations with contemporary theatre makers / Edited by Simonsen,Barbara. - London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2017.
  20. The birth of modern theatre: rivalry ,riots and romance in the age of Garrick / Poser,Norman S.. - London (UK): Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
  21.   Islam in performance contemporary plays from South Asia / Edited by SenGupta ,Ashis. - London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
  22. The physical actor: contact improvisation from studio to stage / Loui,Annie - 2nd ed.. - New York: Routedge, 2019.
  23. Psychology for actors: Theories and practices for the acting process / Page, Kevin. - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
  24. Training actors' voices: towards an intercultural / interdisciplinary approach / Tara McAllister-Viel. - London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
  25.     The classicality of Odishi music / Parhi,Kirtan Narayan. - New Delhi: National Paperbacks, 2019.
  26. Do natak: Shatrugandh,Oxygen / Tripathi,Yogesh. - Delhi: Nayee Kitab Prakashan, 2019.
  27. Hindustani sangeet mei raagang / Mishra,Jytoi. - New Delhi: Kanishka Publishing House, 2019.
  28.  Ritikalin kavyo mei nritya / Choudhury,Shweta. - Delhi: B R Rhythms, 2020.
  29.  Sangeet nritya kathak / Nagar,Vidhi. - Delhi: B R Rhythms, 2020.
  30. Shabd aur sangeet: unravelling song text in India / Edited by Shubha Mudgal,Aneesha Pradhan and Kunal Ray. - Delhi: Three Essays Collective, 2019.
  31. Animism in art and performance / Edited by Braddock ,Christopher. - Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
  32.     Risk,participation and performance practice: critical vulnerabilities in a precarious world / Edited by Alice O'Grady. - Switzerland: Palgrave, 2017.
  33. Indian theatre traditions drama ,music and dance / Narayan ,Shovana. - Gurugram,Haryana: Shubhi Publications, 2019.
  34.  Aath laghu natak agar magar daftar / Rajhans ,Ramesh. - Mumbai: Paridrishya Prakashan, 2018
  35.     Brhaddesi / Edited by Bhalla ,Deepti Omchery. - Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 2017.
  36. Champa ke rajkanya -aitihasik angika natak / Prabhas ,Anirudh. - Delhi: Priyanka Prakashan, 2019.
  37. Gangaur gawarja / Sharma,Babulal. - Kolkata: Bhartiya Vidya Mandir, 2019.
  38.   Jayasenapativiracita nrttaratnavali –I and II / Edited & translated by Rao ,Pappu Venugopala and Thakore ,Yashoda. - New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 2019.
  39.  Natyasastra -Revisited / Edited by Gupt ,Bharat. - Mumbai: Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 2016.
  40. Prominent musicial instruments: technique and tradition / Edited by Saxena ,Madhubala. - Mumbai: Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 2019.
  41. Sangitaratnakara / Edited by Bhalla,Deepti Omchery. - Mumbai: Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 2019.
  42. Bebas tiranga / Tiwari ,Rajendra. - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2020.
  43. Dusri taraf / Dhingra,Suresh. - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2020.
  44. Haridasi sampraday main nirwahit pakhawaj vadan / Kumari,Neetu. - New Delhi: Radha Publications, 2019.
  45. Haryana aur Punjab ka loksangeet (tulanaatmak adhyan) / Mukesh. - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2019
  46. Himachal Pradesh ke avnand vaad tatha vadan shailliya / Sharma,Rajeev. - New Delhi: Satyam Publishing House, 2019
  47.    Kalakar aur satta vimarsh -ashadh ka ek din ,athwan sarg,Hanoosh natkon ke pariprekshya me / Singh ,Parul L. - Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh: Chintanprakashan, 2017.
  48. Meremaan ki Ganga / Dixit ,Radhey Shyam. - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2020.
  49. Mithak aur sathottari hindi natak / Mahato ,Kapildev. - New Delhi: Pragatisheel Prakashan, 2017.
  50.     Prem deewani Meera / Dixit,Radhey Shyam - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2019.
  51. Ragatma / Chaudhuri.,Debu - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2019.
  52. Rangmanch evam natyakala: ek samagar adhyayan / Deshraj. - Delhi: Bhartiya Vidhya Prakashan, 2018.
  53. Shimla-solan kshetra me prachalit dev sangeet / Bhatia,Kriti Garg. - New Delhi: Satyam Publishing House, 2019.
  54. Tumse na ho payega / Tiwari,Rajendra - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2019.
  55. Abhinay natak manch/ Mitra Shambhu- NEW DELHI: National School of Drama, 2020.
  56. Apne khud ke shabdon mein Lata Mangeshkar / Munni Kabir ,Nasreen - New Delhi: Noyogi Books, 2020.
  57.  Indian sun: the life and music of Ravi Shankar / Craske,Oliver-London:Faber & Faber Limited 2020.
  58. A philosophy of comedy on stage and screen: you have to be there/May,Shaun - New Delhi: Bloomsury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2019.
  59. Research methodology in Karnataka music/Ramakrishna,Lalita –Delhi: B.R Rhythms,2020
  60. Sebastian & sons: a brief history of mrdangam makers/Krishna,T M  - CHENNAI: Westland Publications Private Limited, 2020.
  61.   Hindi natya-vimarsa/Gulabrai - NEW DELHI: Mehharchand Lachhmandas Publications, 2020.
  62. Rai Pithaura/Vaipai,Bhagwati Prasad  - NEW DELHI: MEHHARCHAND LACHHMANDAS PUBLICATIONS, 2000.
  1.  Mohiniyattam: its art and gesthetics. - Gurugram (Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2020.Bhartiya sangeet aur kavi Ghananand /Pandey Archana . - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2020.
  2. Bhartiya sangeet ko media aur sanshaton ka yogdan / Sharma, Radhika. - NEW DELHI: SANJAY PRAKASHAN, 2020.
  3. Nagma-e-maushiki-Rampur: Rampur riyasat, Mughal shahkon evam kalakaron ka uttar Bhartiya sangeet mein yogtan / Pandey,Nirmal  - NEW DELHI: SANJAY PRAKASHAN, 2021.
  4. Rangmanch: Parampara aur itihas, bhag 1/Kaur,Shobha - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2021.
  5. Rangmanch: Parampara aur itihas, bhag 2/Kaur,Shobha - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2021
  6. Rangmanch: Parampara aur itihas, bhag 3/Kaur,Shobha - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2021
  7.  Ustad Mushtak Ali khan/Nagpal,Alka  - New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2020.
  8. Vadya sangeet evam raag nirupan/Mahajan,Anupam  - NEW DELHI: SANJAY PRAKASHAN, 2020.
  9. Anupam Kher: your best day is today/Kher,Anupam - NEW DELHI: Hay House Publishers India, 2021.
  10. The Indian drum of the king-god and the pakhawaj of Nathdwara/ Pacciolla,Paolo-New York (USA): Routledge, 2020.
  11. Sriramakirtimahakavyam : with english translation/Shastri,Satya Vrat  - DELHI: Shivalik Prakashan, 2020.
  12.   Art without frontiers: classical dance and music of India. - Gurugram (Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2020.
  13. Chhau dance : traditional to contemporary: edited by U. K. Banerjee. – Gurugram(Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2021.
  1. Shringara in classical Indian dance: edited by Sharon Lowen. - Gurugram (Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2021.
  2. Streevesham in Kathakali/ Gupta,Prabal - Gurugram (Haryana): Shubhi Publications, 2021.
  3. Thumri dadra: kal aur aaj / Praveen Jaret.. - NEW DELHI: K. K. Publications,       
  1. Veema, Bhabhulya, Ujas: Teen natak. - DELHI: Shree Natraj Prakashan, 2020.

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