Image of Sangeet Natak Akademi


  1. The name of the Society shall be the “Sangeet Natak Akademi”.
  2. The registered office of the Society shall be at Rabindra Bhavan, Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi, in the Union Territory of Delhi
  3. The object for which the Society is set up are:
    1. To co-ordinate the activities of regional or State Academies of music, dance and drama
    2. To promote research in the fields of Indian music, dance and drama and for this purpose, to establish a library and museum, etc.
    3. To co-operate with such similar Academies as there may be and other institutions and associations for the furtherance of its objects and for the enrichment of Indian culture as a whole
    4. To encourage the exchange of ideas and enrichment of techniques between the different regions in regard to the arts of music, dance and drama
    5. To encourage the establishment of theatre centres, on the basis of regional languages, and cooperation among different theatre centres
    6. To encourage the setting up of institutions providing training in the art of theatre, including instructions in actor’s training, study of state-craft and production of plays
    7. To encourage and assist production of new plays by awarding prizes and distinctions
    8. To publish literature on Indian music, dance and drama including reference works such as an illustrated dictionary or handbook of technical terms
    9. To give recognition to and otherwise assist meritorious, theatrical organizations
    10. To encourage the development of amateur dramatic activity, children’s theatre, the open-air theatre and the rural theatre in its various forms
    11. To revive and preserve folk music, folk dance and folk drama in different regions of the country and to encourage the development of community music, martial music and other types of music
    12. To sponsor music, dance and drama festivals, seminars, conferences on an all-India basis and to encourage such regional festivals
    13. To award prizes and distinctions and to give recognition to individual artistes for outstanding achievement in the field of music, dance and drama
    14. To take suitable steps for the maintenance of proper and adequate standards of education in music, dance and drama and with that object to organize research in the teaching of the said subjects
    15. To foster cultural contacts between the different regions of the country and also with other countries in the fields of music, dance and drama
    16. To accept grants of money, securities or property, of any kind and on such terms as may seem expedient
    17. To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, hire or otherwise howsoever any property movable or immovable which may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society and to build, construct, improve, alter, demolish and repair such buildings, works and constructions as may be necessary for carrying out the objects of the Society
    18. To sell, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise transfer all or any portion of the property movable and immovable of the Society, provided that prior approval in writing of the Central Government is obtained for the transfer of immovable property
    19. To invest and deal with any money and securities of the Akademi not immediately required for any of its activities in such a manner as may be provided by the rules and regulations of the Society as may from time to time be determined
    20. To draw, make, accept, endorse and discount cheques, notes or other negotiable instruments
    21. To issue appeals for funds in furtherance of the objects of the Akademi and undertake management of any endowments, trusts, funds or donations not inconsistent with the objects of the Akademi
    22. To create any Reserve Fund, Sinking Fund, Insurance Fund or any other Special Fund whether for depreciation or for repairs, improving, extending or maintaining any of the properties or rights of the Akademi and/or for recoupment of wasting assets and for any other purposes for which the Akademi deems it expedient or proper to create or maintain any such Fund or Funds
    23. To take over from the Sangeet Natak Akademi which was constituted by a Resolution of the Ministry of Education, Government of India dated the 31st May, 1952 all its assets of whatsoever nature including books, films, periodicals, furniture, accounts, and all its liabilities
    24. To borrow and raise moneys with or without security or on the security of a mortgage, charge, or hypothecation or pledge of all or any of the movable or immovable properties belonging to the Akademi or in any other manner whatsoever provided that prior approval in writing of the Central Government is obtained in that behalf
    25. To create administrative, technical, ministerial and other posts under the Akademi and to make appointments thereto in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Akademi
    26. To make Rules and Regulations and Bye-laws for the conduct of the affairs of the Akademi and to add to, amend, vary or rescind them from time to time with the approval of the Central Government
    27. To do all such other acts and things either alone or in conjunction with other organizations or persons as the Akademi may consider necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above said objectives.
  4. The names, addresses and occupations of the first members of the Executive Board of the Akademi to whom, by the rules of the Akademi, the management of affairs was entrusted were as follows:
  5. All property of the Akademi, movable and immovable shall vest in the Executive Board.
  6. The income and property of the Akademi however derived, shall be applied towards the promotion of the objects as set forth in this Memorandum of Association, subject, nevertheless, in respect of the expenditure of grants made by the Government of India to such limitations as the Government of India may from time to time impose. No portion of the income and property of the Akademi shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to persons who at any time are or have been members of the Akademi, or to any of them, or to any persons claiming through them or any of them, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any member or other person in return for service rendered to the Akademi, or for traveling allowance, halting allowance and other similar charges.
  7. The Akademi shall be deemed to have been entrusted with the functions of the Sangeet Natak Akademi constituted by a Resolution dated the 31st May, 1952 of the Ministry of Education, Government of India with effect from the date it is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
  8. If on the winding up or dissolution of the Society there shall remain after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Society or any of them, but shall be dealt with in the manner provided by sections 13 and 14 of Act XXI of 1860.
  9. A copy of the rules and regulations of the Akademi certified to be correct by three members of the Executive Board is filed with the Registrar of the Joint Stock Companies, New Delhi, along with the Memorandum of Association.
  1. Short Title

These Rules and Regulations may be called “Rules and Regulations of the Sangeet Natak Akademi.”

  1. The Sangeet Natak Akademi shall be the National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama for India.
  2. Definitions

In these Rules and Regulations unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. The ‘Akademi’ shall mean the Sangeet Natak Akademi
  2. The ‘General Council’ shall mean the entire body of members constituting the Sangeet Natak Akademi
  3. The ‘Board’ shall mean the Executive Board constituted as such under these Rules –

Words importing the singular number only include the plural number and vice-versa

Words importing the masculine gender also include the feminine gender.

  1. Members of the Akademi

The Akademi shall consist of the following members (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘the General Council’) namely:

  1. Chairman to be appointed by the President of India
  2. Financial Adviser to be appointed by the Government of India
  3. Five persons nominated by the Government of India
  4. One eminent person in the field of performing arts nominated by each of the States and Union Territories enumerated in the Constitution of India in consultation with the State Academies or equivalent institutions
  5. One representative of the Department of Culture to be nominated by the Government of India
  6. One representative of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to be nominated by the Government of India
  7. Two representatives from each of the two Academies namely, the Sahitya Akademi and the Lalit Kala Akademi and one each from National School of Drama and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi
  8. Twelve persons to be co-opted by the members mentioned in items i to vii above in consultation with organizations in the fields of music, dance and drama recognized by the Akademi for this purpose in accordance with the rules to be framed by the Akademi provided that the rules should be so framed as to ensure, wherever possible, the representation of:
  1. not less than two persons with adequate knowledge of Hindustani music
  2. not less than two persons with adequate knowledge of Carnatic Music
  3. not less than two persons with adequate knowledge of dance
  4. not less than two persons with adequate knowledge of drama
  1. Eight eminent persons in the fields of music, dance and drama from different regions of India to be co- opted in their individual capacity by the members mentioned in items i to vii above

The General Council shall continue for five years from the date appointed for its first meeting of the nominated/ appointed members and the expiration of such five years shall operate as a dissolution of the General Council.

  1. Roll of Members

The Akademi shall keep a roll of members giving their addresses and occupations and every member shall sign the same. If a member of the Akademi changes his address he shall notify his new address to the Secretary, who shall thereupon enter his new address in the roll of members. If the member fails to notify his new address, the address in the roll of members shall be deemed to be his address.

  1. Officers of the Akademi

The following shall be the officers of the Akademi, namely:

  1. Chairman
  2. Vice-Chairman
  3. Financial Adviser and
  4. Secretary
  1. Chairman
  1. The Chairman shall be appointed by the President of India and shall hold office for a term of five years.
  2. The Chairman shall have the powers to take decisions on behalf of the General Council or
  3. Executive Board when circumstances so warrant subject to the condition that the decision taken by the Chairman would need to be ratified by the General Council or the Executive Board as the case may be at its next meeting.
  4. The Chairman may delegate such of his powers as he may consider necessary to the Vice-chairman or to the Secretary.
  1. Vice-Chairman

The Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the General Council of the Akademi from among its members and shall hold office for five years. But the first Vice-Chairman shall be appointed by the Government of India.

The Vice-Chairman shall, in the absence of the Chairman for whatever reason, exercise all the functions and powers of the Chairman.

  1. Financial Adviser

The Financial Adviser shall be appointed by the Government of India and shall hold such office at the pleasure of the said Government.

The Financial Adviser shall generally advise the Akademi in all matters relating to the management of the properties and investments of the Akademi, preparation of the annual estimates and statements of accounts and the expenditure of funds for the purpose for which they have been granted or allotted.

In order to ensure efficient management of the finances of the Akademi, the Financial Adviser shall have the following powers and functions, namely:

  1. To examine and scrutinize the budget of the Akademi prepared by the Secretary
  2. To consider all proposals for new expenditure
  3. To consider the audit report
  4. To revise the finances of the Akademi from time to time and
  5. To give advise on any financial question affecting the Akademi either on his own initiative or at the instance of the Secretary or any of the bodies of the Akademi.
  1. Secretary
  1. The Secretary shall be the Principal Executive Officer of the Akademi and he shall be appointed by the Executive Board for such period and on such terms and conditions as the Executive Board may determine.
  2. The Secretary shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the General Council, the Executive Board, the Finance Committee and all other Committees which may be set up by the Chairman, the General Council or the Executive Board, but shall not be deemed to be a Member of any of those authorities.
  3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary
  1. To be the custodian of the records and such other property of the Akademi as the Executive Board may commit to his charge
  2. To conduct the official correspondence on behalf of the authorities of the Akademi
  3. To issue all notices convening meetings of authorities of the Akademi and of all committees appointed by any of those authorities
  4. To keep the minutes of all meetings of the authorities of the Akademi and of all committees appointed by any of those authorities
  5. To maintain accounts of the Akademi
  6. Subject to the control of the Executive Board, to manage the property and investments of the Akademi and be responsible for the preparation of the annual estimates and statements of accounts and for their presentation to the Executive Board and the General Council
  7. subject to the powers of the Executive Board, to be responsible for seeing that all moneys are expended on the purposes for which they are granted or allotted
  8. to sign all contracts and assurances of property made on behalf of the Akademi after the same have been approved by the Executive Board
  9. to exercise such other powers as may be assigned to him by the Executive Board or the General Council
  1. The receipt of the Secretary or the person duly authorized in this behalf by the Executive Board for any moneys paid into the Akademi shall be sufficient discharge for the same.

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